The main set up is done in the configuration file config_main.ini. In this file you will set up paths to model data, which variables to analyze and how (define statistics), which observations to compare with etc. In other words, this is your starting point when applying RCAT.
Configuration is done in an .ini file which has a specific structure based on sections, properties and values. config_main.ini consists of a handful of these sections, for example MODELS, under which you specify certain properties or values. The latter may in some cases be common structures used in python like lists or dictionaries. Below follows a description of each of the sections needed to setup the analysis.
Here you specify the path to model data (at the moment a specific folder structure is anticipated, with sub-folders under fpath according to output frequency; fpath/day, fpath/6H, fpath/15Min, etc. Names of these sub-folders are inherited from the freq property set under variables in the SETTINGS section.
model = {
'fpath': '/path/to/model/data',
'start year': 1998, 'end year': 2000, 'months': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
The property model is the user chosen model name that will then appear
throughout the analysis, for example in filenames of statistical output or in
titles of created plots. So generally one would choose a more appropriate name
like arome or similar. The value of this property is a dictionary containing
the keys fpath, start year, end year and months. fpath value is a
string with the path to model data files. start year and end year specify
the time period of analysis and months a list with the months to select for
each year. For example, if you want to only analyse the summer season you would
set 'months': [6,7,8]
. It might depend on the statistics you want to do; e.g.
for seasonal and annual cycles, all 12 months must be specified.
For single year analysis start year and end year should have the same year
Here's another example comparing two models:
model_his = {
'fpath': '/path/to/model_1/data',
'start year': 1985, 'end year': 2005, 'months': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
model_scn = {
'fpath': '/path/to/model_2/data',
'start year': 2080, 'end year': 2100, 'months': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
Two different periods is set here because a simulation of historic period will be compared with a simulation of future climate. More models can be added to the list, but note that the first model (e.g. model_his in the above example) will be the reference model. That is, if validation plot is True, and no obs data is specified, the difference plots will use first model in list as reference data.
If observation data is to be used in the analysis, you will specify here the time period and months for obs data. Thus, the same time period will be used for all observations. Which observations to include in the analysis is not defined here, but in the SETTINGS section, in the variable property.
The path for the output (statistics files, plots). If you re-run the analysis with the same output directory, you will prompted to say whether to overwrite existing output. That is, if agreed upon, already existing output files and figures will not be removed but may be overwritten if the same model/obs data and statistics is used again.
One of the key settings in the configuration file. The value of this property is represented by a dictionary; the keys are strings of variable names ('pr', 'tas', ...) and the value of each key (variable) is another dictionary consiting of a number of specific settings:
variables = {
'psl': {'freq': 'day', 'units': 'hPa', 'scale factor': 0.01, 'accumulated': False, 'obs': ['ERA5', 'EOBS'], 'obs scale factor': 0.01, 'regrid to': 'ERA5', 'regrid method': 'bilinear'},
'pr': {'freq': 'day', 'units': 'mm', 'scale factor': None, 'accumulated': True, 'obs': 'EOBS', 'obs scale factor': 86400, 'regrid to': 'EOBS', 'regrid method': 'conservative'},
'tas': {'freq': 'day', 'units': 'K', 'scale factor': None, 'accumulated': False, 'obs': ['ERA5', 'EOBS'], 'obs scale factor': None, 'regrid to': 'ERA5', 'regrid method': 'bilinear'},
- freq
A string of the time resolution of input model data. The string should match any of the sub-folders under the path to model data, e.g. 'day', '1H', '3H'. In effect, you may choose different time resolutions for different variables in the analysis.
- units
The units of the variable data (which will appear in figures created in RCAT, and thus should reflect the units after data have been manipulated through the analysis).
- scale factor
A numeric factor (integer/float) that model data is multiplied with, to convert to desired units (e.g. from J/m2 to W/m2) and to ensure that all data (model and observations) have the same units. If no scaling is to be done, set value to None. An arithmetic exoression is not allowed; for example if data is to be divided by 10 you cannot define factor as 1/10, it must then be 0.1. It is assumed that all model data will use the same factor.
- accumulated
Boolean switch identifying variable data as accumulated fields or not. If the former (True), then data will be deaccumulated "on the fly" when opening files of data.
- obs
String or list of strings with acronyms of observations to be included in the analysis (for the variable of choice, and therefore different observations can be chosen for different variables). Available observations, and their acronyms, are specified in In this file you can also add new observational data sets. The data should be in standrad CF convention format and file names must include (in a certain format) the years and months covered by the data.
- obs scale factor
As scale factor above but for observations. If multiple observations are defined, some of which would need different scale factors, a list of factors can be provided. However, if the same factor should be used for all observations, it is enough to just specify a single factor.
- regrid to
If data is to be remapped to a common grid, you specify the name (model name or observation acronym) here. If not, set to None.
- regrid method
String defining the interpolation method: 'conservative' or 'bilinear'.
A list of strings with region names, defining geographical areas data will be extracted from. If set, 2D statistical fields calculated by RCAT will be cropped over these regions, and in line plots produced in RCAT mean statistical values will calculated and plotted for each of the regions. If the pool data option in statistics configuration (see below) is set to True, then data over regions will be pooled together before statistical calculations. If no cropping of data is wanted, set this property to None.
Another main section of the analysis configuration. Therefore, the descripition of this segment is given separately, README_statistics.
This section is intended for the case you want to perform a general evaluation/validation of the model. This means that (for the moment) a set of standards plots (maps and line plots) can be done by RCAT for a set of standard statistical output: annual, seasonal and diurnal cycles, pdf's, percentiles and ASoP analysis. If plotting procedures for other statistics is wished for, they need to be implemented in the RCAT plotting module.
If validation plot is set to True, standard plots will be produced for the defined statistics. Otherwise, plotting can be done elsewhere using the statistical output files (netcdf format) created by RCAT.
A few properties can be set that configures the production of map plots.
- map configure
map configure = {'proj': 'stere', 'res': 'l', 'zoom': 'geom', 'zoom_geom': [1700000, 2100000], 'lon_0': 16.5, 'lat_0': 63}
In this property you can change/add key value pairs that control for example map projection ('proj') and resolution ('res') as well as the dimensions of the map; 'zoom' can be set to 'crnrs' if corners of model grid is to be used, or 'geom' if you want to specify width and height (in meters) of the map. In the latter case you need to set 'zoom_geom' [width, height]. Note that these settings refers to the reference model in the analysis which is the first model data set specified in the MODELS section.
For more settings, see the map_setup function in
- map grid setup
map grid setup = {'axes_pad': 0.5, 'cbar_mode': 'each', 'cbar_location': 'right',
'cbar_size': '5%%', 'cbar_pad': 0.03}
Settings for the map plot configuration, for example whether to use a colorbar or not (cbar_mode) and where to put it and the padding between panels. For more info, see the image_grid_setup function in
- map kwargs
map kwargs = {'filled': True, 'mesh': True}
Additional keyword arguments to be added in the matplotlib contour plot call, see the make_map_plot function in
- line plot settings
line grid setup = {'axes_pad': (11., 6.)}
line kwargs = {'lw': 2.5}
Likewise, settings for line plots can be made, e.g. line widths and styles as well as axes configurations. There are a number of functions in that handles line/scatter/box plots, see for example the fig_grid_setup and make_line_plot functions.
RCAT uses Dask to perform file managing and statistical analysis in an efficient way through parallelization. When applying Dask on queuing systems like PBS or Slurm, Dask-Jobqueue provides an excellent interface for handling such work flow. It is used in RCAT and to properly use Dask and Dask-Jobqueue on an HPC system you need to provide some information about that system and how you plan to use it. By default, when Dask-Jobqueue is first imported a configuration file is placed in ~/.config/dask/jobqueue.yaml. What is set in this file are the default settings being used. On Bi/NSC we have set up a default configuration file as below.
cat ~/.config/dask/jobqueue.yaml
name: dask-worker
# Dask worker options
cores: 16 # Total number of cores per job
memory: "64 GB" # Total amount of memory per job
processes: 1 # Number of Python processes per job
interface: ib0 # Network interface to use like eth0 or ib0
death-timeout: 60 # Number of seconds to wait if a worker can not find a scheduler
local-directory: $SNIC_TMP # Location of fast local storage like /scratch or $TMPDIR
# SLURM resource manager options
queue: null
project: null
walltime: '01:00:00'
job-extra: ['--exclusive']
When default settings have been set up, the main properties that you usuallt want to change in the SLURM section are the number of nodes to use and walltime:
nodes = 15
slurm kwargs = {'walltime': '02:00:00'}
Sometimes you might need more memory on the nodes, and on Bi/NSC there are fat nodes available. If you want to use fat nodes, you can specify this through
slurm kwargs = {'walltime': '02:00:00', 'memory': '256GB', 'job_extra': ['-C fat']}