From 9007c5a2ad936761bbc8892388efa75202a769f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Justin Belcher Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 16:36:59 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Add MaxMSP patch for use with BLT --- .../scripts/TE_OSC_Dispatcher_BLT.maxpat | 1496 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1496 insertions(+) create mode 100644 resources/scripts/TE_OSC_Dispatcher_BLT.maxpat diff --git a/resources/scripts/TE_OSC_Dispatcher_BLT.maxpat b/resources/scripts/TE_OSC_Dispatcher_BLT.maxpat new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4495cecd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/scripts/TE_OSC_Dispatcher_BLT.maxpat @@ -0,0 +1,1496 @@ +{ + "patcher" : { + "fileversion" : 1, + "appversion" : { + "major" : 8, + "minor" : 5, + "revision" : 6, + "architecture" : "x64", + "modernui" : 1 + } +, + "classnamespace" : "box", + "rect" : [ 120.0, 112.0, 1633.0, 921.0 ], + "bglocked" : 0, + "openinpresentation" : 1, + "default_fontsize" : 12.0, + "default_fontface" : 0, + "default_fontname" : "Arial", + "gridonopen" : 1, + "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ], + "gridsnaponopen" : 1, + "objectsnaponopen" : 1, + "statusbarvisible" : 2, + "toolbarvisible" : 1, + "lefttoolbarpinned" : 0, + "toptoolbarpinned" : 0, + "righttoolbarpinned" : 0, + "bottomtoolbarpinned" : 0, + "toolbars_unpinned_last_save" : 0, + "tallnewobj" : 0, + "boxanimatetime" : 200, + "enablehscroll" : 1, + "enablevscroll" : 1, + "devicewidth" : 0.0, + "description" : "", + "digest" : "", + "tags" : "", + "style" : "", + "subpatcher_template" : "", + "assistshowspatchername" : 0, + "boxes" : [ { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-10", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 650.0, 548.5, 32.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "gate" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-8", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 581.25, 548.5, 32.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "gate" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-7", + "maxclass" : "toggle", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "int" ], + "parameter_enable" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 581.25, 441.0, 24.0, 24.0 ], + "presentation" : 1, + "presentation_rect" : [ 302.16666666666697, 391.5, 24.0, 24.0 ] + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-6", + "linecount" : 2, + "maxclass" : "comment", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 512.5, 407.0, 169.5, 33.0 ], + "presentation" : 1, + "presentation_linecount" : 2, + "presentation_rect" : [ 336.16666666666697, 387.0, 172.0, 33.0 ], + "text" : "Enable all computers for BM. Leave this off for Indio." + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-4", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 512.5, 548.5, 32.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "gate" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "fontsize" : 14.0, + "id" : "obj-79", + "maxclass" : "comment", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 922.5, 453.0, 135.0, 22.0 ], + "presentation" : 1, + "presentation_rect" : [ 721.0, 360.0, 154.0, 22.0 ], + "text" : "iPad static IPs" + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-58", + "maxclass" : "button", + "numinlets" : 1, + "numoutlets" : 1, + "outlettype" : [ "bang" ], + "parameter_enable" : 0, + "patching_rect" : [ 769.5, 467.25, 76.5, 76.5 ], + "presentation" : 1, + "presentation_rect" : [ 614.5, 360.0, 94.0, 94.0 ] + } + + } +, { + "box" : { + "id" : "obj-44", + "maxclass" : "newobj", + "numinlets" : 2, + "numoutlets" : 2, + "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], + "patching_rect" : [ 223.0, 333.0, 197.0, 22.0 ], + 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