According to the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, every possible outcome of a quantum experiment happens. If your decision relies on the outcome of the quantum experiment, there will be many versions of you that make different decisions.
Quantum Generator backends:
- qrandom
- CamachoLab: server configuration issue, certificate is not trusted on on android
- ANU: throttled, 1 request / minute
Quantum Random Number Generator is used to generate a random number, hence branching the universe.
- Enter your commitments, two different things that you are willing to do.
- Hit the Ψ button.
- Do according whatever appears on your screen.
DISCLAIMER: use at your own risk, don't blame the application (or me) for your "bad" decisions.
Unfortunately the Official Application is not available on android, so I decided to make a similar one.
Sean Carroll's new book Something deeply hidden.
The Biggest Ideas in The Universe YouTube series.