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306 lines (187 loc) · 15.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Fix another case where 'infinite-retry' would not work and the program would stop on an error.
  • Enable multiple substreams authentication methods (API key, JWT), using flags --api-key-envvar and --api-token-envvar.
  • Deprecates the use of SF_API_TOKEN environment variable, now use default SUBSTREAMS_API_TOKEN or set your own using --api-token-envvar


  • Fixed spurious error reporting when the sinker is terminating or has been canceled.

  • Updated substreams dependency to latest version v1.3.7.


  • Improved substreams stream stats log line but now using substreams_sink_progress_message_total_processed_blocks for progress_block_rate replacing the progress_msg_rate which wasn't meaningful anymore (and broken because the metric was never updated).

  • Fixed a crash when providing a single block argument for block range if it's the same as the Substreams' start block.

  • Added --network flag and handling proper handling.


  • It's now possible to define on your handler the method HandleBlockRangeCompletion(ctx context.Context, cursor *sink.Cursor) error which will be called back when the sink.Sinker instance fully completed the request block range (infinite streaming or terminate because of an error does not trigger it).


Substreams Progress Messages

  • Bumped substreams to v1.1.12 to support the new progress message format. Progression now relates to stages instead of modules. You can get stage information using the substreams info command starting at version v1.1.12.

Changed Prometheus Metrics

  • substreams_sink_progress_message_last_end_block removed in favor of substreams_sink_progress_message_last_block (per stage)

Added Prometheus Metrics

  • Added substreams_sink_progress_message_total_processed_blocks
  • Added substreams_sink_progress_message_last_block
  • Added substreams_sink_progress_message_last_contiguous_block (per stage)
  • Added substreams_sink_progress_message_running_jobs(per stage)

Other changes

  • Added manifest path in error message when failing to read it.
  • When back off limit expires, the returned error now also contains the last retryable error unwrapped received.




  • Breaking Flag shorthand -p for --plaintext has been re-assigned to Substreams params definition, to align with substreams run/gui on that aspect. There is no shorthand anymore for --plaintext.

    If you were using before -p, please convert to --plaintext.

    Note We expect that this is affecting very few users as --plaintext is usually used only on developers machine.


  • gRPC InvalidArgument error(s) are not retried anymore like specifying and invalid start block or argument in your request.

  • Breaking ReadManifestAndModule signature changed to add params []string, this is required for proper computation of module's output hash, upgrade by passing nil for this parameter.

  • Breaking ReadManifestAndModuleAndBlockRange signature changed to add params []string, this is required for proper computation of module's output hash, upgrade by passing nil for this parameter.


  • Added support for --params, -p (can be repeated multiple times) on the form -p <module>=<value>.

  • Added logging of new Session received values (linear_handoff_block, max_parallel_workers and resolved_start_block).

  • Added --header, -H (can be repeated multiple times) flag to pass extra headers to the server.

  • Added ClientConfig on sink.Sinker instance to retrieve Substreams client configuration easily.

  • Added ReadManifestAndModuleAndBlockRange as a convenience for ReadManifestAndModule and ReadBlockRange.

  • Added ReadBlockRange so that it's possible to easily read a block range argument against a Substreams parsed module.


  • The stop_block for infinite streaming passed to the server is now 0, it seems MaxUint64 was causing some issues on the server, should result normally in better startup performance now.



  • Added support for multiple expected output types in sink.NewFromViper and sink.ReadManifestAndModule, facilitates simple package id renames.

  • Added sink.ReadManifestAndModule helper to easily get the full sink logic to load a manifest (expected output type, checks, etc.).



  • Fixed reported data_msg and progress_msg on exit to be the real final value from the counter.

  • Fixed the end_at block reported in a log statement.




  • It's now possible to pass sink.WithRetryBackOff(backOff) instance instead of using the default configured back off (only from code).

    Note If infinite-retry == false is configured on the sinker, your back off will be wrapped with backoff.WithMaxRetries(backOff, 15), this is not yet configurable.



  • Improved what can be parsed as a block range value (see spec).



  • Fixed cursor not being updated when sink has no undo buffer configured.


  • Added possibility to disable block buffer by specifying WithBlockDataBuffer(0).
  • Added possibility to call sinker.ApiToken() and sinker.EndpointConfig() to retrieve client configuration of the sinker instance.
  • Added new Prometheus metric head_block_time_drift{service=substreams_sink} to record the head block time drift against now.
  • Added new Prometheus metric substreams_sink_message_size_bytes to record messages total bytes received from Substreams server.
  • Added new Prometheus metric substreams_sink_data_message_size_bytes to record BlockScopedProgressData messages total bytes received from Substreams server.
  • Added new Prometheus metric substreams_sink_progress_message_last_end_block to record received ModuleProgress reporting progress last processed block.
  • Added new Prometheus metric substreams_sink_unknown_message to record total message of unknown type received (could happen if server send messages that client don't understand due to version mistmatch).
  • Added new Prometheus metric substreams_sink_backprocessing_completion to record that backprocessing (if scheduled for your request is now completed, note that forward parallel execution could still be active).



  • Added possibility to ignore flag to set when using sink.AddFlagsToSet, for example:

    sink.AddFlagsToSet(flags, sink.FlagIgnore(sink.FlagFinalBlocksOnly))


  • When specifying WithFinalBlocksOnly(), undo buffer is automatically sets to 0 (no buffering).


  • Fixed bug when flag are ignored and not defined.



Update to sf.substreams.rpc.v2 protocol and changed re-org handling

We have now updated the sink to use sf.substreams.rpc.v2 protocol for communicating with the Substreams backend. This new protocol introduces a quite different way of receiving undo signal(s) from Substreams.

Each occurrences of pbsubstreams.Request, pbsubstreams.Response, pbsubstreams.BlockScopedData (and a few others) must be moved to pbsubstreamsrpc.<Name> where import statement is pbsubstreamsrpc "". Note that pbsubstreams.ForkStep has been removed completely, below we discuss how to determine final block height.

You must now pass a sink.BlockUndoSignalHandler when running your sink.Sinker instance, this new handler will receive undo signal which are now just contains the last canonical block to revert back to and the cursor to use.

While previously you would receive steps like:

  1. BlockScopedData (Step: New, Block #5a, Cursor a)
  2. BlockScopedData (Step: New, Block #6b, Cursor b)
  3. BlockScopedData (Step: New, Block #7b, Cursor c)
  4. BlockScopedData (Step: Undo, Block #7b, Cursor c)
  5. BlockScopedData (Step: Undo, Block #6b, Cursor b)
  6. BlockScopedData (Step: New, Block #6a, Cursor e)

Now the signalling will be like:

  1. BlockScopedData (Block #5a, Cursor a)
  2. BlockScopedData (Block #6b, Cursor b)
  3. BlockScopedData (Block #7b, Cursor c)
  4. BlockUndoSignal (Block #5a, Cursor a')
  5. BlockScopedData (Block #6a, Cursor e)

Now a BlockUndoSignal must be treated as "delete every data that has been recorded after block height specified by block in BlockUndoSignal". In the example above, this means we must delete changes done by Block #7b and Block #6b. The exact details depends on your own logic. If for example all your added record contain a block number, a simple way is to do delete all records where block_num > 5 which is the block num received in the BlockUndoSignal (this is true for append only records, so when only INSERT are allowed).

The pbsubstreams.ForkStep has been removed completely. The default behavior is to send pbsubstreamsrpc.BlockScopedData and pbsubstreamsprc.BlockUndoSignal which corresponds to old ForkStepNew and ForkStepUndo. The ForkStepIrreversible are not sent anymore. Instead, the pbsubstreamsrpc.BlockScopedData message gained a filed FinalBlockHeight which determines for the received block at which block height Substreams is considering blocks to be final. If you wish to only receive final blocks, you can use sink.WithFinalBlocksOnly sinker Option.

The sink.Sinker and sink.New(...) change in signature also to make nesting easier. Now the handlers must be passed when calling Run. The constructor also removed the possibility to pass which ForkStep to handle.

The sink.BlockScopedDataHandler signature changed, the message is now the first argument, the second argument determines if the block is live, it will be non-nil if a sink.WithLivenessChecker has been configured. If the liveness checker determines the block is live, current implementation checks if block's timestamp is within defined delta, the isLive will be pointing to a non-nil true value, otherwise a non-nil false value. Finally the cursor is the last element.

The sink.BlockUndoSignalHandler must be defined to correctly received undo signal from the Substreams RPC. If can be left nil only if sink.WithFinalBlocksOnly is configured. How you handle the undo signal is left on the consumer.

handler := func(ctx context.Context, cursor *sink.Cursor, data *pbsubstreams.BlockScopedData) error { ... }
steps := []pbsubstreams.ForkStep{pbsubstreams.ForkStep_STEP_NEW, pbsubstreams.ForkStep_STEP_UNDO}

sinkOptions := []sink.Option{...}
// If you had `steps := []pbsubstreams.ForkStep{pbsubstreams.ForkStep_STEP_IRREVERSIBLE}`, now pass `sink.WithFinalBlocksOnly` as a `SinkOption` instead
// sinkOptions := append(sinkOptions, sink.WithFinalBlocksOnly())

sink, err = sink.New(
if err != nil { ... }

if err := s.sink.Start(ctx, s.blockRange, cursor); err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("sink failed: %w", err)
handleData := func(ctx context.Context, data *pbsubstreamsrpc.BlockScopedData, isLive *bool, cursor *Cursor) error { ... }
handleUndo := func(ctx context.Context, undo *pbsubstreamsrpc.BlockUndoSignal, cursor *Cursor) error { ... }

sinkOptions := []sink.Option{sink.WithBlockRange(s.blockRange)}
// If you had `steps := []pbsubstreams.ForkStep{pbsubstreams.ForkStep_STEP_IRREVERSIBLE}`, now pass `sink.WithFinalBlocksOnly` as a `SinkOption` instead
// sinkOptions := append(sinkOptions, sink.WithFinalBlocksOnly())

sink, err = sink.New(
if err != nil { ... }

sink.OnTerminating(func (err error) {
    if err != nil {
        // Sinker failed, do something with err

go sink.Run(ctx, cursor, sink.NewSinkerHandlers(handleData, handleUndo))

Liveness Checker

The sink.Sinker library added support for checking if a block is live or not. You can configure our sink.DeltaLivenessChecker check passing it as an Option on sink.New(..., sink.WithLivenessChecker(sink.NewDeltaLivenessChecker(delta))). The sink.DeltaLivenessChecker determines that a block is live is time.Now() - block.Timestamp() <= delta.

Once a liveness checker is configured, the isLive argument in your sink.BlockScopedDataHandler will start to be non-nil and the value will be result of having called sink.DeltaLivenessChecker.IsLive(block).

Retryable Errors

Errors coming out of the handler(s) are not retried by default anymore. This because errors coming out of your handler are usually not retryable. If you wish to keep this behavior, you can use sink.NewRetryableError(err) to make it back retryable.


The sink.Cursor backing implementation changed which will now avoid the need to pass to which block the cursor points to. The block pointed to is now extracted directly from the cursor value.

  • sink.NewCursor(cursor, block) becomes simply sink.NewCursor(cursor).


  • Added sink.NewFromViper to easily create an instance from viper predefined flags, expected that cli.ConfigureViper or cli.ConfigureViperForCommand has been used, use sink.AddFlagsToSet to add flags to a flag set.

    • This new method make it much easier to maintain the a sink flags and configures it from flags. This changelog will list changes made to flags so when updating, you can copy it over to your own changelog.
  • Added sink.AddFlagsToSet to easily add all sinker flags to a pflag.FlagSet instance.

  • Added sink.WithBlockRange sinker Option to limit the Sinker to a specific range (runs for whole chain if unset).

  • Added sink.WithLivenessChecker sinker Option to configure a liveness check on the sinker instance.


  • Stats are printed each 15s when logger level is info or higher and 5s when it's debug or lower.

  • Deprecation The flag --irreversible-only is deprecated, use --final-blocks-only instead.

  • Breaking The sink.New signature changed, handlers

  • Breaking The sink.New signature changed

    • The sink.BlockScopedDataHandler handler must not be passed in the constructor anymore.
    • The forkSteps arguments has been removed.
  • Breaking The sink.Sinker field BlockScopedDataHandler has been removed (renamed and made private).

  • Breaking Type name sink.BlockScopeDataHandler signature changed, the argument data is now of type pbsubstreamsrpc.BlockScopedData (imported via pbsubstreamsrpc "").


  • Breaking Type name sink.BlockScopeDataHandler has been renamed to sink.BlockScopedDataHandler (note the d on Scoped). First official release of the library, latest release until refactor to support the new upcoming Substreams V2 RPC protocol.