Build Docker image with current ACS implementation and Jupyter Lab image
docker build -f Dockerfile.experiments -t acs .
You can run it locally to test if everything is working fine
docker run --rm --name jupyter -p 9999:9999 -v `pwd`/notebooks:/code/notebooks acs
Finally push to docker hub
docker login
docker tag acs acs/notebook
docker push acs/notebook
To run Jupyter notebook to see processed results type:
docker run -d -v `pwd`/notebooks:/code/notebooks --name jupyter -p 9999:9999 khozzy/acs-notebook
To run a single parametrized experiment type something like:
docker run -d --rm -v `pwd`/notebooks:/code/notebooks --name mountaincar khozzy/acs-notebook papermill "notebooks/ACS2_in_MountainCar.ipynb" "notebooks/mc_500k_DecayFalse_10bins.ipynb" --log-output -p trials 500000 -p decay False -p bins 10