Have a look at the files inside
JavaScript linting,
make sure objects are what you think with https://github.com/sbansal6/schema-enforcer or Typescript.
JavaScript tests with Jasmine or Ava or mocha/chai
HTML tests
Basic syntax https://validator.w3.org/ or https://html5.validator.nu/
User experience with light-house
Random UI test with gremlins.js
Babel for transpiling.
Learn how JavaScript work first, then come back. Here are some good links:
- Eloquent Javascript
- Javascript-allongé
- jstherightway
- A re-introduction to JavaScript
- Crockford on JavaScript - Section 8: Programming Style & Your Brain [video]
- JavaScript examples
This project is free and open source. See License
other project mentioned here, and subfolders, may have other licenses