The CLI tool to work with Starship Observability platform.
bazel build -c opt //src/cli
mkdir -p ~/bin
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
ln -s $(pwd)/bazel-bin/src/cli/cli_/cli ~/bin/starship-cli
starship-cli -h
starship-cli -h
starship-cli module -h
starship-cli module list --api-address ${API_SERVER_ADDRESS}
# create module
starship-cli module create --api-address ${API_SERVER_ADDRESS} \
-b modules/sample_json/sample_json.bcc.c \
-w modules/sample_json/copy_input_to_output.wasm \
-m modules/sample_json/manifest.json
# deploy module
starship-cli module deploy --api-address ${API_SERVER_ADDRESS} \
-i <module_id>
- Access Starship Api Server through
kubectl port-forward
You can expose the services to your local network using the kubectl port-forward
command. Use the following command to expose the Starship api
server service on port 8080 on localhost: http://localhost:8080.
$ kubectl port-forward -n tricorder svc/api-server 8080:8080
- Access Starship Api Server through LoadBalancer external IP
Starship by default expose web UI and api server service through LoadBalancer service. If your cluster has configured LoadBalancer that supports external access, like AWS LoadBalancer Controller or an Ingress Controller, you can access the service directly through api-server service's ExteranIP:
kubectl -n tricorder get service api-server --output \