A simple Discord bot to display the BTC price in $USD in ticker form
Invite to your discord server.
pnpm install
First at all, you need to rename env.example
to .env.local
and replace the values in it with your own.
- DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN = your bot token
- DISCORD_APP_ID = your app id
- NODE_ENV = "development"
- DISCORD_GUILD_ID = your guild id
- HALVING_ANNOUNCEMENT_INTERVAL = "10" (number of blocks for automatic halving announcement)
- POSTGRES_DB = "database"
- POSTGRES_USER = "username"
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD = "password"
- POSTGRES_HOST = "localhost"
- POSTGRES_PORT = "5432"
You can build the project with pnpm build
and run it with pnpm start
pnpm build && pnpm start
Or you can develop with docker and vscode:
docker-compose up
Rename env.example
to .env
and replace the values in it with your own.
- DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN = your bot token
- DISCORD_APP_ID = your app id
- NODE_ENV = "produtcion"
- HALVING_ANNOUNCEMENT_INTERVAL = "10" (number of blocks for automatic halving announcement)
- POSTGRES_DB = "database"
- POSTGRES_USER = "username"
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD = "password"
- POSTGRES_HOST = "localhost"
- POSTGRES_PORT = "5432"
You can build the project with pnpm build
and run it with pnpm start
pnpm build && pnpm start
If you haven't already, install docker and then run the following command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up