All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.0.1 (2016-05-31)
3.0.0 (2015-12-07)
- package.json: upgrade dependencies (7af8d07)
2.4.1 (2015-12-07)
- support sourcemap (544eb886)
- shows filename on compilation error (919c401a)
- index.js: add support for extension (043d92da)
- package.json:
- index.js: require syntax for LiveScript 1.3.0 (0dcbb6bf)
- package.json: upgrade LiveScript to 1.3.0 (3c2202d4)
- index.js: require syntax for LiveScript 1.2.0 (0f3d00f6)
- index.js: require syntax for LiveScript 1.3.0 (26ad4a7e)
- index: add support for outputing json (306da937)
- package.json: downgrade through2 to 0.5.1 (537e8863)
- package.json: update dependencies (b29ff385)
- index.js: replace map-stream with through2 (62ad1579)
- fix tests for LiveScript filename feature. (2c1fc448084f660feffe9bdc892e29a0ce3fa240)
- make LiveScript show the filename when there's an error (744b187e8ad706f0be5683cfab90a3ef4573019f)
- Makefile: extract logic out from gulpfile (d0ff136ba9e1fa2f7ad450da6995a7c5c9159fe4)
- cb error when compilation fails (fe30052a302e3b4957833ae22766cad7cb05e44c)
- package.json: update gulp-conventional-changelog version (8cbd2aa8f0e450bf0a70559ef1f7d62a95a4a685)
- package.json: update gulp-conventional-changelog version (f6bc31312174485f76519c8d482c12b2186105e2)
- gulpfile: gulp-bump has a breaking change (5bb3e99dd5ca80c5cc86f0f0a5e6bbc6fecc5897)
- index.js: generate it with bare option (850956015df970a85983a42c5d62e033b4aa8210)
Fix test suite usage with npm test
, and add example
Add gemnasium bagde to README and fix package.json
repository link.
Add gulp-conventional-changelog
and gulp-release
into release
- naming: rename package to gulp-livescript (6ea5adac2bef79292076e869baf9e6bea62362e5)
- package: add mocha as dev dependencies (bebcab6c5f64cb46c03036aca49aa90105c516e8)
- index: add compile functionality and test (969ec3d4aab91b2e821dbf82c4124805977c1ed8)
- init: scaffold glup plugin with LiveScript support (dc917bfd74737a381bef64f8220e53f2eee46b41)