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Nhost Dashboard

This is the Nhost Dashboard, a web application that allows you to manage your Nhost projects. To get started, you need to have an Nhost project. If you don't have one, you can create a project here.

First, install the dependencies:

pnpm install

Then, build the packages that are used by the Nhost Dashboard:

pnpm -w build

Finally, run the development server:

pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 to see the result in your browser.


Setup Environment Variables

Depending on the environment you wish to target you can configure environment variables in .env.<target_environment>.local.

  • .env.development: This file is used if you run nhost up
  • .env.development.local: This file is used if you run pnpm dev. It takes precedence over .env.local if available.
  • .env.production.local: This file is used if you run pnpm build. It takes precedence over .env.local if available.
  • .env.local: This file is used if you run either pnpm dev or pnpm build.

These files are added to .gitignore, so you don't need to worry about committing them. It's important that you make sure you change environment variables in .env files ending with .local.

Enable Local Development

You can connect the Nhost Dashboard to your locally running Nhost backend in a few steps. Make sure you have the Nhost CLI installed.

First, you need to run the following command to start your backend locally:

cd <your_nhost_project> && nhost up

You can connect the Nhost Dashboard to your locally running backend by setting the following environment variables in .env.development.local:


This will connect the Nhost Dashboard to your locally running Nhost backend.


Components are documented using Storybook. To run Storybook, run the following command:

pnpm storybook

By default, Storybook will run on port 6006. You can change this by passing the --port flag:

pnpm storybook --port 6007

General Environment Variables

Name Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_ENV dev, staging or prod. This should be set to dev in most cases.
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_ADMIN_SECRET Admin secret for Hasura. Default: nhost-admin-secret
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_PLATFORM This should be set to false to connect the Nhost Dashboard to a locally running or a self-hosted Nhost backend. Setting this to true will connect the Nhost Dashboard to the cloud environment. Default: false

Environment Variables for Local Development and Self-Hosting

Name Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_AUTH_URL The URL of the Auth service. When working locally, point it to the Auth service started by the CLI. When self-hosting, point it to the self-hosted Auth service.
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_FUNCTIONS_URL The URL of the Functions service. When working locally, point it to the Functions service started by the CLI. When self-hosting, point it to the self-hosted Functions service.
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_GRAPHQL_URL The URL of the GraphQL service. When working locally, point it to the GraphQL service started by the CLI. When self-hosting, point it to the self-hosted GraphQL service.
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_STORAGE_URL The URL of the Storage service. When working locally, point it to the Storage service started by the CLI. When self-hosting, point it to the self-hosted Storage service.
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_HASURA_CONSOLE_URL The URL of the Hasura Console. When working locally, point it to the Hasura Console started by the CLI. When self-hosting, point it to the self-hosted Hasura Console.
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_HASURA_MIGRATIONS_API_URL The URL of Hasura's Migrations service. When working locally, point it to the Migrations service started by the CLI.
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_HASURA_API_URL The URL of Hasura's Schema and Metadata API. When working locally, point it to the Schema and Metadata API started by the CLI. When self-hosting, point it to the self-hosted Schema and Metadata API.

Other Environment Variables

Name Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PK Stripe public key. This is only used if NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_PLATFORM is true.
NEXT_PUBLIC_GITHUB_APP_INSTALL_URL URL of the GitHub application. This is only used if NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_PLATFORM is true.
NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_BRAGI_WEBSOCKET URL of the Bragi websocket. This is only used if NEXT_PUBLIC_NHOST_PLATFORM is true.
NEXT_PUBLIC_MAINTENANCE_ACTIVE Determines whether or not maintenance mode is active.
NEXT_PUBLIC_MAINTENANCE_END_DATE Date when maintenance mode will end.
NEXT_PUBLIC_MAINTENANCE_UNLOCK_SECRET Secret that can be used to bypass maintenance mode.

ESLint Rules

Name Description
react/react-in-jsx-scope Disabled because we don't need to import React anymore.
react/jsx-props-no-spreading Disabled because we heavily rely on props spreading in our @/components/ui/v2 components.
react/require-default-props Disabled because we use TypeScript instead of PropTypes.
react-hooks/exhaustive-deps Because we already had several rule violations when proper ESLint rules were introduced, we changed this rule to a warning.
import/extensions JS / TS files should be imported without file extensions.
react/jsx-filename-extension JSX should only appear in .jsx and .tsx files.
react/jsx-no-bind Further investigation must be made on the performance impact of functions directly passed as props to components.
import/order Until we have a better auto-formatter, we disable this rule.
import/no-extraneous-dependencies devDependencies should be excluded from the list of disallowed imports.
curly By default it only enforces curly braces for multi-line blocks, but it should be enforced for single-line blocks as well.
@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define Order of type references should be ignored.
no-undef Official TypeScript ESLint packages are turning off this rule.
@typescript-eslint/no-shadow TypeScript specific implementation of no-shadow.
@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars TypeScript specific implementation of no-unused-vars.
@typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain Enforces optional chain wherever possible. For example: instead of user && a much simpler user?.name will be enforced.
@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports Enforces import type { Type } from 'module' syntax. It prevents false positive circular dependency errors.
@typescript-eslint/naming-convention Enforces a consistent naming convention.
no-restricted-imports Enforces absolute imports and consistent import paths for components from src/components/ui folder.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are written using Vitest. To run the tests, run the following command:

pnpm test

End-to-End Tests

Most of the end-to-end tests require access to an Nhost test user and a live project. You can register a user and create a test project on the Nhost Dashboard.

Next, you need to create a project. Create a .env.test file with the following variables:


Required Variables:

  • NHOST_TEST_DASHBOARD_URL: The URL to run the tests against (e.g: http://localhost:3000 or
  • NHOST_TEST_USER_EMAIL: Email address of the test user that owns the test project
  • NHOST_TEST_USER_PASSWORD: Password of the test user that owns the test project
  • NHOST_TEST_WORKSPACE_NAME: Name of the workspace that contains the test project
  • NHOST_TEST_PROJECT_NAME: Name of the test project
  • NHOST_TEST_PROJECT_ADMIN_SECRET: Admin secret of the test project

Make sure to copy the workspace and project information from the Nhost Dashboard.

End-to-end tests are written using Playwright. To run the tests, run the following command:

pnpm e2e