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We have two types of benchmarking:

  • E2E benchmarking running the UDP tracker.
  • Internal torrents repository benchmarking.

E2E benchmarking

We are using the scripts provided by aquatic.

How to install both commands:

cargo install aquatic_udp_load_test && cargo install aquatic_http_load_test

You can also clone and build the repos. It's the way used for the results shown in this documentation.

git clone [email protected]:greatest-ape/aquatic.git
cd aquatic
cargo build --release -p aquatic_udp_load_test

Run UDP load test

Run the tracker with UDP service enabled and other services disabled and set log threshold to error.

threshold = "error"

bind_address = ""

Build and run the tracker:

cargo build --release
TORRUST_TRACKER_CONFIG_TOML_PATH="./share/default/config/tracker.udp.benchmarking.toml" ./target/release/torrust-tracker

Run the load test with:


NOTICE: You need to modify the port in the udp_load_test crate to use 6969 and rebuild.


Starting client with config: Config {
    log_level: Error,
    workers: 1,
    duration: 0,
    summarize_last: 0,
    extra_statistics: true,
    network: NetworkConfig {
        multiple_client_ipv4s: true,
        sockets_per_worker: 4,
        recv_buffer: 8000000,
    requests: RequestConfig {
        number_of_torrents: 1000000,
        number_of_peers: 2000000,
        scrape_max_torrents: 10,
        announce_peers_wanted: 30,
        weight_connect: 50,
        weight_announce: 50,
        weight_scrape: 1,
        peer_seeder_probability: 0.75,

Requests out: 398367.11/second
Responses in: 358530.40/second
  - Connect responses:  177567.60
  - Announce responses: 177508.08
  - Scrape responses:   3454.72
  - Error responses:    0.00
Peers per announce response: 0.00
Announce responses per info hash:
  - p10: 1
  - p25: 1
  - p50: 1
  - p75: 1
  - p90: 2
  - p95: 3
  - p99: 105
  - p99.9: 289
  - p100: 361

IMPORTANT: The performance of the Torrust UDP Tracker is drastically decreased with these log threshold: info, debug, trace.

Requests out: 40719.21/second
Responses in: 33762.72/second
  - Connect responses:  16732.76
  - Announce responses: 16692.98
  - Scrape responses:   336.98
  - Error responses:    0.00
Peers per announce response: 0.00
Announce responses per info hash:
  - p10: 1
  - p25: 1
  - p50: 1
  - p75: 1
  - p90: 7
  - p95: 14
  - p99: 27
  - p99.9: 35
  - p100: 45

Comparing UDP tracker with other Rust implementations

Aquatic UDP Tracker

Running the tracker:

git clone [email protected]:greatest-ape/aquatic.git
cd aquatic
cargo build --release -p aquatic_udp
./target/release/aquatic_udp -p > "aquatic-udp-config.toml"
./target/release/aquatic_udp -c "aquatic-udp-config.toml"

Run the load test with:

Requests out: 432896.42/second
Responses in: 389577.70/second
  - Connect responses:  192864.02
  - Announce responses: 192817.55
  - Scrape responses:   3896.13
  - Error responses:    0.00
Peers per announce response: 21.55
Announce responses per info hash:
  - p10: 1
  - p25: 1
  - p50: 1
  - p75: 1
  - p90: 2
  - p95: 3
  - p99: 105
  - p99.9: 311
  - p100: 395

Torrust-Actix UDP Tracker

Run the tracker with UDP service enabled and other services disabled and set log threshold to error.

threshold = "error"

bind_address = ""
git clone
cd torrust-actix
cargo build --release
./target/release/torrust-actix --create-config

Run the load test with:


NOTICE: You need to modify the port in the udp_load_test crate to use 6969 and rebuild.

Requests out: 200953.97/second
Responses in: 180858.14/second
  - Connect responses:  89517.13
  - Announce responses: 89539.67
  - Scrape responses:   1801.34
  - Error responses:    0.00
Peers per announce response: 1.00
Announce responses per info hash:
  - p10: 1
  - p25: 1
  - p50: 1
  - p75: 1
  - p90: 2
  - p95: 7
  - p99: 87
  - p99.9: 155
  - p100: 188


Announce request per second:

Tracker Announce
Aquatic 192,817
Torrust 177,508
Torrust-Actix 89,539

Using a PC with:

  • RAM: 64GiB
  • Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X x 32
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon Graphics / Intel Arc A770 Graphics (DG2)
  • OS: Ubuntu 23.04
  • OS Type: 64-bit
  • Kernel Version: Linux 6.2.0-20-generic

Repository benchmarking


You need to install the gnuplot package.

sudo apt install gnuplot


You can run it with:

cargo bench -p torrust-tracker-torrent-repository

It tests the different implementations for the internal torrent storage. The output should be something like this:

     Running benches/ (target/release/deps/repository_benchmark-2f7830898bbdfba4)
                        time:   [60.936 ns 61.383 ns 61.764 ns]
Found 24 outliers among 100 measurements (24.00%)
  15 (15.00%) high mild
  9 (9.00%) high severe
                        time:   [60.829 ns 60.937 ns 61.053 ns]
Found 1 outliers among 100 measurements (1.00%)
  1 (1.00%) high severe
                        time:   [96.034 ns 96.243 ns 96.545 ns]
Found 6 outliers among 100 measurements (6.00%)
  4 (4.00%) high mild
  2 (2.00%) high severe
                        time:   [108.25 ns 108.66 ns 109.06 ns]
Found 2 outliers among 100 measurements (2.00%)
  2 (2.00%) low mild
                        time:   [109.03 ns 109.11 ns 109.19 ns]
Found 4 outliers among 100 measurements (4.00%)
  1 (1.00%) low mild
  1 (1.00%) high mild
  2 (2.00%) high severe
Benchmarking add_one_torrent/RwLockTokioMutexTokio: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 1.0003 s (7.1M iterationsadd_one_torrent/RwLockTokioMutexTokio
                        time:   [139.64 ns 140.11 ns 140.62 ns]

After running it you should have a new directory containing the criterion reports:

├── add_multiple_torrents_in_parallel
├── add_one_torrent
├── report
├── update_multiple_torrents_in_parallel
└── update_one_torrent_in_parallel

You can see one report for each of the operations we are considering for benchmarking:

  • Add multiple torrents in parallel.
  • Add one torrent.
  • Update multiple torrents in parallel.
  • Update one torrent in parallel.

Each report look like the following:

Torrent repository implementations benchmarking report

Other considerations

If you are interested in knowing more about the tracker performance or contribute to improve its performance you ca join the performance optimizations discussion.