- fix the issue that sometimes dock icons are shown and no UI response after switching tabs quickly
- make rc-dock compatible with preact
- add new parameter to dockmove() for default float panel position
- new TabGroup.floatable option: "singleTab"
- add support to resize float panel by dragging panel edges
- TabGroup and panelLock now have 2 new properties: widthFlex and heightFlex, this allows panel to stretch at different ratio during window resize
- in a float panel with single tab, dragging the tab should work the same way as dragging the panel header
- add dark theme
- panel navigation with arrow keys
- make it possible for Docklayout.updateTab to update tab without changing activeId
- when controlled layout is used and onLayoutChange callback doesn't set new layout prop, there should be a forceUpdate() so the original layout prop is re-rendered
- add direction parameter to onLayoutChange callback
- onLayoutChange callback now gives the tabId when tab is removed, this is changed from previous version where tabId=null when it's removed
- allow mouse event handler on tab title
- fix the issue that calling updateTab() doesn't trigger onLayoutChange
- fix serialization of popup window
- switch to rc-tabs 11.x, internal component structure changed
- tabs overflow is now shown as dropdown menu instead of left/right scroll
- support popup window with rc-new-window