diff --git a/SubjuGator/command/subjugator_launch/launch/subsystems/perception.launch b/SubjuGator/command/subjugator_launch/launch/subsystems/perception.launch
index 0d93e4ae9..02b1b7cfa 100644
--- a/SubjuGator/command/subjugator_launch/launch/subsystems/perception.launch
+++ b/SubjuGator/command/subjugator_launch/launch/subsystems/perception.launch
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
diff --git a/SubjuGator/perception/subjugator_perception/nodes/orange_pill_detection.py b/SubjuGator/perception/subjugator_perception/nodes/orange_pill_detection.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d814cca30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SubjuGator/perception/subjugator_perception/nodes/orange_pill_detection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import datetime
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import rospy
+from image_geometry import PinholeCameraModel
+from mil_ros_tools import Image_Publisher, Image_Subscriber
+from std_msgs.msg import Float32
+class CannyOrangePillDetection:
+ ERROR = 0.05
+ def __init__(self):
+ camera = rospy.get_param("~image_topic", "/camera/down/image_rect_color")
+ self.image_sub = Image_Subscriber(camera, self.vectorize_image)
+ self.image_pub = Image_Publisher("~vector_viz_topic")
+ self.image_pub_pre = Image_Publisher("~shark_viz")
+ self.camera_info = self.image_sub.wait_for_camera_info()
+ assert self.camera_info is not None
+ self.angle_pub = rospy.Publisher("angle_offset", Float32, queue_size=10)
+ self.cam = PinholeCameraModel()
+ self.cam.fromCameraInfo(self.camera_info)
+ def binarize_frame_by_red_channel(self, frame, threshold=100):
+ """
+ Binarize the frame based on the values of the red channel.
+ """
+ red_channel = frame[:, :, 0]
+ binary_mask = (red_channel >= threshold).astype(np.uint8)
+ binary_mask = binary_mask * 255
+ return binary_mask
+ def binarize_frame_by_thresholding(self, frame):
+ gaus_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (3, 3), 5)
+ blue, green, red = cv2.split(gaus_image)
+ mask1 = (
+ (blue - self.BRIGHT_OFFSET < red) & (blue - self.BRIGHT_OFFSET < green)
+ ).astype(np.uint8) * 255
+ kernel = np.ones((11, 11), np.uint8)
+ mask1 = cv2.morphologyEx(mask1, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
+ return mask1
+ def preprocess_frame(self, frame):
+ """
+ Extracts the red channel from the frame and magnifies its values to uncover path markers.
+ """
+ original_frame = frame
+ inverted_image = cv2.bitwise_not(original_frame)
+ original_array = np.array(original_frame, dtype=np.int64)
+ inv_original_array = np.array(inverted_image, dtype=np.int64)
+ red_channel = original_array[:, :, 2]
+ result_image = original_array.copy()
+ result_image[:, :, 0] = (
+ (result_image[:, :, 0] - np.min(result_image[:, :, 0]))
+ / (np.max(result_image[:, :, 0]) - np.min(result_image[:, :, 0]))
+ * 255
+ )
+ red_channel = result_image[:, :, 2]
+ result_image[:, :, 0] = red_channel * (
+ red_channel + inv_original_array[:, :, 0]
+ )
+ result_image[:, :, 1] = 0
+ result_image[:, :, 2] = 0
+ result_image[:, :, 0] = (
+ (result_image[:, :, 0] - np.min(result_image[:, :, 0]))
+ / (np.max(result_image[:, :, 0]) - np.min(result_image[:, :, 0]))
+ * 255
+ )
+ result_image = np.clip(result_image, 0, 255)
+ result_image = result_image.astype(np.uint8)
+ self.image_pub_pre.publish(np.array(result_image))
+ return result_image
+ def extract_edges(self, bin_img):
+ edges = cv2.Canny(bin_img, 20, 200)
+ contours, _ = cv2.findContours(
+ edges,
+ )
+ contour_image = np.zeros_like(edges)
+ contour_image_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(contour_image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
+ cv2.drawContours(contour_image, contours, -1, (255), 2)
+ lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(
+ contour_image,
+ 1,
+ np.pi / 180,
+ threshold=50,
+ minLineLength=100,
+ maxLineGap=20,
+ )
+ return lines, contour_image_bgr
+ def group_and_draw_vectors(self, lines, contour_image_bgr):
+ radians = {}
+ if lines is None:
+ bgr_image = contour_image_bgr
+ self.image_pub.publish(np.array(bgr_image))
+ return radians
+ for i in range(len(lines)):
+ line = lines[i]
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = line[0]
+ angle = np.arctan2((y2 - y1), (x2 - x1))
+ key = round(angle, 2)
+ valid_key = (
+ key
+ if key in radians
+ else key + self.ERROR
+ if key + self.ERROR in radians
+ else key - self.ERROR
+ if key - self.ERROR in radians
+ else -999999
+ )
+ if valid_key != -999999:
+ radian_frequency_array = radians[valid_key]
+ radian_frequency_array.append(angle)
+ del radians[valid_key]
+ new_key = sum(radian_frequency_array) / len(radian_frequency_array)
+ new_key = round(new_key, 2)
+ radians[new_key] = radian_frequency_array
+ else:
+ radians[key] = [angle]
+ cv2.line(
+ contour_image_bgr,
+ (x1, y1),
+ (x2, y2),
+ (255 * (i / len(lines)), 255 - (255 * (i / len(lines))), 0),
+ 2,
+ )
+ sorted_dict = dict(sorted(radians.items(), key=lambda item: -len(item[1])))
+ return sorted_dict
+ def vectorize_image(self, msg):
+ # Create Image from array
+ datetime.datetime.now()
+ img = msg.astype("uint8")
+ # Calculate the average brightness
+ grayscale_image = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
+ average_brightness = cv2.mean(grayscale_image)[0]
+ bin_frame = None
+ if average_brightness > self.BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD:
+ bin_frame = self.binarize_frame_by_thresholding(frame=img)
+ else:
+ preprocessed_frame = self.preprocess_frame(frame=img)
+ bin_frame = self.binarize_frame_by_red_channel(
+ preprocessed_frame,
+ )
+ lines, contour_image_bgr = self.extract_edges(bin_img=bin_frame)
+ sorted_dict = self.group_and_draw_vectors(
+ lines=lines,
+ contour_image_bgr=contour_image_bgr,
+ )
+ # Display vectors on image
+ if not sorted_dict:
+ msg = Float32()
+ msg.data = -9.99
+ self.angle_pub.publish(msg)
+ else:
+ for key, value in sorted_dict.items():
+ major_angle = sum(value) / len(value)
+ major_angle * 180.0 / np.pi
+ major_angle = (
+ major_angle + np.pi / 2
+ if major_angle <= 0
+ else major_angle - np.pi / 2
+ )
+ msg = Float32()
+ msg.data = major_angle
+ self.angle_pub.publish(msg)
+ break
+ # bgr_image = cv2.cvtColor(contour_image_bgr)
+ self.image_pub.publish(np.array(contour_image_bgr))
+ datetime.datetime.now()
+ # print(endtime - starttime)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ rospy.init_node("orange_pill_detection")
+ CannyOrangePillDetection()
+ rospy.spin()