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411 lines (301 loc) · 11.2 KB

File metadata and controls

411 lines (301 loc) · 11.2 KB

BDSP (Binary Document Serializable Pack)

A library to serialize document data into binary format.


Quick start

install the package from npm:

npm install bdspack

for TypeScript:

import { unpack, pack } from "bdspack"

let bytes = pack({"key1": "value1", "key2": false, "key3": 65537, "key4": -1});
let str = unpack(bytes);


As the name of the library, we keep the structure in key-value pairs just like JSON format. And what's more, we support Byte Array - RAW binary data fragment.


    "id": 13,
    "formats": ["xml", "json"],
    "title": "test",
            "isFile": true,
            "size": 6.43,
            "payload": new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]),
            "tag": undefined

Would be serialized as:

            0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
00000010 |  44 61 14 02 69 64 04 03 14 07 66 6F 72 6D 61 74
00000020 |  73 14 0D 14 0B 14 03 78 6D 6C 14 04 6A 73 6F 6E
00000030 |  14 05 74 69 74 6C 65 14 04 74 65 73 74 14 04 6D
00000040 |  65 74 61 14 2E 04 2C 14 06 69 73 46 69 6C 65 01
00000050 |  14 04 73 69 7A 65 03 B8 1E 85 EB 51 B8 19 40 14
00000060 |  07 70 61 79 6C 6F 61 64 14 03 01 02 03 14 03 74
00000070 |  61 67 FF

With each data block, they are built up with:

Magic Size Payload
0D 03 61 62 63
  • Only String, Binary, Document types need Size part.
  • Boolean and Undefined types only contains Magic part.

Data types

All data types would use LITTLE ENDIAN to convert to binary.


When the data value is undefined or null, this data would be identified as Undefined type. The Magic part is always 0xFF and no Size part and Payload part.


Boolean only has two types of value, true or false. This data type do not have Size part and Payload part.

Magic: 0x00 | False

When the Magic is 0x00, this data would be identified as Boolean type. And also, its value would be false.


00 - false

Magic: 0x01 | True

When the Magic is 0x01, this data would be identified as Boolean type. And also, its value would be true.


01 - true


Decimal is the number with fractional part. So, it is not an integer. The value would be converted to Payload part following IEEE 754 standard. This type do not have Size part.

Magic: 0x02 | Single

0x02 = 0x02 | 0x00 0x02 => Flags.Decimal, 0x00 => Flags.Single


02 3E 1C 40 00 - 0.152587890625

Magic: 0x03 | Double

0x03 = 0x02 | 0x01 0x02 => Flags.Decimal, 0x00 => Flags.Double


03 3F CD CD 65 00 00 00 00 - 0.23283064365386962890625


There are 8 types of Integer in total. (signed/unsigned) (8/16/32/64) bit integer. You do not need to concern which type to use. Because the library would find out the best type of these to use.

Magic: 0x04 | Unsigned 8-bytes Int

0x04 = 0x04 | 0x00 | 0x00 0x04 => Flags.Integer, 0x00 => Flags.Int8, 0x00 => Flags.Unsigned


04 7F - 127

Magic: 0x05 | Unsigned 16-bytes Int

0x05 = 0x04 | 0x01 | 0x00 0x04 => Flags.Integer, 0x01 => Flags.Int16, 0x00 => Flags.Unsigned


05 FF FF - 65535

Magic: 0x06 | Unsigned 32-bytes Int

0x06 = 0x04 | 0x03 | 0x00 0x04 => Flags.Integer, 0x02 => Flags.Int32, 0x00 => Flags.Unsigned


06 2A B5 40 88 - 716521608

Magic: 0x07 | Unsigned 64-bytes Int

0x07 = 0x04 | 0x03 | 0x00 0x04 => Flags.Integer, 0x03 => Flags.Int64, 0x00 => Flags.Unsigned


07 00 0B 29 43 0A 24 D0 E6 - 3141592653549798

Magic: 0x84 | Signed 8-bytes Int

0x84 = 0x04 | 0x00 | 0x80 0x04 => Flags.Integer, 0x00 => Flags.Int8, 0x80 => Flags.Signed


84 FF - -1

Magic: 0x85 | Signed 16-bytes Int

0x85 = 0x04 | 0x01 | 0x80 0x04 => Flags.Integer, 0x01 => Flags.Int16, 0x80 => Flags.Signed


85 FF FF - -1

Magic: 0x86 | Signed 32-bytes Int

0x06 = 0x04 | 0x03 | 0x00 0x04 => Flags.Integer, 0x02 => Flags.Int32, 0x80 => Flags.Signed


86 FF FF FF FF - -1

Magic: 0x87 | Signed 64-bytes Int

0x07 = 0x04 | 0x03 | 0x00 0x04 => Flags.Integer, 0x03 => Flags.Int64, 0x80 => Flags.Signed




The Magic of String type is built up with Data Type Magic and Size Integer Type Magic. In another words: Magic = Flags.String (0x0c) | Flags.Integer | Flags.Unsigned | <int type>

Size Integer Type Magic could be Uint8, Uint16 and Uint32. That is the type of Size. For this reason, we support the max size(bytes size) of the String is 4294967295. And the String would use UTF-8 encoding.


0D 03 61 62 63 - abc


This type used for encode the RAW binary data. The Magic of Binary type is built up with Data Type Magic and Size Integer Type Magic. In another words: Magic = Flags.Binary (0x10) | Flags.Integer | Flags.Unsigned | <int type>。 That is the type of Size. For this reason, we support the max size(bytes size) of the Binary is 4294967295. And the Binary would use UTF-8 encoding.


14 04 01 02 03 04 - [0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04]


The stucture would be the same with Binary type. The binary data in Payload part could be unpack to a BDSP document. The Magic of Binary type is built up with Data Type Magic and Size Integer Type Magic. In another words: Magic = Flags.Document (0x20) | <document type> | Flags.Integer | Flags.Unsigned | <int type> That is the type of Size. For this reason, we support the max size(bytes size) of the Document is 4294967295. And the Document would use UTF-8 encoding.

<document type> could be: Flags.List (0x10) - each properties do not have Property Name. Flags.Dictionary (0x00) key-value type.


34 05 <bytes of doc body>

<bytes of doc body> only contains the Body part of the document. Magic and Size is not includes. Because it is duplicated with the Magic part and Size part for the property defination.

EXTEND - DateTime

DateTime is one of the extend type. It is actually a integer type. The value would be the total milliseconds from the 1970/01/01 0:00:00 Z to the specified datetime in UTC timezone. Then the total milliseconds stored as an Integer type.

The structure of the package

Version + Doctype + Size Integer Type Magic Data Size Data Body
0D 03 61 62 63

Magic = Flags.Root (0x40) | Flags.List/Flags.Dictionary | Flags.Integer | Flags.Uint8/16/32


When the document is Dictionary type, the body would be prop1.key + prop1.value + prop2.key + prop2.value .... The key is always String type.

When the document is List type, the body would be prop1.value + prop2.value + ....


ROOT: 0x40

FALSE: 0x00
TRUE: 0x01

SINGLE: 0x00
DOUBLE: 0x01

INT8: 0x00
INT16: 0x01
INT32: 0x02
INT64: 0x03
SIGNED: 0x80

STRING: 0x08

BINARY: 0x10

LIST: 0x10



Magic in all

  Magic (Binary)  |  Magic (Hex)  |  Type
   0b 0000 0000   |    0x 00      | boolean(false)
   0b 0000 0001   |    0x 01      | boolean(true)
   0b 0000 0010   |    0x 02      | decimal(single)
   0b 0000 0011   |    0x 03      | decimal(double)
   0b 0000 0100   |    0x 04      | integer(8bit,unsigned)
   0b 0000 0101   |    0x 05      | integer(16bit,unsigned)
   0b 0000 0110   |    0x 06      | integer(32bit,unsigned)
   0b 0000 0111   |    0x 07      | integer(64bit,unsigned)
   0b 1000 0100   |    0x 84      | integer(8bit,signed)
   0b 1000 0101   |    0x 85      | integer(16bit,signed)
   0b 1000 0110   |    0x 86      | integer(32bit,signed)
   0b 1000 0111   |    0x 87      | integer(64bit,signed)
   0b 0000 1000   |    0x 08      | string flag
   0b 0000 1100   |    0x 0c      | string with uint8 length
   0b 0000 1101   |    0x 0d      | string with uint16 length
   0b 0000 1110   |    0x 0e      | string with uint32 length
   0b 0001 0000   |    0x 10      | binary flag
   0b 0001 0100   |    0x 14      | binary with uint8 length
   0b 0001 0101   |    0x 15      | binary with uint16 length
   0b 0001 0110   |    0x 16      | binary with uint32 length
   0b 0010 0000   |    0x 20      | document(type:dict) flag
   0b 0010 0100   |    0x 24      | document(type:dict) with uint8 length
   0b 0010 0101   |    0x 25      | document(type:dict) with uint16 length
   0b 0010 0110   |    0x 26      | document(type:dict) with uint32 length
   0b 0011 0000   |    0x 30      | document(type:list) flag
   0b 0011 0100   |    0x 34      | document(type:list) with uint8 length
   0b 0011 0101   |    0x 35      | document(type:list) with uint16 length
   0b 0011 0110   |    0x 36      | document(type:list) with uint32 length
   0b 0100 0000   |    0x 40      | root document flag
   0b 0100 0100   |    0x 44      | root document with uint8 length
   0b 0100 0101   |    0x 45      | root document with uint16 length
   0b 0100 0110   |    0x 46      | root document with uint32 length
   0b 1000 1000   |    0x 44      | extendable zone
   0b 1xxx 1iii   |               | x -> type id, i -> uint(i) length
   0b 1001 1100   |    0x 9c      | datetime with uint8 timestamp
   0b 1001 1100   |    0x 9d      | datetime with uint16 timestamp
   0b 1001 1100   |    0x 9e      | datetime with uint32 timestamp
   0b 1111 1111   |    0x FF      | undefined