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Language Models Documentation

Models and Configurations



A configuration class for the Bigram language model. Inherits from PretrainedConfig.

  • Attributes:
    • vocab_size: int, default=2 - The size of the vocabulary.
    • max_length: int, default=2 - The maximum length of the input sequences.


A simple Bigram Language Model.

  • Attributes:

    • config_class: BigramLMConfig - Configuration class for the model.
    • vocab_size: int - The size of the vocabulary.
    • max_length: int - The maximum length of the input sequences.
    • logits: torch.nn.Parameter - The logits for bigram predictions.
  • Methods:

    • forward(input_ids, labels=None, **kwargs): Computes the forward pass.



A configuration class for the Dummy language model. Inherits from PretrainedConfig.


A dummy model for testing purposes.

  • Attributes:

    • config_class: DummyLMConfig - Configuration class for the model.
  • Methods:

    • load_model(cls, config, pre_trained=False, model_name_or_path=None): Loads the model.
    • forward(input_ids, labels=None, **kwargs): Computes the forward pass.



An implementation of attention with ALiBi (Attention with Linear Biases).


Configuration class for the model with ALiBi. Inherits from OPTConfig.


A decoder layer for the OPT model with ALiBi.


A full decoder stack for the OPT model with ALiBi.


The full OPT model with ALiBi support.


A class for causal language modeling with OPT and ALiBi.


A class for sequence classification with OPT and ALiBi.



Configuration class for the RNN language model. Inherits from PretrainedConfig.

  • Attributes:
    • vocab_size: int, default=10000 - The size of the vocabulary.
    • block_size: int, default=128 - The maximum length of the input sequences.
    • embedding_dim: int, default=256 - The dimension of the embeddings.
    • hidden_dim: int, default=256 - The dimension of the hidden states.
    • num_layers: int, default=4 - The number of layers.
    • cell_type: str, default="lstm" - The type of RNN cell.
    • add_bias: bool, default=True - Whether to add a bias term.
    • embedding_dropout: float, default=0.1 - The dropout rate for embeddings.
    • dropout: float, default=0.1 - The dropout rate.


A Recurrent Neural Network language model.

  • Attributes:

    • config_class: RnnLMConfig - Configuration class for the model.
    • wte: nn.Embedding - The embedding layer.
    • encoder: nn.Module - The encoder module, could be RNN, GRU, or LSTM.
    • lm_head: nn.Linear - The output layer.
  • Methods:

    • _init_hidden(): Initializes the hidden states.
    • _expand_hidden(batch_size): Expands the initial hidden state to match the batch size.
    • forward(input_ids, labels=None, hidden_state=None, pad_id=-100, reduction="mean", return_dict=True, **kwargs): Computes the forward pass.



An abstract base class for character-level tokenization functions.

  • Attributes:

    • name: str - The name of the tokenization function.
  • Methods:

    • __call__(text: str) -> List[str]: Tokenizes the input text.
    • get_config() -> Dict[str, str]: Returns the configuration of the tokenization function.
    • from_config(config: Dict[str, str]) -> "CharTokenizationFunction": Creates an instance from a configuration.


A tokenization function using regular expressions.

  • Attributes:

    • pattern: re.Pattern - The compiled regex pattern.
  • Methods:

    • __call__(text: str) -> List[str]: Tokenizes the input text using the regex pattern.
    • get_config() -> Dict[str, str]: Returns the regex pattern as configuration.


A tokenization function using IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet).

  • Methods:
    • __call__(text: str) -> List[str]: Tokenizes the input text using IPA.
    • get_config() -> Dict[str, str]: Returns an empty configuration.


A character-level tokenizer.

  • Attributes:

    • vocab_files_names: Dict[str, str] - The vocabulary files names.
    • _vocab_int_to_str: Dict[int, str] - Mapping from token IDs to strings.
    • _vocab_str_to_int: Dict[str, int] - Mapping from strings to token IDs.
  • Methods:

    • vocab_size -> int: Returns the size of the vocabulary.
    • _tokenize(text: str) -> List[str]: Tokenizes the input text.
    • convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens: Union[str, List[str]]) -> int: Converts tokens to their corresponding IDs.
    • convert_ids_to_tokens(indices: Union[int, List[int]]) -> str: Converts IDs to their corresponding tokens.
    • tokens_to_string(tokens): Converts a list of tokens to a string.
    • build_inputs_with_special_tokens(token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> List[int]: Builds inputs with special tokens.
    • train(files): Trains the tokenizer on a list of files.
    • encode_batch(input, add_special_tokens=False, padding='max_length'): Encodes a batch of inputs.
    • _add_items_to_encodings(encodings): Adds items to encodings.
    • get_special_tokens_mask(token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None, already_has_special_tokens: bool = False) -> List[int]: Returns a mask for special tokens.
    • create_token_type_ids_from_sequences(token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> List[int]: Creates token type IDs from sequences.
    • save_vocabulary(save_directory: str, filename_prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str]: Saves the vocabulary.
    • set_tokenization_function(tokenization_function: CharTokenizationFunction): Sets the tokenization function.


A tokenizer derived from the HuggingFace BertTokenizer, specialized for the SaGe model.

  • Attributes:

    • vocab_files_names: Dict[str, str] - The vocabulary files names.
    • vocab: Dict[str, int] - The vocabulary.
    • ids_to_tokens: Dict[int, str] - Mapping from token IDs to tokens.
    • do_basic_tokenize: bool - Whether to do basic tokenization.
    • basic_tokenizer: BasicTokenizer - The basic tokenizer.
    • wordpiece_tokenizer: WordpieceTokenizer - The WordPiece tokenizer.
  • Methods:

    • do_lower_case: Property indicating if lowercasing is applied.
    • vocab_size: Property returning the size of the vocabulary.
    • get_vocab() -> Dict[str, int]: Returns the vocabulary.
    • _tokenize(text: str): Tokenizes the input text.
    • _convert_token_to_id(token: str) -> int: Converts a token to an ID.
    • _convert_id_to_token(index: int) -> str: Converts an ID to a token.
    • convert_tokens_to_string(tokens: List[str]) -> str: Converts a list of tokens to a string.
    • get_special_tokens_mask(token_ids_0: List[int], token_ids_1: Optional[List[int]] = None, already_has_special_tokens: bool = False) -> List[int]: Returns a mask for special tokens.
    • save_vocabulary(save_directory: str, filename_prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str]: Saves the vocabulary.


A tokenizer for WordPiece tokenization.

  • Attributes:

    • vocab: Dict[str, int] - The vocabulary.
    • unk_token: str - The unknown token.
    • max_input_chars_per_word: int - The maximum number of input characters per word.
  • Methods:

    • tokenize(text: str) -> List[str]: Tokenizes the input text into WordPiece tokens.



A trainer class for RNN language models.

  • Methods:
    • compute_loss(model, inputs, return_outputs=False): Computes the loss for the model.

Argument Classes


  • block_size (Optional[int]): The input size of the model. Default is None.
  • auto_model_class (Literal["causal", "masked", "seq2seq"]): Specifies which automodel class to use. Default is "causal".


  • input_files_path (str): Path to the train, validation, and test files. Default files names are train.txt, validation.txt, and test.txt.
  • train_file_name (str): Filename of the train data file. Default is train.txt.
  • validation_file_name (str): Filename of the validation data file. Default is validation.txt.
  • test_file_name (str): Filename of the test data file. Default is test.txt.
  • tokenizer_name_or_path (str): Name of a HuggingFace tokenizer or path to a self-trained tokenizer.
  • model_type (str): Specifies the type of AutoModel class to use.
  • model_name_or_path (Optional[str]): Name of a HuggingFace model or path to a self-trained model.
  • config_name_or_path (Optional[str]): Path to a model config file.
  • use_early_stopping (bool): Whether to stop training if validation loss does not improve for a certain number of steps. Default is False.
  • early_stopping_patience (int): Number of eval steps to wait before stopping training if using early stopping. Default is 1.
  • lossy_context (bool): Whether to break sequences randomly before concatenation. Default is False.
  • lossy_context_token (str): Token used for sequence breaking with lossy context. Default is <b>.


  • wandb_group_name (str): Name of the wandb group.
  • wandb_project_name (str): Name of the wandb project.


  • input_files_path (str): Path to the file with the evaluation data.
  • eval_file_name (Optional[str]): Filename of the evaluation data file.
  • eval_string (Optional[str]): JSON string with strings to be annotated for surprisal.
  • tokenizer_name_or_path (str): Name of a HuggingFace tokenizer or path to a self-trained tokenizer.
  • model_type (str): Specifies the type of AutoModel class to use.
  • model_name_or_path (str): Name of a HuggingFace model or path to a self-trained model.
  • batch_size (int): Batch size for evaluation. Default is 8.
  • device (Optional[str]): Device to use for evaluation. Default is "cpu".
  • output_dir (str): Path to save the evaluation results.
  • output_file_name (str): Filename used to save evaluation results. Default is eval_results.tsv.
  • log_level (Literal["info", "warning", "error", "debug"]): Log level for evaluation. Default is "warning".
  • sum_subword_surprisal (bool): Sum surprisals based on --subword_prefix. Default is False.
  • subword_prefix (str): Prefix of words for subword tokenization. Default is "Ġ".
  • prepend_token (bool): Prepend an EOS token to each batch of sequences. Default is False.


  • input_files_path (str): Path to the directory containing the training files for the tokenizer.
  • input_files_type (str): File type of input files, e.g., '.txt'. Default is "txt".
  • tokenizer_type (Literal["bpe", "unigram", "word-level"]): Algorithm of the tokenizer. Default is None.
  • vocab_size (int): Vocabulary size of the tokenizer. Default is None.
  • output_dir (str): Where to save the tokenizer.
  • pad_token (str): Padding token. Default is <pad>.
  • eos_token (str): End of sequence token. Default is </s>.
  • unk_token (str): Unknown token. Default is <unk>.
  • lossy_context (bool): Whether to add the lossy context token to the tokenizer. Default is False.
  • lossy_context_token (str): Sequence breaking token used with lossy context. Default is <b>.


  • annotation_style (Literal["misc", "column"]): How annotation should take place. Default is "misc".
  • tag (str): Tag for the surprisal column.

Utility Functions

get_args(parser_type: str) -> List[Type[dataclass]]

Returns a list of argument data classes based on the parser type.

get_automodel(model_type: str) -> Type[AutoModelForCausalLM | AutoModelForMaskedLM | AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM]

Returns the appropriate AutoModel class based on the model type.

repackage_hidden(hidden_state: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor

Detaches hidden states from their history to avoid memory issues.

get_num_occurrences_in_tensor(value: int, t: torch.Tensor) -> int

Returns the number of times a value occurs in a tensor.

tokenize_function(sequences: dict, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer, model_type: str) -> dict

Tokenizes the given sequences.

prefix_eos_token(batch: Dict, eos_token_id: int) -> Dict

Prefixes each batch of sequences with an EOS token.

preprocess_function_eval(sequences: dict, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer, model_max_length: int, stride: int, prefix_eos_token: bool = False) -> dict

Processes sequences for evaluation.

preprocess_function(sequences: dict, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer, model_max_length: int, stride: int) -> dict

Processes sequences with optional padding and truncation.

preprocess_function_sliding(sequences: dict, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer, T: int) -> dict

Processes sequences using a sliding window approach.

compute_batch_surprisal(batch_input_ids: torch.Tensor, batch_mask: torch.Tensor, batch_logits: torch.Tensor, sequence_ids: list, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer) -> dict

Computes the surprisal for each token in the batch.

compute_cloze_surprisal(input_ids: torch.Tensor, logits: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor

Computes the surprisal for a cloze task.

load_conllu_file(path: Union[os.PathLike, str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[pd.DataFrame]]

Loads a CoNLL-U formatted file.

save_conllu_file(path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dfs: List[pd.DataFrame]) -> None

Saves data frames in CoNLL-U format.

get_word_surprisal(surprisal: List[float], tokens: List[str], words: List[str], tokenizer: AutoTokenizer, subword_prefix: str) -> List[float]

Calculates word-level surprisal.

apply_lossy_context(sequences: dict, lossy_context_token: str, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer) -> dict

Applies a lossy context to the sequences.

set_seed(seed: int = 123) -> None

Sets the seed for reproducibility.

get_timestamp() -> str

Returns the current timestamp.

create_dir(path_prefix: str, dir_name: str) -> str

Creates a directory and returns its path.

Additional Classes


  • Methods
    • get_argparser(cls, parser_type: str): Returns the argument parser for the specified type.


  • Methods
    • from_pretrained(cls, model_type: str, model_name_or_path: Optional[str] = None): Loads a model from a pre-trained model or path.
    • from_config(cls, model_type: str, config_name_or_path: Optional[str] = None): Loads a model from a configuration file.


  • Methods
    • get_trainer(cls, model_type: str, **trainer_args): Returns a trainer instance based on the model type.