diff --git a/Assets/YooAsset/CHANGELOG.md b/Assets/YooAsset/CHANGELOG.md
index 56f29f69..96069c8c 100644
--- a/Assets/YooAsset/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/Assets/YooAsset/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,75 +2,59 @@
All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
-## [2.0.3-preview] - 2023-10-27
+## [2.1.0] - 2023-12-27
+升级了 Scriptable build pipeline (SBP) 的版本,来解决图集引用的精灵图片冗余问题。
### Fixed
-- (#180) Fixed an issue with invalid encryption task in the build pipeline.
-- (#185) Fixed subscene unload error when the scene is not loaded.
-- (#190) Fixed webgl platform compile error.
+- (#195) 修复了在EditorPlayMode模式下,AssetHandle.GetDownloadStatus()发生异常的问题。
+- (#201) 修复了断点续传失效的问题。
+- (#202) 修复了打包参数FileNameStyle设置为BundleName后,IQueryServices会一直返回true的问题。
+- (#205) 修复了HybridCLR插件里创建资源下载器触发的异常。
+- (#210) 修复了DownloaderOperation在未开始下载前,内部的PackageName为空的问题。
+- (#220) 修复了资源收集界面关闭后,撤回操作还会生效的问题。
+- 修复了下载器合并后重新计算下载字节数不正确的问题。
### Improvements
-- The asset load method add the priority parameter.
-- The async operation class add the priority field.
+- (#198) 资源收集界面禁用的分组不再检测合法性。
+- (#203) 资源构建类容许自定义打包的输出目录。
+- 资源构建报告增加未依赖的资源信息列表。
-### Added
+### Changed
-- The InitializeParameters calss add new parameter : AutoDestroyAssetProvider
+- IBuildinQueryServices和IDeliveryQueryServices查询方法变更。
- ///
- /// 自动销毁不再使用的资源提供者
- ///
- public bool AutoDestroyAssetProvider = false;
+ public interface IBuildinQueryServices
+ {
+ ///
+ /// 查询是否为应用程序内置的资源文件
+ ///
+ /// 包裹名称
+ /// 文件名称(包含文件的后缀格式)
+ /// 文件哈希值
+ /// 返回查询结果
+ bool Query(string packageName, string fileName, string fileCRC);
+ }
+ public interface IDeliveryQueryServices
+ {
+ ///
+ /// 查询是否为开发者分发的资源文件
+ ///
+ /// 包裹名称
+ /// 文件名称(包含文件的后缀格式)
+ /// 文件哈希值
+ /// 返回查询结果
+ bool Query(string packageName, string fileName, string fileCRC);
+ }
-- Resource package add TryUnloadUnusedAsset function.
- ```c#
- ///
- /// 尝试卸载指定资源的资源包(包括依赖资源)
- ///
- public void TryUnloadUnusedAsset(AssetInfo assetInfo)
- ```
### Removed
-- The InitializeParameters calss remove the parameter : LoadingMaxTimeSlice
-## [2.0.2-preview] - 2023-10-17
-### Fixed
-- Fixed the mistaken code in the build window.
-- Fixed an issue where auto collect shaders was not effective for dependent resources.
-### Improvements
-- Add error code for exception output during package building.
-## [2.0.1-preview] - 2023-10-11
-### Fixed
-- (#175) Fixed a bug where the url path of mac platform contains spaces, which would cause the request error.
-- (#177) Fixed the inability to load main asset object after loading the sub asset.
-- (#178) Fixed the error when initializing resource package that prompted not initialized.
-- (#179) Fixed issue with SBP build pipeline packaging reporting errors.
-### Added
-- Resource downloader add combine function.
- ```c#
- ///
- /// 合并其它下载器
- ///
- /// 合并的下载器
- public void Combine(DownloaderOperation downloader);
- ```
-## [2.0.0-preview] - 2023-10-07
+- (#212) 移除了构建报告里的资源冗余信息列表。
-This is the preview version.