This includes mainly notes-to-self on why I have something installed or which tool I use for rarely-done tasks.
- python2-mpd - Dependency for the MPDStats beets plugin (
- glances - Quickly view system stats
- ack - Faster grep alternative
- acpi - Battery stats
- adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts
- android-tools - Android support
- android-udev - Udev rules for android devices
- arch-wiki-docs - In case of offline emergency
- atool - Deal with archives
- audacity - Edit mp3s
- beets - Manage music
- bspwm - Window manager
- btrfs-progs - BTRFS
- cargo - Rust development
- chromium - In case firefox doesn't do it
- cpulimit - Limit how much cpu a process can use
- cups - Printing Server
- cups-pdf - PDF Printing
- diffpdf - Diff pdfs
- digikam - Picture management
- dosfstools - Deal with fat
- dunst - Notifications
- dwdiff - Diff by word
- evince - PDF reader with annotation support
- evolution - GUI Calendar
- fasd - Fast command line navigation
- fbreader - Ebook reader
- feh - Display images, apply wallpapers
- file-roller - Graphical archive manager
- firefox - main web browser
- firejail - sandboxing
- freetype2 - font rendering
- fzf - fuzzy finder
- gimp - Image editing
- git - Source Control
- gparted - partitioning
- grip - CD Ripper
- gvim - GUI Editor
- gzip - Zip support
- handbrake - Video conversion
- i3lock - Screen locker
- imagemagick - Image tools
- isync - Mail synchronisation
- j4-dmenu-desktop - Application launcher
- khal - CLI calendar
- khard - CLI contact manager
- ledger - CLI time logging
- lemonbar - Bar
- libreoffice-still - Opening documents
- mkvtoolnix-cli - Modify mkv files
- mlocate - Locate
- mp3splt - Split audio files
- mpc - Control mpd from the CLI
- mpd - Music daemon
- mpv - Video player
- msmtp - Send mail
- neomutt - Read mail
- ncdu - Find large files (curses)
- ncmpcpp - Control mpd (curses)
- neovim - Text editor
- neovim-remote - Needed by vimtex
- nethogs - Monitor network usage
- nmap - Network scanner
- notmuch-mutt - Mail search
- ntfs-3g - Write to windows (ntfs) drives
- pacaur - AUR manager
- pandoc - Compile markdown to anything
- pass - CLI password manager
- pcmanfm - Minimal GUI file manager
- pentadactyl-git - Firefox extension, unstable but I don't want to browse without it
- python{,2}-neovim - Python support in neovim
- qemu - VMs
- qutebrowser - Minimal alternative browser
- ranger - (Curses) file manager
- redshift - Shift monitor temp depending on the time of the day
- reflector - Automatically adjust the pacman mirrorlist
- rust - Development of rust code
- rust-racer - Autocompletion of rust code
- rustfmt - Formatting of rust code
- scrot - Screenshots
- sdl2 - Development
- sdl2_image - Development
- sdl2_ttf - Development
- shellcheck - Check my shell scripts
- snapper - Regular btrfs snapshots
- speedtest-cli - Test network speed
- spotify - Discover new music
- sshfs - Mount ssh
- stow - Dotfile management
- stress - Stresstest
- sxhkd - Keybindings
- sxiv - Another image viewer (more features, less configurable than feh)
- syncthing - Keep my devices in sync
- syncthing-inotify - Use inotify instead of regular polling for syncthing
- task - Todo list
- telegram-desktop-bin - Messanger
- terminus-font - Font
- termite - (True color, minimal, configurable) terminal emulator
- texlive-most - Latex
- the_silver_searcher - Another fast grep alternative
- toxcore - Promising messanger
- toxic - Tox client
- translate-shell - CLI translations
- transmission-gtk - Torrents
- trash-cli - Trsh stuff from the cli
- ttf-dejavu - Font
- ttf-hack - Font
- ttf-liberation - Font
- ttf-symbola - Font
- udevil - Automounting
- unclutter - Hide my mouse
- unrar - rar support
- urlview - "Click" links in mutt
- utox - Tox client
- vdirsyncer - Sync contacts and calendars
- w3m - Display images in ranger
- weechat - IRC
- wireshark-gtk - Monitor network traffic
- xautolock - Autolock
- xcape - Double-bind modifier-keys
- xtitle - Display window title in lemonbar
- youtube-dl - Play online videos with mpd
- zathura - Minimal pdf viewer with vim bindings
- zathura-pdf-mupdf - Pdf support
- zsh - Shell