v0.8.3 (2019-08-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Regression after merge #fix-127-trampled-units #139
- Fix regression bug #139 #140 (jordanbrauer)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump js-yaml from 3.12.0 to 3.13.1 #138 (dependabot[bot])
- Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.15 #137 (dependabot[bot])
v0.8.2 (2019-07-26)
Fixed bugs:
- registry tramples units with the same symbol #127
Merged pull requests:
- Circle ci #134 (jordanbrauer)
- Fix/fuel economy units fixes #133 (maksimru)
- Fix 127 trampled units #132 (jordanbrauer)
- raise error for units attempted to be overwritten #131 (jordanbrauer)
- Primitive units #129 (jordanbrauer)
- Add common builders for simple and binary calculators #126 (elliotwms)
v0.8.1 (2018-12-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Convert a unit to all other possible units of measurement. #119
- Add support for units of measurement, Fuel Economy #42
- Add support for units of measurement, Frequency #41
- Expose api #124 (jordanbrauer)
- Add support for units of measurement, Frequency #123 (jmauerhan)
- Convert to all #121 (jordanbrauer)
- Refactor calculate #116 (jordanbrauer)
Fixed bugs:
- Temperature conversions do not work with BinaryCalculator #118
Closed issues:
- Fix "method_complexity" issue in src/UnitConverter/UnitConverter.php #96
- Performance metrics/benchmarks? #77
Merged pull requests:
- add php metrics library for static code analysis #125 (jordanbrauer)
- #42 : Add support for units of measurement, Fuel Economy (#1) #117 (Progi1984)
v0.8.0 (2018-08-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Array dot notation for Collection #100
- Array dot notation #102 (jordanbrauer)
Fixed bugs:
- [7.0.1][FatalErrorException] BinaryCalculator::round must be compatible with UnitConverter\Calculator\AbstractCalculator::round #115
- Self-converting units (such as temperature) are not logged #105
Closed issues:
- Fix "method_lines" issue in src/UnitConverter/ConverterBuilder.php #113
- missing the createBuilder method when installing through composer #107
- Add PHP CS Fixer to project #101
- Fix "method_lines" issue in src/UnitConverter/UnitConverter.php #97
Merged pull requests:
- Fix method lines #114 (jordanbrauer)
- Fix self conversion logs #112 (jordanbrauer)
- Improved exceptions #110 (jordanbrauer)
- Readme badges #109 (jordanbrauer)
- Php cs fixer #108 (jordanbrauer)
v0.7.1 (2018-08-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- List all suported units #98
Closed issues:
- Instantiate registry with all units #99
Merged pull requests:
- Add coverage annotation to exceptions #106 (jordanbrauer)
- Converter builder and fully loaded registry #104 (proualexandre)
v0.7.0 (2018-05-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add methods to Time units for determining leaps #70
- Introduce a debugging method with nice output #69
- Implement new Unit property "siUnit" to indicate the units SI acceptance #60
- Si units #86 (jordanbrauer)
Closed issues:
- Fix "method_lines" issue in src/UnitConverter/UnitConverter.php #94
- Fix "method_lines" issue in src/UnitConverter/UnitConverter.php #93
- Fix "method_complexity" issue in src/UnitConverter/UnitConverter.php #92
- Update README to have more information for setup/usage. #68
- Implement a better release workflow #58
- Fix "method_lines" issue in src/UnitConverter/Unit/Temperature/Fahrenheit.php #57
- Fix "argument_count" issue in src/UnitConverter/UnitConverter.php #56
- Enforce a standard such as SI for unit of measure notations (symbols) #45
Merged pull requests:
- reduce lines in calculate method (closes #57) #95 (jordanbrauer)
- Repo files #91 (jordanbrauer)
- Temporarily use vanilla codeclimate badges due to shields.io bug #90 (jordanbrauer)
- Debugging tools #89 (jordanbrauer)
- Time helpers #88 (jordanbrauer)
v0.6.7 (2018-05-06)
Merged pull requests:
- Release fixes #83 (jordanbrauer)
v0.6.2-rc (2018-05-06)
Fixed bugs:
- Upgrades to support a pre-release tag #82 (jordanbrauer)
v0.6.1 (2018-05-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add collection class for unit registry #75
- Develop – Minor version change #81 (jordanbrauer)
- Robofile taskrunner #80 (jordanbrauer)
- Robofile taskrunner #78 (jordanbrauer)
Fixed bugs:
- BinaryCalculator requires UnitConverter to pass string values instead of int/float values #54
Closed issues:
- Code style updates #67
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "Robofile taskrunner" #79 (jordanbrauer)
- Unit collection #76 (jordanbrauer)
- Update: outdated readme info & add new info #74 (jordanbrauer)
- Fix code styles #71 (jordanbrauer)
v0.6.0 (2018-02-04)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.6.0 #66 (jordanbrauer)
- Fix binary calc #64 (jordanbrauer)
- GitHub templates #63 (jordanbrauer)
v0.5.1 (2017-11-14)
Closed issues:
- Add missing unit of measurement integration tests #59
v0.5.0 (2017-11-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Dev documentation for API + examples #43
- Include the use of bcmath for floating point precision #12
- Feat: implement calculator into unit converter & unit calculate methods #53 (jordanbrauer)
- Feat: add explicit calculator classes to handle all math related operations #52 (jordanbrauer)
Closed issues:
- Need a Changelog of sorts #28
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade: pull in development changes #55 (jordanbrauer)
v0.4.1 (2017-11-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Feat: add changelog #49 (jordanbrauer)
Closed issues:
- Need a Contributing Guide #27
- Basic units of measurement for Energy (Power) #11
- Basic units of measurement for Pressure #9
- Basic units of measurement for Weight (Mass) #5
Merged pull requests:
- Documentation Fixes & Improvements #51 (jordanbrauer)
- Fix: api docs #50 (jordanbrauer)
v0.4.0 (2017-11-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add new unit property, "scientificSymbol" for special unicode character symbols #46
- Hacktoberfest Development #48 (jordanbrauer)
- Scientific Symbol Added #47 (luchianenco)
- Added last weight measures #37 (teunw)
- Added time measurements #35 (teunw)
- Added millibar as pressure unit #34 (teunw)
- Adding energy units #33 (andrewboerema)
- Implement Kilopascal and Megapascal and write tests #29 (arubacao)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix: add missing self conversions for temperature units #31 (jordanbrauer)
- remove composer.lock from repo and add it to .gitignore #30 (arubacao)
Closed issues:
- Basic units of measurement for Time #10
- Basic units of measurement for Temperature #8
- Basic units of measurement for Speed #6
- Basic units of measurement for Volume #4
Merged pull requests:
- Add first set of dev docs #44 (jordanbrauer)
- Feat: add simple contributing guide for now (#27) #36 (jordanbrauer)
- Feature/improve travis file #32 (arubacao)
v0.3.9-beta (2017-10-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Feat: add basic energy units #25 (jordanbrauer)
- Units pressure #22 (jordanbrauer)
- Units volume #21 (jordanbrauer)
- Add support for units of temperature #18 (jordanbrauer)
- Add support for units of speed #17 (jordanbrauer)
- Support for Plane Angle units #16 (jordanbrauer)
- Added package specific exception classes to handle uncaught exceptions #15 (jordanbrauer)
- Add support for Area units of measure #13 (jordanbrauer)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix calc method #20 (jordanbrauer)
- Fix: all units now use configure() method to configure data #19 (jordanbrauer)
- Fix: accidently had all classes be abstract #14 (jordanbrauer)
Closed issues:
- Basics units of measurement for Rotation #7
- Basic units of measurement for Area #3
- Custom ErrorException classes would be nice #2
Merged pull requests:
- Base working package #26 (jordanbrauer)
- Revert "Units energy" #24 (jordanbrauer)
- Units energy #23 (jordanbrauer)
- MVP version of component #1 (jordanbrauer)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator