diff --git a/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_launch/config/pcodar_vrx.yaml b/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_launch/config/pcodar_vrx.yaml
index 39c0d39fa..b9cfb71e1 100644
--- a/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_launch/config/pcodar_vrx.yaml
+++ b/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_launch/config/pcodar_vrx.yaml
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ cluster_min_points: 5
cluster_max_points: 1000
# Associator
-associator_max_distance: 20.0
-associator_forget_unseen: true
+associator_max_distance: 2.0
+associator_forget_unseen: false
# Ogrid
ogrid_height_meters: 500
diff --git a/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_missions/navigator_missions/__init__.py b/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_missions/navigator_missions/__init__.py
index 45b0133b3..429f1706d 100644
--- a/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_missions/navigator_missions/__init__.py
+++ b/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_missions/navigator_missions/__init__.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
from .killed import Killed
from .move import Move
from .navigation import Navigation
+from .navigation_gatefinder import NavigationGatefinder
from .navigator import NaviGatorMission
from .obstacle_avoid import ObstacleAvoid
from .pinger import PingerMission
diff --git a/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_missions/navigator_missions/navigation_gatefinder.py b/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_missions/navigator_missions/navigation_gatefinder.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aea2603c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_missions/navigator_missions/navigation_gatefinder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import math
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Enum, auto
+from typing import ClassVar
+import axros
+import numpy as np
+import rospy
+from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
+from mil_msgs.msg import PerceptionObject
+from std_srvs.srv import SetBoolRequest
+from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler
+from .navigator import NaviGatorMission
+class BuoyColor(Enum):
+ RED = auto()
+ GREEN = auto()
+ WHITE = auto()
+ UNKNOWN = auto()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_label(cls, label: str):
+ if "red" in label.lower():
+ return cls.RED
+ if "green" in label.lower():
+ return cls.GREEN
+ if "white" in label.lower():
+ return cls.WHITE
+ return cls.UNKNOWN
+class Buoy:
+ color: BuoyColor
+ pose: Pose
+ id: int
+ @classmethod
+ def from_perception_object(cls, perception_object: PerceptionObject):
+ return cls(
+ color=BuoyColor.from_label(perception_object.labeled_classification),
+ pose=perception_object.pose,
+ id=perception_object.id,
+ )
+ def xyz(self):
+ return np.array(
+ [self.pose.position.x, self.pose.position.y, self.pose.position.z],
+ )
+ def distance(self, pose: Pose) -> float:
+ return math.sqrt(
+ ((pose.position.x - self.pose.position.x) ** 2)
+ + ((pose.position.y - self.pose.position.y) ** 2),
+ )
+class Gate:
+ left_buoy: Buoy
+ right_buoy: Buoy
+ traversed: bool = False
+ required_left_color: ClassVar[BuoyColor]
+ required_right_color: ClassVar[BuoyColor]
+ @property
+ def mid_pose(self):
+ # Calculate the midpoint of the found buoys
+ mid_x = (self.left_buoy.pose.position.x + self.right_buoy.pose.position.x) / 2
+ mid_y = (self.left_buoy.pose.position.y + self.right_buoy.pose.position.y) / 2
+ slope = (self.left_buoy.pose.position.x - self.right_buoy.pose.position.x) / (
+ self.left_buoy.pose.position.y - self.right_buoy.pose.position.y
+ )
+ angle = math.atan(slope) + math.pi / 2
+ pose = Pose()
+ pose.position.x = mid_x
+ pose.position.y = mid_y
+ quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angle)
+ pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
+ pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
+ pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
+ pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
+ return (mid_x, mid_y, 0), quat
+ @classmethod
+ def other_color(cls, color_one: BuoyColor) -> BuoyColor:
+ if color_one == cls.required_left_color:
+ return cls.required_right_color
+ if color_one == cls.required_right_color:
+ return cls.required_left_color
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Color {color_one} cannot form this gate.")
+class MiddleGate(Gate):
+ required_left_color = BuoyColor.RED
+ required_right_color = BuoyColor.GREEN
+class StartGate(Gate):
+ required_left_color = BuoyColor.RED
+ required_right_color = BuoyColor.GREEN
+class EndGate(Gate):
+ required_left_color = BuoyColor.RED
+ required_right_color = BuoyColor.GREEN
+class GateClassifier:
+ def __init__(self, mission: NavigationGatefinder):
+ self.mission = mission
+ self.trajectory = []
+ self.ids_invesitigated = set()
+ self.failures_to_move = 0
+ self.midpoint_lengths = []
+ def _nearby_buoys(self, buoy: Buoy) -> list[Buoy]:
+ """
+ Returns a list of nearby buoys, sorted by distance.
+ """
+ nearby = sorted(self.ordered_buoys, key=lambda b: b.distance(buoy.pose))
+ return [n for n in nearby if n.distance(buoy.pose) < 20]
+ def mark_completed(self, gate: Gate) -> None:
+ pass
+ async def get_next_gate(self, boat_pose) -> Gate | int:
+ # Get all database objects
+ objects: list[PerceptionObject] = (
+ await self.mission.database_query(name="all")
+ ).objects
+ # get nearest red and nearest green buoys
+ nearest_red: None | Buoy = None
+ nearest_green: None | Buoy = None
+ for db_object in objects:
+ # Could we do this more efficiently with a different database request?
+ DB_BUOY = Buoy.from_perception_object(db_object)
+ if (
+ db_object.labeled_classification == "red_cylinder"
+ and DB_BUOY.id not in self.ids_invesitigated
+ ):
+ if nearest_red:
+ distance = np.linalg.norm(DB_BUOY.xyz() - boat_pose)
+ nearest_red_distance = np.linalg.norm(nearest_red.xyz() - boat_pose)
+ nearest_red = (
+ DB_BUOY if distance < nearest_red_distance else nearest_red
+ )
+ else:
+ nearest_red = DB_BUOY
+ if (
+ db_object.labeled_classification == "green_cylinder"
+ and DB_BUOY.id not in self.ids_invesitigated
+ ):
+ if nearest_green:
+ distance = np.linalg.norm(DB_BUOY.xyz() - boat_pose)
+ nearest_green_distance = np.linalg.norm(
+ nearest_green.xyz() - boat_pose,
+ )
+ nearest_green = (
+ DB_BUOY if distance < nearest_green_distance else nearest_green
+ )
+ else:
+ nearest_green = DB_BUOY
+ # calculate midpoint between both points
+ # if ONLY green then go to a point 5 meters from the right of the green buoy
+ # if ONLY red then go to a point 5 meters from the left of the red buoy
+ # mark those buoys as investigated
+ mid_point = None
+ if nearest_green and nearest_red:
+ self.ids_invesitigated.add(nearest_red.id)
+ self.ids_invesitigated.add(nearest_green.id)
+ mid_x = (nearest_green.pose.position.x + nearest_red.pose.position.x) / 2
+ mid_y = (nearest_green.pose.position.y + nearest_red.pose.position.y) / 2
+ mid_point = (mid_x, mid_y, 0)
+ self.trajectory.append(mid_point)
+ # missing red
+ elif nearest_green:
+ rospy.logerr(
+ f"Could not find red for green({nearest_green.id}), here is the boats pos:\n{boat_pose}",
+ )
+ # Get nearest red to the green
+ objects: list[PerceptionObject] = (
+ await self.mission.database_query(name="all")
+ ).objects
+ nearest_red = None
+ for db_object in objects:
+ # Could we do this more efficiently with a different database request?
+ rospy.logerr(db_object.labeled_classification)
+ DB_BUOY = Buoy.from_perception_object(db_object)
+ if (
+ db_object.labeled_classification == "red_cylinder"
+ and DB_BUOY.id not in self.ids_invesitigated
+ ):
+ if nearest_red:
+ distance = np.linalg.norm(DB_BUOY.xyz() - nearest_green.xyz())
+ nearest_red_distance = np.linalg.norm(
+ nearest_red.xyz() - nearest_green.xyz(),
+ )
+ nearest_red = (
+ DB_BUOY if distance < nearest_red_distance else nearest_red
+ )
+ else:
+ nearest_red = DB_BUOY
+ # Set midpoint if nearest red was found
+ if nearest_red:
+ mid_x = (
+ nearest_green.pose.position.x + nearest_red.pose.position.x
+ ) / 2
+ mid_y = (
+ nearest_green.pose.position.y + nearest_red.pose.position.y
+ ) / 2
+ mid_point = (mid_x, mid_y, 0)
+ self.trajectory.append(mid_point)
+ # missing green
+ elif nearest_red:
+ rospy.logerr(
+ f"Could not find green for red({nearest_red.id}), here is the boats pos:\n{boat_pose}",
+ )
+ # Get nearest green to the red
+ objects: list[PerceptionObject] = (
+ await self.mission.database_query(name="all")
+ ).objects
+ nearest_green = None
+ for db_object in objects:
+ DB_BUOY = Buoy.from_perception_object(db_object)
+ if (
+ db_object.labeled_classification == "green_cylinder"
+ and DB_BUOY.id not in self.ids_invesitigated
+ ):
+ if nearest_green:
+ distance = np.linalg.norm(DB_BUOY.xyz() - nearest_red.xyz())
+ nearest_green_distance = np.linalg.norm(
+ nearest_green.xyz() - nearest_red.xyz(),
+ )
+ nearest_green = (
+ if distance < nearest_green_distance
+ else nearest_green
+ )
+ else:
+ nearest_green = DB_BUOY
+ # Set midpoint if nearest red was found
+ if nearest_green:
+ mid_x = (
+ nearest_green.pose.position.x + nearest_red.pose.position.x
+ ) / 2
+ mid_y = (
+ nearest_green.pose.position.y + nearest_red.pose.position.y
+ ) / 2
+ mid_point = (mid_x, mid_y, 0)
+ self.trajectory.append(mid_point)
+ rospy.logerr(mid_point)
+ # return next move point
+ if mid_point and nearest_green and nearest_red:
+ self.failures_to_move = 0
+ rospy.logerr(f"nearest red: {nearest_red.id}")
+ rospy.logerr(f"nearest green: {nearest_green.id}")
+ self.trajectory.append(mid_point)
+ self.midpoint_lengths.append(
+ math.sqrt(
+ (nearest_green.pose.position.x - mid_point[0]) ** 2
+ + (nearest_green.pose.position.y - mid_point[1]) ** 2,
+ ),
+ )
+ return Gate(nearest_red, nearest_green)
+ if self.failures_to_move > FAILURE_THRESHOLD:
+ return -1
+ # from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
+ # from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
+ # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ # points=np.array(self.trajectory)
+ # x = points[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1) # Reshape for sklearn
+ # y = points[:, 1]
+ # # Follow the trajectory until you reach the farthest cylinder that is within the
+ # poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2) # You can change the degree as needed
+ # x_poly = poly.fit_transform(x)
+ # # Fit the polynomial regression model
+ # model = LinearRegression()
+ # model.fit(x_poly, y)
+ # x_pred = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 100)
+ # # Predict using the transformed features
+ # y_pred = model.predict(poly.transform(x_pred))
+ # # Plot the results
+ # plt.scatter(x, y, color='blue', label='Original Points')
+ # plt.plot(x_pred, y_pred, color='red', label='Predicted Trajectory')
+ # plt.xlabel('X Position')
+ # plt.ylabel('Y Position')
+ # plt.title('Robot Trajectory Prediction (Polynomial)')
+ # plt.legend()
+ # plt.show()
+ self.failures_to_move += 1
+ return 0
+ async def available_gates(self) -> list[Gate]:
+ """
+ Returns a list of the gates that still need to be traversed.
+ """
+ gates: list[Gate] = []
+ objects: list[PerceptionObject] = (
+ await self.mission.database_query(name="all")
+ ).objects
+ found_buoys: set[Buoy] = set()
+ for db_object in objects:
+ # Could we do this more efficiently with a different database request?
+ if "buoy" not in db_object.labeled_classification:
+ continue
+ # Ignore circular buoys
+ if "circular" in db_object.labeled_classification:
+ continue
+ found_buoys.add(Buoy.from_perception_object(db_object))
+ # Order the buoys by distance (to form gates easier)
+ pose = self.mission.pose
+ assert pose is not None
+ self.ordered_buoys: list[Buoy] = sorted(
+ found_buoys,
+ key=lambda b: b.distance(pose),
+ )
+ # Turn the buoys into gates
+ handled_buoys: set[Buoy] = set()
+ print(f"found {len(found_buoys)}...")
+ for buoy in found_buoys:
+ # Ignore if already a part of another gate
+ if buoy in handled_buoys:
+ continue
+ # Find all nearby buoys that could potentially form a gates
+ nearby_buoys = self._nearby_buoys(buoy)
+ # Which gate should we be making?
+ intended_gate = MiddleGate
+ if len(gates) == 0:
+ intended_gate = StartGate
+ other_color = intended_gate.other_color(buoy.color)
+ nearby_colored_buoys = [b for b in nearby_buoys if b.color == other_color]
+ if len(nearby_colored_buoys) == 0:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Can't find any nearby buoys matching the color needed for this gate!",
+ )
+ closest_nearest_buoy = nearby_colored_buoys[0]
+ gates.append(intended_gate(buoy, closest_nearest_buoy))
+ handled_buoys.add(buoy)
+ handled_buoys.add(closest_nearest_buoy)
+ return gates
+class NavigationGatefinder(NaviGatorMission):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ async def run(self, parameters):
+ await self.change_wrench("autonomous")
+ await axros.util.wrap_time_notice(
+ self.set_classifier_enabled.wait_for_service(),
+ 4,
+ "classifier enable service",
+ )
+ await self.set_classifier_enabled(SetBoolRequest(True))
+ # start_pose = await self.tx_pose()
+ classifier = GateClassifier(self)
+ while True:
+ rospy.logerr(classifier.ids_invesitigated)
+ next_gate = await classifier.get_next_gate(self.pose[0])
+ if next_gate is Gate:
+ await self.move.set_position(next_gate.mid_pose[0]).set_orientation(
+ next_gate.mid_pose[1],
+ ).go()
+ elif next_gate == -1:
+ rospy.loginfo("All Done!")
+ break
diff --git a/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path1_clear.world b/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path1_clear.world
index e6adad950..f48b90002 100644
--- a/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path1_clear.world
+++ b/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path1_clear.world
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
-33.722718 150.674031 0.0
- 300
@@ -208,16 +207,6 @@
- buoy_start_r
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -520.338 168.871 0 0 0 -1.44
- buoy_start_l
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -531.2 176.364 0 0 0 -1.44
@@ -278,15 +267,5 @@
-500.408539 209.651611 0 0 0 -1.44
- buoy_end_r
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -490.633240 200.413437 0 0 0 -1.44
- buoy_end_l
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -492.262939 209.520996 0 0 0 -1.44
diff --git a/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path1_obs.world b/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path1_obs.world
index e339607e3..3975b4e93 100644
--- a/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path1_obs.world
+++ b/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path1_obs.world
@@ -208,16 +208,6 @@
- buoy_start_r
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -520.338 168.871 0 0 0 -1.44
- buoy_start_l
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -531.2 176.364 0 0 0 -1.44
@@ -278,16 +268,6 @@
-500.408539 209.651611 0 0 0 -1.44
- buoy_end_r
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -490.633240 200.413437 0 0 0 -1.44
- buoy_end_l
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -492.262939 209.520996 0 0 0 -1.44
diff --git a/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path2_clear.world b/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path2_clear.world
index 9aebd1fdb..37cfe0bb8 100644
--- a/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path2_clear.world
+++ b/NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo/worlds/pathfinding/path2_clear.world
@@ -208,16 +208,6 @@
- buoy_start_r
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -520.338 168.871 0 0 0 -1.44
- buoy_start_l
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -531.2 176.364 0 0 0 -1.44
@@ -278,15 +268,5 @@
-509.021057 211.978912 0 0 0 -1.44
- buoy_end_r
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -501.999146 201.727905 0 0 0 -1.44
- buoy_end_l
- model://mb_marker_buoy_white
- -499.310181 210.086487 0 0 0 -1.44