$> brew install ruby
# check ruby version > 2.6
$> ruby --version
ruby 2.6.3
$> gem install colorize
(geth) for generating keys.# what you should see if installed. $> bootnode Fatal: Use -nodekey or -nodekeyhex to specify a private key
If you have geth source on your machine:
$> cd go-ethereum go-ethereum $> make all # or place this in your .bash_profile or equivalent file $> export PATH="~/go/src/github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/build/bin:$PATH"
nodejs Istanbul only.
# tested with version 10.15 $> node --version v10.15.
$> npm web3
Istanbul only. -
$> brew install berkeley-db leveldb libsodium $> brew install haskell-stack $> git clone https://github.com/jpmorganchase/constellation.git WHATEVER/DIRECTORY $> cd constellation constellation $> stack setup constellation $> stack install
istanbul-tools Istanbul only.
# install $> go get github.com/jpmorganchase/istanbul-tools/cmd/istanbul