Change log
- now
is a parameter instead of a dynamic module
- If there is duplicated name or symbol, keep only the one with higher rank(larger market cap). This check is case-insensitive.
- improve typing.
- add more tests.
- axios now import dynamically
- fix
Xeno Token
edge case bug in sync - ci now make sure the published code test use the version published just now
- add
- improve type definition
- ci now test development code, built code and published code
- add more package.json script
- remove
Xeno Token
- change
symbol toXNO
- add declaration file (left out by previous version)
- restore accidentally deleted file
- get now return 2 value, name symbol pair and symbol name pair
- improve api, not compatible with 2.0
- revamp whole api (breaking change), simpler and easier to use
- update coin to 13 Oct 2021, source
- fix type not working issue
- remade the whole library
- revamp read me
- remove certain update in readMe to avoid confusion
- update the name and symbol to the latest
- update readme
- update readme
- update license
- add emoji in readme
- update readme
- expose arrays
- update readme
- update readme
- update readme
- attach license
- housekeeping package.json
- update readme
- fix typo
- update read me with donation details
- slightly improve naming
- housekeeping code and scripts
- update link
- fix missing symbol
- remove nameLower.js reduce library size
- add extra pair not available on coinmarketcap
- update package json keyword
- update readme
- keep the number in name if any
- update readme
- apply memoization for faster lookup
- imporve readme
- fix typo in readme
- remove unnecessary import
- improve read me
- improve crypto object method
- fix import issue
- 1st publish