A full-featured PHP client for working with the domains.co.za reseller API. This is brand new and is a work in progress. It should not be used in production. It is likely to change significantly before reaching version 1.0.
You will need to have an active domains.co.za reseller account. You will need to provide your username and password to generate a new authentication token, or if you already have a token, you can provide that instead. Note that the library does not support 2 factor authentication.
There are no versions just yet, so you will need to make sure your composer.json
file has "minimum-stability": "dev"
The Names library is not bound to any HTTP client library and you can install any PSR-7, PST-17 and PSR-18 compatible library. A good start could be:
composer require thepublicgood/names guzzlehttp/guzzle php-http/guzzle7-adapter
Create a new instance of the Names
class and pass in your token if you have one. Otherwise, you can pass your username and password to the authenticate
$names = new \TPG\Names\Names(token: $token);
// or
$names = new \TPG\Names\Names();
$auth = $names->authenticate($username, $password);
$token = $auth->token;
Many responses will included a Reseller
$reseller = $response->reseller;
$reseller->username; // string
$reseller->balance; // float
$reseller->accountType; // string
$reseller->lowBalance; // bool
$check = $names->domains()->check('is-this-available.com');
$check->requiresEpp; // bool
$check->isAvailable; // bool
$check->eppKey; // string
$check->tld; // string
$check->sld; // string
$check->isPremium; // bool
$check->reseller; // Reseller object
$list = $names->domains()->list();
// or
// Get a list of expired domains
// Get a list of domains expiring next month
// Get a list of suspended domains
// Get a list of domains currently in redemption
Each domain returned is a Domain
$domain = $names->domains()->list()->first();
$domain->name; // string
$domain->contactName; // string
$domain->contactId; // string
$domain->status; // string
$domain->eppStatus; // string
$domain->premiumDns; // bool
$domain->createdAt; // Carbon
$domain->expiresAt; // Carbon
$domain->redemptionDate; // Carbon
$domain->deletionDate; // Carbon
$domain->autoRenew; // bool
$domain->externalReference; // string
$domain->nameservers; // array
The MIT License (MIT). See the LICENSE.md file for more details.