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Releases: trufflesuite/ganache-cli-archive

v6.7.0 - This is not pudding 🥄

12 Sep 14:55
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


You'll enjoy this! 🥄 This is not pudding. 🥄 *

This version of ganache-cli now correctly returns an RPC error instead of an estimate for transactions that fail during a call to eth_estimateGas. We also now support arrays in eth_signTypedData!

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache-cli@latest -g


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@latest


Bug Fixes


Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

6.7.0-beta.0 - This is not pudding 🥄

29 Aug 21:07
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


You'll enjoy this! 🥄 This is not pudding. 🥄 *

This beta version of ganache-cli now correctly returns an RPC error instead of an estimate for transactions that fail during a call to eth_estimateGas. We also now support arrays in eth_signTypedData!

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest beta version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache-cli@beta -g


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@beta


Bug Fixes


Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

v6.6.0 - Three Milk Cuban Flan 🍮

17 Aug 01:15
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


We just got back from TruffleCon 2019 and it was amazing. And so was the inspiration for this release: the "Three Milk Cuban Flan" I ate while visiting Washington.

This version of ganache-cli adds TypeScript typings to ganache-core and updates transaction signatures to align with the new spec changes.

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache-cli@latest -g


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@latest


Bug Fixes

  • Change transaction signature value encoding to QUANTITY (/trufflesuite/ganache-core/461) – @fjl
  • Fixes account_keys_path option doesn't work (renames acctKeys to account_keys_path and then alias as acctKeys, add documentation)



Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

v6.5.1 - Croquembouche 🔺

31 Jul 16:36
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


I've never had Croquembouche, but it looks delicious!

Account addresses are now displayed as EIP-55 checksum addresses, and account balances are shown without the ~ prefix if the amounts aren't rounded (e.g., 100 instead of ~100).

This version of ganache-cli is full of bug fixes and dependency updates.

Dependencies updated in this version:

  • async to v2.6.2
  • debug to 3.2.6
  • eth-sig-util to 2.2.0
  • ethereumjs-abi to 0.6.7
  • ethereumjs-account to 3.0.0
  • ethereumjs-block to 2.2.0
  • ethereumjs-util to 6.1.0
  • ethereumjs-vm to 3.0.0
  • lodash to 4.17.14
  • merkle-patricia-tree to 2.3.2
  • seedrandom to 3.0.1
  • source-map-support to 0.5.12
  • tmp to 0.1.0
  • web3-provider-engine to 14.2.0
  • websocket to 1.0.29
  • coveralls to ^3.0.4
  • eslint-plugin-promise to 4.2.1
  • prettier to ^1.18.2

We haven't updated ethereumjs-tx yet as there is a little more legwork we'll need to do in order to get transaction signing working properly with the latest version.

We also updated source-map-support and yargs.

In case you missed it, we're holding TruffleCon 2019 August 2 - 4 at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, WA! And it'll be awesome. You should be there.

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache-cli@latest -g


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@latest



  • Display Available Account addresses as EIP-55 checksum addresses when ganache-cli starts (#659)

Bug Fixes


Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

v6.5.1-beta.0 - Croquembouche 🔺

18 Jul 20:32
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


I've never had Croquembouche, but it looks delicious!

Account addresses are now displayed as EIP-55 checksum addresses, and account balances are shown without the ~ prefix if the amounts aren't rounded (e.g., 100 instead of ~100).

This version of ganache-cli is full of bug fixes and dependency updates.

Dependencies updated in this version:

  • async to v2.6.2
  • debug to 3.2.6
  • eth-sig-util to 2.2.0
  • ethereumjs-abi to 0.6.7
  • ethereumjs-account to 3.0.0
  • ethereumjs-block to 2.2.0
  • ethereumjs-util to 6.1.0
  • ethereumjs-vm to 3.0.0
  • lodash to 4.17.14
  • merkle-patricia-tree to 2.3.2
  • seedrandom to 3.0.1
  • source-map-support to 0.5.12
  • tmp to 0.1.0
  • web3-provider-engine to 14.2.0
  • websocket to 1.0.29
  • coveralls to ^3.0.4
  • eslint-plugin-promise to 4.2.1
  • prettier to ^1.18.2

We haven't updated ethereumjs-tx yet as there is a little more legwork we'll need to do in order to get transaction signing working properly with the latest version.

We also updated source-map-support and yargs.

In case you missed it, we're holding TruffleCon 2019 August 2 - 4 at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, WA! And it'll be awesome. You should be there.

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest beta version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache-cli@beta -g


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@beta



  • Display Available Account addresses as EIP-55 checksum addresses when ganache-cli starts (#659)

Bug Fixes


Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

v6.5.0 - Candy-Covered Cactus Pretzel Rods 🍬🌵🥨

18 Jul 20:00
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


First of all, Candy-Covered Cactus Pretzel Rods is a real thing. Google it.

Secondly, this version of ganache-cli introduces a new feature: eth_chainId (finally)! eth_chainId is currently hard-coded to return 1337; we'll be making this value configurable in a future release. We've also got some bug fixes related to forking in this release as well.

In case you missed it, we're holding TruffleCon 2019 August 2 - 4 at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, WA! And it'll be awesome. You should be there.

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache-cli@latest -g


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@latest



Bug Fixes


Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

v6.4.6-beta.0 - Candy-Covered Cactus Pretzel Rods 🍬🌵🥨

18 Jul 19:50
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


First of all, Candy-Covered Cactus Pretzel Rods are a real thing. Google it.

Secondly, this version of ganache-cli beta introduces a new feature: eth_chainId (finally)! eth_chainId is currently hard-coded to return 1337; we'll be making this value configurable in a future release. We've also got some bug fixes related to forking in this release as well.

Note: this beta release should have been released as a new semver-minor update, but wasn't (sorry). So the stable version will be released as 6.5.0.

In case you missed it, we're holding TruffleCon 2019 August 2 - 4 at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, WA! And it'll be awesome. You should be there.

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest beta version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache-cli@beta -g


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@beta



Bug Fixes


Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

v6.4.5 - Banana Pudding 🍌

09 Jul 18:01
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


This version of ganache-cli features the latest and greatest gas exactimation algorithm. While the previous algorithm works well in most cases and was heavily tested, it relied on several assumptions we later found to be incorrect. Gas exactimation 2.0 now makes ZERO assumptions, and returns an exactimation in O(1), compared with O(log n) in geth, parity, etc!

Some notable improvements you might like:

  • Completely rewritten without recursion
  • Approximately 20% faster and 33% less code
  • Works with CREATE2

Stay tuned for a full featured blog post explaining the algorithm and a "Deep Dive" workshop at TruffleCon 2019!

In case you missed it, we're holding TruffleCon 2019 August 2 - 4 at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, WA! And it'll be awesome. You should be there.

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache-cli@latest -g


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@latest


Bug Fixes


Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

v6.4.5-beta.0 - Banana Pudding 🍌

03 Jul 19:22
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


This version of ganache-cli features the latest and greatest gas exactimation algorithm. While the previous algorithm works well in most cases and was heavily tested, it relied on several assumptions we later found to be incorrect. Gas exactimation 2.0 now makes ZERO assumptions, and returns an exactimation in O(1), compared with O(log n) in geth, parity, etc!

Some notable improvements you might like:

  • Completely rewritten without recursion
  • Approximately 20% faster and 33% less code
  • Works with CREATE2

Stay tuned for a full featured blog post explaining the algorithm and a "Deep Dive" workshop at TruffleCon 2019!

In case you missed it, we're holding TruffleCon 2019 August 2 - 4 at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, WA! And it'll be awesome. You should be there.

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest beta version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall ganache-cli -g
npm install ganache-cli@beta -g


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@beta


Bug Fixes


Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team

v6.4.4 - ✨ Mystery Flavor ✨

02 Jul 22:05
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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


Forked transactions have been fixed before, but the previous fix didn't get all the bugs, and the fix before that had to be reverted due to unwanted side effects. We've created a monster. The fix is back, back again, tell a friend!

We've also add support for binary data over websockets, updated eth-sig-util to fix a global variable leak, and fixed some other bugs, too!

In case you missed it, we're holding TruffleCon 2019 August 2 - 4 at Microsoft's campus in Redmond, WA! And it'll be awesome. You should be there.
 Get Tickets  

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest version of ganache-cli by running:


npm uninstall -g ganache-cli
npm install -g ganache-cli@latest


yarn global remove ganache-cli
yarn global add ganache-cli@latest


Bug Fixes


Related Releases

💖 The Truffle Team