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254 lines (161 loc) · 11.2 KB

Getdown Releases

1.8.7 - May 24, 2022

  • Paths in classpath are specified relative to appdir to avoid excessively long command lines.

  • When updating unpacked jar archives, the old unpacked archive is deleted more robustly to avoid issues when the new archive does not contain subdirectories that the old archive once contained.

  • Added support for manual addition of classpath entries via the classpath directive.

  • Reinstated env var support in appbase property.

  • Fixed issue with myIpAddress() in PAC proxy support.

  • Pack200 support removed. It is no longer supported by the JVM.

1.8.6 - June 4, 2019

  • Fixed issues with PAC proxy support: added myIpAddress(), fixed dnsResolve(), fixed crash when detecting PAC proxy.

  • Reverted env var support in appbase property. It's causing problems that need to be investigated.

1.8.5 - May 29, 2019

  • Fixed issues with proxy information not getting properly passed through to app. Via #216.

  • appbase and latest properties in getdown.txt now process env var subtitutions.

  • Added support for Proxy Auto-config via PAC files.

  • Proxy handling can now recover from credentials going out of date. It will detect the error and ask for updated credentials.

  • Added try_no_proxy system property. This instructs Getdown to always first try to run without a proxy, regardless of whether it has been configured to use a proxy in the past. And if it can run without a proxy, it does so for that session, but retains the proxy config for future sessions in which the proxy may again be needed.

  • Added revalidate_policy config to control when Getdown revalidates resources (by hashing them and comparing that hash to the values in digest.txt). The default, after_update, only validates resources after the app is updated. A new mode, always, validates resources prior to every application launch.

1.8.4 - May 14, 2019

  • Added verify_timeout config to allow customization of the default (60 second) timeout during the resource verification process. Apparently in some pathological situations, this is needed. Woe betide the users who have to stare at an unmoving progress bar for more than 60 seconds. Via #198 and 901682d.

  • Added java_local_dir config to allow custom location for Java if java_location is specified. Via #206.

  • files are now all maintained in UTF-8 encoding and then converted to escaped ISO-8859-1 during the build process.

  • Resources and unpacked resources now support .zip files as well as .jar files. Via #210.

  • Fixed issue when path to JVM contained spaces. Via #214.

1.8.3 - Apr 10, 2019

  • Added support for nresource resources which must be jar files that contain native libraries. Prior to launching the application, these resources will be unpacked and their contents added to the java.library.path system property.

  • When the app is updated to require a new version of the JVM, that JVM will be downloaded and used immediately during that app invocation (instead of one invocation later). Via #169.

  • When a custom JVM is installed, old JVM files will be deleted prior to unpacking the new JVM. Via #170.

  • Number of concurrent downloads now defaults to num-cores minus one. Though downloads are I/O bound rather than CPU bound, this still turns out to be a decent default.

  • Avoid checking for proxy config if https.proxyHost is set. This matches existing behavior when http.proxyHost is set.

  • Added support for proxy authentication. A deployment must also use the com.threerings.getdown.spi.ProxyAuth service provider interface to persist the proxy credentials supplied by the user. Otherwise they will be requested every time Getdown runs, which is not a viable user experience.

  • The Getdown window can be now closed by pressing the ESC key. Via #191.

  • If no appdir is specified via the command line or system property, the current working directory will be used as the appdir. Via 8d59367

  • A basic Russian translation has been added. Thanks @sergiorussia!

1.8.2 - Nov 27, 2018

  • Fixed a data corruption bug introduced at last minute into 1.8.1 release. Oops.

1.8.1 - Nov 26, 2018

  • If both an appbase and appdir are provided via some means (bootstrap properties file, system property, etc.) and the app dir does not yet exist, Getdown will create it.

  • Added max_concurrent_downloads setting to getdown.txt. Controls what you would expect. Defaults to two.

  • can now contain system properties which will be set prior to running Getdown. They must be prefixed by sys.: for example sys.silent = true will set the silent system property to true.

  • If Getdown is run in a headless JVM, it will avoid showing a UI but will attempt to install and launch the application anyhow. Note that passing -Dsilent will override this behavior (because in silent mode the default is only to install the app, not also launch it).

  • Fixed issue with appid not being properly used when specified via command line arg.

  • Fixed issue with running Getdown on single CPU systems (or virtual systems). It was attempting to create a thread pool of size zero, which failed.

  • Fixed issue with backslashes (or other regular expression escape characters) in environment variables being substituted into app arguments.

1.8.0 - Oct 19, 2018

  • Added support for manually specifying the thread pool size via -Dthread_pool_size. Also reduced the default thread pool size to num_cpus-1 from num_cpus.

  • Added support for bundling a file with the Getdown jar file, which can specify defaults for appdir, appbase and appid.

  • Added support for a host URL whitelist. Getdown can be custom built to refuse to operate with any URL that does not match the built-time-specified whitelist. See core/pom.xml for details.

  • Removed the obsolete support for running Getdown in a signed applet. Applets are no longer supported by any widely used browser.

  • Split the project into multiple Maven modules. See the notes on migrating from 1.7 to 1.8 for details.

  • A wide variety of small cleanups resulting from a security review generously performed by a prospective user. This includes various uses of deterministic locales and encodings instead of the platform default locale/encoding, in cases where platform/locale-specific behavior is not desired or needed.

  • Made use of appid fall back to main app class if no appid-specific class is specified.

  • Added support for marking resources as executable (via xresource).

  • Fixed issue where entire tracking URL was being URL encoded.

  • Changed translations to avoid the use of the term 'game'. Use 'app' instead.

1.7.1 - Jun 6, 2018

  • Made it possible to use appbase_domain with https URLs.

  • Fixed issue with undecorated splash window being unclosable if failures happen early in initialization process. (#57)

  • Added support for transparent splash window. (#92)

  • Fixed problem with unpacked code resources (ucode) and pack.gz files. (#95)

  • Changed default Java version regex to support new Java 9+ version formats. (#93)

  • Ensure correct signature algorithm is used for each version of digest files. (#91)

  • Use more robust delete in all cases where Getdown needs to delete files. This should fix issues with lingering files on Windows (where sometimes delete fails spuriously).

1.7.0 - Dec 12, 2017

  • Fixed issue with Digester thread pool not being shutdown. (#89)

  • Fixed resource unpacking, which was broken by earlier change introducing resource installation (downloading to _new files and then renaming into place). (#88)

  • The connect and read timeouts specified by system properties are now used for all the various connections made by Getdown.

  • Proxy detection now uses a 5 second connect/read timeout, to avoid stalling for a long time in certain problematic network conditions.

  • Getdown is now built against JDK 1.7 and requires JDK 1.7 (or newer) to run. Use the latest Getdown 1.6.x release if you need to support Java 1.6.

1.6.4 - Sep 17, 2017

  • digest.txt (and digest2.txt) computation now uses parallel jobs. Each resource to be verified is a single job and the jobs are doled out to a thread pool with #CPUs threads. This allows large builds to proceed faster as most dev machines have more than one core.

  • Resource verification is now performed in parallel (similar to the digest.txt computation, each resource is a job farmed out to a thread pool). For large installations on multi-core machines, this speeds up the verification phase of an installation or update.

  • Socket reads now have a 30 second default timeout. This can be changed by passing -Dread_timeout=N (where N is seconds) to the JVM running Getdown.

  • Fixed issue with failing to install a downloaded and validated _new file.

  • Added support for "strict comments". In this mode, Getdown only treats # as starting a comment if it appears in column zero. This allows # to occur on the right hand side of configuration values (like in file names). To enable, put strict_comments = true in your getdown.txt file.

1.6.3 - Apr 23, 2017

  • Fixed error parsing cache_retention_days. (#82)

  • Fixed error with new code cache. (9e23a426)

1.6.2 - Feb 12, 2017

  • Fixed issue with installing local JVM, caused by new resource installation process. (#78)

  • Local JVM now uses absolute path to avoid issues with cwd.

  • Added override_appbase system property. This enables a Getdown app that normally talks to some download server to be installed in such a way that it instead talks to some other download server.

1.6.1 - Feb 12, 2017

  • Fix issues with URL path encoding when downloading resources. (84af080b0)

  • Parsing digest.txt changed to allow = to appear in the filename. In getdown.txt we split on the first = because = never appears in a key but may appear in a value. But in digest.txt the format is filename = hash and = never appears in the hash but may appear in the filename, so there we want to split on the last = not the first.

  • Fixed bug with progress tracking and reporting. (256e0933)

  • Fix executable permissions on jspawnhelper. (#74)

1.6 - Nov 5, 2016

  • This release and all those before it are considered ancient history. Check the commit history for more details on what was in each of these releases.

1.0 - Sep 21, 2010

  • The first Maven release of Getdown.

0.1 - July 19, 2004

  • The first production use of Getdown (on which is miraculously still operational as of 2018 when this changelog was created).