diff --git a/src/Constants.tsx b/src/Constants.tsx
index 1122eb6..7ba637b 100644
--- a/src/Constants.tsx
+++ b/src/Constants.tsx
@@ -68,11 +68,12 @@ export const LOCATIONS = {
export const OUTSKIRTS_WIND_MULTIPLIER = 2; // https://github.com/toddmedema/electrify/issues/96
export const EQUATOR_RADIANCE = 1000; // at sea level, equator, clear day, noon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_irradiance
+// How long between each simulated frame
export const TICK_MS = {
- PAUSED: 250,
- SLOW: 100,
- NORMAL: 40,
- FAST: 1,
+ PAUSED: 250, // pause doesn't actually simulate frames, this is just the timeout timer
+ SLOW: 200,
+ NORMAL: 60,
+ FAST: 15,
export const INFLATION = 0.03;
diff --git a/src/reducers/Game.tsx b/src/reducers/Game.tsx
index 1de7b04..d2318fa 100644
--- a/src/reducers/Game.tsx
+++ b/src/reducers/Game.tsx
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ interface NewGameAction {
location: LocationType;
+let previousTickMs = 0;
let previousSpeed = "PAUSED" as SpeedType;
let previousMonth = "";
const initialGame: GameType = {
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ export const gameSlice = createSlice({
if (state.speed === "PAUSED") {
+ previousTickMs = performance.now();
() => store.dispatch(gameSlice.actions.tick()),
@@ -116,210 +118,18 @@ export const gameSlice = createSlice({
- state.date = getDateFromMinute(
- state.date.minute + TICK_MINUTES,
- state.startingYear
- );
- const now = getTimeFromTimeline(state.date.minute, state.timeline);
- const prev = getTimeFromTimeline(
- state.date.minute - TICK_MINUTES,
- state.timeline
- );
- if (now && prev) {
- updateSupplyFacilitiesFinances(state, prev, now);
- if (previousMonth !== state.date.month) {
- previousMonth = state.date.month;
- const history = state.monthlyHistory;
- const { cash, customers } = now;
- // Record final history for the month, then generate the new timeline
- history.unshift(
- summarizeTimeline(state.timeline, state.startingYear)
- );
- state.timeline = generateNewTimeline(state, cash, customers);
- // Pre-roll a few frames to compensate for temperature / demand jumps across months
- for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- updateSupplyFacilitiesFinances(
- state,
- state.timeline[0],
- state.timeline[0],
- true
- );
- }
- // ===== TRIGGERS ======
- // Failure: Bankrupt
- if (now.cash < 0) {
- logEvent("scenario_end", {
- id: state.scenarioId,
- type: "bankrupt",
- difficulty: state.difficulty,
- });
- const summary = summarizeHistory(history);
- setTimeout(
- () =>
- store.dispatch(
- dialogOpen({
- title: "Bankrupt!",
- message: `You've run out of money.
- You survived for ${store.getState().game.date.year - store.getState().game.startingYear} years,
- earned ${formatMoneyConcise(summary.revenue)} in revenue
- and emitted ${numbro(summary.kgco2e / 1000).format({ thousandSeparated: true, mantissa: 0 })} tons of pollution.`,
- open: true,
- notCancellable: true,
- actionLabel: "Try again",
- action: () => store.dispatch(gameSlice.actions.quit()),
- })
- ),
- 1
- );
- }
- // Failure: Too many blackouts
- if (
- history[1] &&
- history[2] &&
- history[3] &&
- history[1].supplyWh < history[1].demandWh * 0.9 &&
- history[2].supplyWh < history[2].demandWh * 0.9 &&
- history[3].supplyWh < history[3].demandWh * 0.9
- ) {
- logEvent("scenario_end", {
- id: state.scenarioId,
- type: "blackouts",
- difficulty: state.difficulty,
- });
- const summary = summarizeHistory(history);
- setTimeout(
- () =>
- store.dispatch(
- dialogOpen({
- title: "Fired!",
- message: `You've allowed chronic blackouts for 3 months, causing shareholders to remove you from office.
- You survived for ${store.getState().game.date.year - store.getState().game.startingYear} years,
- earned ${formatMoneyConcise(summary.revenue)} in revenue
- and emitted ${numbro(summary.kgco2e / 1000).format({ thousandSeparated: true, mantissa: 0 })} tons of pollution.`,
- open: true,
- notCancellable: true,
- actionLabel: "Try again",
- action: () => store.dispatch(gameSlice.actions.quit()),
- })
- ),
- 1
- );
- }
- const scenario =
- SCENARIOS.find((s) => s.id === state.scenarioId) || SCENARIOS[0];
- // Success: Survived duration
- if (
- state.date.monthsEllapsed === (scenario.durationMonths || 12 * 20)
- ) {
- const localStoragePlayed = (
- getStorageJson("plays", { plays: [] }) as any
- ).plays as LocalStoragePlayedType[];
- setStorageKeyValue("plays", {
- plays: [
- ...localStoragePlayed,
- {
- scenarioId: state.scenarioId,
- date: new Date().toString(),
- } as LocalStoragePlayedType,
- ],
- });
- // Calculate score - This is also described in the manual; if I update the algorithm, update the manual too!
- const summary = summarizeHistory(history);
- const blackoutsTWh =
- Math.max(0, summary.demandWh - summary.supplyWh) / 1000000000000;
- // Scoring algorithm should also be updated in Game.tsx
- const score =
- scenario.ownership === "Investor"
- ? {
- supply: Math.round(summary.supplyWh / 1000000000000),
- netWorth: Math.round((40 * summary.netWorth) / 1000000000),
- customers: Math.round((2 * summary.customers) / 100000),
- emissions: Math.round((-2 * summary.kgco2e) / 1000000000),
- blackouts: Math.round(-8 * blackoutsTWh),
- }
- : {
- supply: Math.round((10 * summary.supplyWh) / 1000000000000),
- emissions: Math.round((-5 * summary.kgco2e) / 1000000000),
- blackouts: Math.round(-10 * blackoutsTWh),
- };
- const finalScore = Object.values(score).reduce(
- (a: number, b: number) => a + b
- );
- const difficulty = state.difficulty; // pulling out of state for functions running inside of setTimeout
- if (!scenario.tutorialSteps) {
- setTimeout(
- () =>
- store.dispatch(
- submitHighscore({
- score: finalScore,
- scoreBreakdown: score, // For analytics purposes only
- scenarioId: scenario.id,
- difficulty,
- })
- ),
- 1
- );
- }
- logEvent("scenario_end", {
- id: scenario.id,
- type: "win",
- difficulty,
- score: finalScore,
- });
- setTimeout(
- () =>
- store.dispatch(
- dialogOpen({
- title: scenario.endTitle || `You've retired!`,
- message: scenario.endMessage || (
- Your final score is {finalScore}:
+{score.supply} pts from electricity supplied
- {scenario.ownership === "Investor" && (
- +{score.netWorth} pts from final net worth
- )}
- {scenario.ownership === "Investor" && (
- +{score.customers} pts from final customers
- )}
- {score.emissions} pts from emissions
- {score.blackouts} pts from blackouts
- ),
- open: true,
- closeText: "Keep playing",
- actionLabel: "Return to menu",
- action: () => store.dispatch(gameSlice.actions.quit()),
- })
- ),
- 1
- );
- }
- }
+ // update simulation if accumulated delta exceeds frame time
+ // calculate multiple simulation frames per render if on a slow device
+ let delta = performance.now() - previousTickMs;
+ while (delta > TICK_MS[state.speed]) {
+ tickState(state);
+ delta -= TICK_MS[state.speed];
+ previousTickMs = performance.now();
() => store.dispatch(gameSlice.actions.tick()),
- TICK_MS[state.speed]
+ Math.max(1, TICK_MS[state.speed] - delta)
delta: (state, action: PayloadAction>) => {
@@ -480,6 +290,206 @@ export default gameSlice.reducer;
// ====== HELPERS ======
+// Ticks the state forward in place
+function tickState(state: GameType) {
+ state.date = getDateFromMinute(
+ state.date.minute + TICK_MINUTES,
+ state.startingYear
+ );
+ const now = getTimeFromTimeline(state.date.minute, state.timeline);
+ const prev = getTimeFromTimeline(
+ state.date.minute - TICK_MINUTES,
+ state.timeline
+ );
+ if (now && prev) {
+ updateSupplyFacilitiesFinances(state, prev, now);
+ if (previousMonth !== state.date.month) {
+ previousMonth = state.date.month;
+ const history = state.monthlyHistory;
+ const { cash, customers } = now;
+ // Record final history for the month, then generate the new timeline
+ history.unshift(summarizeTimeline(state.timeline, state.startingYear));
+ state.timeline = generateNewTimeline(state, cash, customers);
+ // Pre-roll a few frames to compensate for temperature / demand jumps across months
+ for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ updateSupplyFacilitiesFinances(
+ state,
+ state.timeline[0],
+ state.timeline[0],
+ true
+ );
+ }
+ // ===== TRIGGERS ======
+ // Failure: Bankrupt
+ if (now.cash < 0) {
+ logEvent("scenario_end", {
+ id: state.scenarioId,
+ type: "bankrupt",
+ difficulty: state.difficulty,
+ });
+ const summary = summarizeHistory(history);
+ setTimeout(
+ () =>
+ store.dispatch(
+ dialogOpen({
+ title: "Bankrupt!",
+ message: `You've run out of money.
+ You survived for ${store.getState().game.date.year - store.getState().game.startingYear} years,
+ earned ${formatMoneyConcise(summary.revenue)} in revenue
+ and emitted ${numbro(summary.kgco2e / 1000).format({ thousandSeparated: true, mantissa: 0 })} tons of pollution.`,
+ open: true,
+ notCancellable: true,
+ actionLabel: "Try again",
+ action: () => store.dispatch(gameSlice.actions.quit()),
+ })
+ ),
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ // Failure: Too many blackouts
+ if (
+ history[1] &&
+ history[2] &&
+ history[3] &&
+ history[1].supplyWh < history[1].demandWh * 0.9 &&
+ history[2].supplyWh < history[2].demandWh * 0.9 &&
+ history[3].supplyWh < history[3].demandWh * 0.9
+ ) {
+ logEvent("scenario_end", {
+ id: state.scenarioId,
+ type: "blackouts",
+ difficulty: state.difficulty,
+ });
+ const summary = summarizeHistory(history);
+ setTimeout(
+ () =>
+ store.dispatch(
+ dialogOpen({
+ title: "Fired!",
+ message: `You've allowed chronic blackouts for 3 months, causing shareholders to remove you from office.
+ You survived for ${store.getState().game.date.year - store.getState().game.startingYear} years,
+ earned ${formatMoneyConcise(summary.revenue)} in revenue
+ and emitted ${numbro(summary.kgco2e / 1000).format({ thousandSeparated: true, mantissa: 0 })} tons of pollution.`,
+ open: true,
+ notCancellable: true,
+ actionLabel: "Try again",
+ action: () => store.dispatch(gameSlice.actions.quit()),
+ })
+ ),
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ const scenario =
+ SCENARIOS.find((s) => s.id === state.scenarioId) || SCENARIOS[0];
+ // Success: Survived duration
+ if (state.date.monthsEllapsed === (scenario.durationMonths || 12 * 20)) {
+ const localStoragePlayed = (
+ getStorageJson("plays", { plays: [] }) as any
+ ).plays as LocalStoragePlayedType[];
+ setStorageKeyValue("plays", {
+ plays: [
+ ...localStoragePlayed,
+ {
+ scenarioId: state.scenarioId,
+ date: new Date().toString(),
+ } as LocalStoragePlayedType,
+ ],
+ });
+ // Calculate score - This is also described in the manual; if I update the algorithm, update the manual too!
+ const summary = summarizeHistory(history);
+ const blackoutsTWh =
+ Math.max(0, summary.demandWh - summary.supplyWh) / 1000000000000;
+ // Scoring algorithm should also be updated in Game.tsx
+ const score =
+ scenario.ownership === "Investor"
+ ? {
+ supply: Math.round(summary.supplyWh / 1000000000000),
+ netWorth: Math.round((40 * summary.netWorth) / 1000000000),
+ customers: Math.round((2 * summary.customers) / 100000),
+ emissions: Math.round((-2 * summary.kgco2e) / 1000000000),
+ blackouts: Math.round(-8 * blackoutsTWh),
+ }
+ : {
+ supply: Math.round((10 * summary.supplyWh) / 1000000000000),
+ emissions: Math.round((-5 * summary.kgco2e) / 1000000000),
+ blackouts: Math.round(-10 * blackoutsTWh),
+ };
+ const finalScore = Object.values(score).reduce(
+ (a: number, b: number) => a + b
+ );
+ const difficulty = state.difficulty; // pulling out of state for functions running inside of setTimeout
+ if (!scenario.tutorialSteps) {
+ setTimeout(
+ () =>
+ store.dispatch(
+ submitHighscore({
+ score: finalScore,
+ scoreBreakdown: score, // For analytics purposes only
+ scenarioId: scenario.id,
+ difficulty,
+ })
+ ),
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ logEvent("scenario_end", {
+ id: scenario.id,
+ type: "win",
+ difficulty,
+ score: finalScore,
+ });
+ setTimeout(
+ () =>
+ store.dispatch(
+ dialogOpen({
+ title: scenario.endTitle || `You've retired!`,
+ message: scenario.endMessage || (
+ Your final score is {finalScore}:
+{score.supply} pts from electricity supplied
+ {scenario.ownership === "Investor" && (
+ +{score.netWorth} pts from final net worth
+ )}
+ {scenario.ownership === "Investor" && (
+ +{score.customers} pts from final customers
+ )}
+ {score.emissions} pts from emissions
+ {score.blackouts} pts from blackouts
+ ),
+ open: true,
+ closeText: "Keep playing",
+ actionLabel: "Return to menu",
+ action: () => store.dispatch(gameSlice.actions.quit()),
+ })
+ ),
+ 1
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Simplified customer forecast, assumes no blackouts since supply calculation depends on demand (circular depedency)
function getDemandW(
date: DateType,