PuppyFW is a powerful options framework for WordPress themes and plugins.
At the moment, this plugin only support option pages. If you want more features like meta boxes, term meta, comment meta, user profile fields, etc., visit https://metabox.io/, you won't be disappointed.
- Multiple option pages
- Multi-level tabs
- Multi-level groups
- Unlimited repeat fields, works with any fields, any level of tabs and groups
- Field dependency
- Option to save data to separate rows or single row in options table
- checkbox
- checkbox_list
- colorpicker
- datepicker
- editor
- image
- images
- group
- html
- map
- number
- select
- radio
- repeatable
- tab
- tel
- text
- textarea
- url
Checkout the short video below to have a first look about this plugin:
View documentation (Work in process)
If you get any problems when define fields, please create issue or contact me via email [email protected]. I'm working on documentation and will finish it ASAP.
Creator & Contributor: truongwp
Bug reports or Pull requests are welcome.