- filter_item method for filtering lists in admin views moved to tog_core
- Added failing cases in the activation process (kudos to pacoguzman)
- Migrated to newer version of restful_authentication and AASM gem. Old password scheme used for compatibility
- Filtering passwords
- Added translations for Brazilian Portuguese
- Filter users by creation date or state in admin (kudos to tokland)
- Search users in admin (kudos to tokland)
- Record activity on activate
- Small fix: "system.user.email_as_login" should be "plugins.tog_user.email_as_login"
- Translated user_mailer activation and signup emails into spanish
- Improved spanish translations
- Fixed bug in user authentication when using email for login (kudos to Gaizka)
- (almost) Full i18n (kudos to Andrei Erdoss)
- Renamed routes.rb to desert_routes.rb (Rails 2.3 + desert 0.5 support)
- Small changes to code and test (Rails 2.3 support, kudos to Andrei Erdoss)
- Renamed application.rb to application_controller.rb (Rails 2.3 support)
- Small changes to code and test (Rails 2.3 support, kudos to Andrei Erdoss)
- New named_scope "admin" in user model
Fix User.authenticate when Tog::Config["plugins.tog_user.email_as_login"] is set
- Ticket #130. Update i18n for user's states
- Ticket #118. i18n in navigation tabs
- Fixed a nasty bug on password reminder mailer introduced by a nasty bug on restful_autenthicated introduced by ... [#121 state:resolved]
- Site-Search integration.
- Sync tog's i18n implementation with rails 2.2.2
- Only pending users should be displayed on the profiles section
- fix restful-authentication with rails 2.2
- Fixed mixed up signup/activation templates.
- Use Tog::Config['plugins.tog_core.pagination_size'] as default pagination size.
- Moved users_helper to tog_core
- Internationalization for controller and mailer message