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Wren Liang edited this page Oct 19, 2019 · 10 revisions

Research on React Native Compatibility with Swift

  • Modules can only be imported one-way

  • Swift modules can be exposed to JavaScript and imported into React Native projects, but React Native modules cannot be incorporated into Swift projects

  • React Native compiles into native Swift, so there is no contract for what the source output code will do, so it is hard to implement with natively written Swift code


  • Since we are not planning to make an Android app as well, it seems that React Native + Swift does not suit our needs as well as a pure Swift iOS application.

Document Setup

  • Currently, we have set up the Swift boilerplate code in an Xcode project

  • The main view controller is a Tab Bar View with two tabs

  • One tab is a Navigation Controller with a nested Tableview and the other one has a simple custom UIView, with a UILabel saying Hello World!

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