This folder contains the raw and processed data used in our analysis.
- CMAP_2019_comm_data.csv is a csv with Community Area information for spatial validation.
- comm_areas.csv and tracts_comm_areas.csv are csvs used to crosswalk Census tracts to Chicago community areas for ACS data analysis.
- acs5_aggregate.csv is a csv with ACS 5-year aggregate data.
- acs5_indvidual.csv is a csv with ACS 5-year individual data.
- acs5_profile.csv is a csv with ACS 5-year profile data.
- cps_individual.csv is a csv with the CPS individual data.
- chicago_internet.csv is a csv of the final table showing total populations, number of households, broadband access, and sociodemographics by Chicago community area.
- covid_index.csv is a csv of the CCVI scores.
- hardship_index.csv is a csv of the hardship scores.
- fcc_acs_combined_community_areas and fcc_acs_combined_tracts are csvs containing combined ACS and FCC data at a community area and tract level, respectively.
- chicago_block_list.csv is a csv containing a list of 2010s Chicago Census block numbers.
Note: Raw FCC Form 477 data is not included in the repository due to size (chi_fcc.csv
is .gitignore'd). Please see the code cells at the beginning of fcc_analysis.ipynb to fetch, filter, and write chi_fcc.csv