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Here you can [download a pdf version of my cv]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pdf/jonathancoignard.pdf). The next sections will bring some more details on certain key points.
I have done most of my study at the [*Technical University of Compiegne*](https://www.utc.fr/en.html) (2010-2015), a French top ranking engineering institution. I have obtained my Master from the civil engineering department, but I equaly shared my time with the electrical department. Here is a [transcript]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pdf/transcript.pdf).The most influent lecture I had during my Master were « Renewable energy conversion and management » « Power electronics » « Electrical machines » and « Urban management ».
The design of a small scale wind turbine controller has been one of my biggest academic project. Over a year I spent a semester focused on numerical simulation, and a second semester on practical testing. Here is [a short report]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pdf/TX_samml_scale_wind_turbine.pdf) on my work. This work has involved MATLAB/Simulink programming but also a dSpace board to monitor results on a motor bench (representing the wind turbine).
Through my work at the UTC I obtained recommandation letters, here are the latest: [Fabrice Locment and Manuela Sechilariu]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pdf/1_recommandation_FL.pdf), [Phillipe Sergent]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pdf/2_recommandation_CEREMA.pdf) and [Vincent Lanfranchi]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pdf/3_recommandation_VL.pdf).
I have also spent a semester of study abroad in Riga (Latvia). Here is a [transcript]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/image/transcript_Riga.jpg) of my semester.
At the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory my work has been focused on [V2G-Sim](http://v2gsim.lbl.gov/) and [MyGreenCar](http://mygreencar-01.lbl.gov/greencar_app/) (described in my « Portfolio » section).I have started to work at the LBNL as a Master student for a 6-months internship [(short report)]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pdf/internship_LBNL.pdf). Since Septembre 2015 I am an employee at the LBNL hired as a research assistant by Samveg Saxena.
In November 2015 the V2G-Sim project won an R&D100 Award.
At the CEREMA (Centre For Studies and Expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility, and Urban and Country planning) I studied the best emplacement to harvest wave's energy at the shore in [Audierne's bay](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Esquibien,+France/@48.019122,-4.6068608,1225z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x4816e058cded9379:0x40ca5cd36e56db0). The project involved the use of [SWASH](http://swash.sourceforge.net/) to provide a general basis for describing wave transformations from deep water to a beach, port or harbour. [The study (final report in French)]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/pdf/internship_CEREMA.pdf) also includes a cost analysis for different devices.
EMACOP project: characterising the wave energy resources of hot spots in Brittany for on-shore WEC The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (2015 EWTEC)
EMACOP project : Digital modelling of the waves toward Esquibien’s dam using SWASH Available in the online journal Paralia. Presented at The National days of Coastal Engineering and Civil Engineering (2014 congress)