diff --git a/src/callbacks_step/analysis_surface_integral_2d.jl b/src/callbacks_step/analysis_surface_integral_2d.jl index 441413ad04a..beb2306e820 100644 --- a/src/callbacks_step/analysis_surface_integral_2d.jl +++ b/src/callbacks_step/analysis_surface_integral_2d.jl @@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ C_{L,p} \coloneqq \frac{\oint_{\partial \Omega} p \boldsymbol n \cdot \psi_L \, {0.5 \cdot \rho_{\infty} \cdot U_{\infty}^2 \cdot L_{\infty}} ``` based on the pressure distribution along a boundary. -Supposed to be used in conjuction with [`AnalysisSurfaceIntegral`](@ref) +Supposed to be used in conjunction with [`AnalysisSurfaceIntegral`](@ref) which stores the boundary information and semidiscretization. - `aoa::Real`: Angle of attack in radians (for airfoils etc.) - `rhoinf::Real`: Free-stream density - `uinf::Real`: Free-stream velocity -- `linf::Real`: Reference length of geoemtry (e.g. airfoil chord length) +- `linf::Real`: Reference length of geometry (e.g. airfoil chord length) """ function LiftCoefficientPressure(aoa, rhoinf, uinf, linf) # psi_lift is the normal unit vector to the freestream direction. @@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ C_{D,p} \coloneqq \frac{\oint_{\partial \Omega} p \boldsymbol n \cdot \psi_D \, {0.5 \cdot \rho_{\infty} \cdot U_{\infty}^2 \cdot L_{\infty}} ``` based on the pressure distribution along a boundary. -Supposed to be used in conjuction with [`AnalysisSurfaceIntegral`](@ref) +Supposed to be used in conjunction with [`AnalysisSurfaceIntegral`](@ref) which stores the boundary information and semidiscretization. - `aoa::Real`: Angle of attack in radians (for airfoils etc.) - `rhoinf::Real`: Free-stream density - `uinf::Real`: Free-stream velocity -- `linf::Real`: Reference length of geoemtry (e.g. airfoil chord length) +- `linf::Real`: Reference length of geometry (e.g. airfoil chord length) """ function DragCoefficientPressure(aoa, rhoinf, uinf, linf) # `psi_drag` is the unit vector in direction of the freestream.