- review actions
- updates
- nico grant
- SQL question review
- decide github org name
- user flows
- [/] progress the Github org + repos
- [/] post to SSB about OC funding this work
- invite others to contribute Work Flows
- Nico proposed a grant
- CFT experimented with a SQL database
- test the size
- how is it for curator dealing with 500 attendees
- goal is to surface management complexity
- test the size
- IA is down
- can't reach wendy
- mix: I have wendy + mai on Signal
- michael: email reported back online
- Michael can't make in person meeting in October
4 days to go
have taken mix+cft feeback, going to integrate
spent some time understanding Gitcoin Grants
- structured around crypto + evidence
not clear how details proposal should be
any questions
- mix: there is a scuttlebutt resourcing for grant writing
- cft: who is writing / working on this?
- Luandro is really busy, but is into this
- Luandro + Nico working on Meshtastic prototype
- I'm happy to take help writing
this is basically a crowd-funding campaign
- gitcoin does match-funding
- quadratic funding - more people who contribute, the more resources we get
- we will need pledges like $1-2 to support us
- easy for those on Ethereum already
- gitcoin does match-funding
Problem: CFT has made populated a SQL-lite database, and would like a small graphical interface where you can mutate the state. The purpose is to sit at a person with Internat Archive to work through the data and discuss what's useful / needed.
Michael: - Could be an "Admin user interface"? - Could you do this with just a piece of paper? Mix: - could you do this with a walk-through of Sched? CFT: - would be good to have the vocabullary of IA Michael: - you could drop the Schema => ChatGPT etc and ask for a simple user interface
Nico: - Django can give you an admin interfact for a SQLite db
tiny-ssb (tinySSB)
- x
- x
- x
Tremola (name of the Android app that I show around)
coati - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coati
- x
lofinavi (local first navigator)
- x
- x
- x
- lets take a couple of these, propose to the chat
- tiny-ssb
- coati
- yodel (or yodel-mesh)
- tiny-mesh
Repos will be something like:
/tiny-ssb (moved)
/tiny-schedule (app)
/tiny-fire (future app)
Start repo
- e.g. tinySSB/tiny-schedule-design
- start with user-interview with Wendy/Kev
- Michael
- find the admin users
- mini ethnography: show me what you're doing now
- what are the basic features?
- what are the advanced features
- Michael
- I have Kev on Signal too
- share grant writing work for review
- share schedule for crowd-funding phase
- Oct 16th 21:59 UTC-3 Early applications deadline
- Oct 23rd 09:00 UTC-3 till Jan 01 21:59 UTC-3 Donations start
- Oct 29th 21:59 UTC-3 Late applications deadline
- post funding proposal => ssb
- review Nico's proposal
- contact IA => set up User Interview(s)