Randomly show yes or no gifs
With bundle
, add this line to Gemfile:
gem "random_yesno"
Or install:
$ gem install random_yesno
=> {"answer"=>"no", "forced"=>false, "image"=>"https://yesno.wtf/assets/no/6-4bf0a784c173f70a0cab96efd9ff80c9.gif"}
$ ruby -Ilib ./bin/yesno
=> {"answer"=>"no", "forced"=>false, "image"=>"https://yesno.wtf/assets/no/6-4bf0a784c173f70a0cab96efd9ff80c9.gif"}
The GIF files used in this project are sourced from GIPHY for non-commercial use. This is a fun project intended for educational purposes.
Currently, the GIF files are hosted in the GitHub repository. In future versions, we plan to:
- Move the GIF files to a proper CDN or cloud storage (AWS S3)
- Implement caching mechanisms
- Add more reaction GIFs
- Support custom GIF collections
Contributions and suggestions are welcome!
- Run the GitHub Actions workflow locally:
- Install
(macOS using Homebrew)
brew install act
- Run the workflow
# Run all actions
# Run a specific job
act -j test
# Run with verbose output
act -v
# List all actions
act -l
- Error may occur with
Error: failed to start container: Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path '/host_mnt/Users/trangtungn/.docker/run/docker.sock': mkdir /host_mnt/Users/trangtungn/.docker/run/docker.sock: operation not supported
- Solution:
# List Docker contexts to get your docker endpoint:
# For example: `unix:///Users/<user>/.docker/run/docker.sock`
docker context ls
# Set Docker host
export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock
# Create a symbolic link to the Docker socket
ln -sf /Users/<user>/.docker/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock
# Set the override path
More details: testcontainers/testcontainers-java#8170 (comment)