All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
1.2.1 - 2024-06-22
- Auto provisioning from token to thinger product autoprovision
1.2.0 - 2024-06-18
- Concern separation for metrics retrieval
- Updated to thinger-iotmp 1.3.0
- Cmd resource now based on thinger-iotmp
- Removed reboot and update resources
- Removed 'new' pointer for buffer in S3 upload parts
1.1.0 - 2023-10-04
- Mongodb backup is compressed in gzip by default
- Influxdb and mongodb backups are created in default mounted directory of container
- Backup of influxdb v1 is no longer needed
1.0.0 - 2023-08-22
- Set thinger-iotmp dependency as production version 1.1.0
0.0.9 - 2023-07-18
- Format logs before calling log macro
- Don't fail when backing up and restoring plugins without docker images
0.0.8 - 2023-06-26
- Auto provisioning of servers when hostname is less than 32 chars
0.0.7 - 2023-05-30
- Added verbosity level (up to 3) as parameter option
- New network resources: network total speed and network total data transfer
- Monitor resource is accessible through localhost endpoint
- Connection to Thinger Console is done through IOTMP protocol
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Round metrics to two decimals
- Call endpoint from cmd, backup and restore resources is done through client method
- Replaced
functions with the ones provided by the IOTMP firmware - Use boost
and remove user and url as options - No direct calls to spdlog, instead it call the IOTMP LOG macros
- Network speed was not reporting correctly
- Network data transfer not reporting decimals
- Network, filesystem and drive stats on first retrieval are not real
- Storage metrics not reporting decimals
- Limit max device id to 32 chars
- Add libatomic for armv7 static compilation
- Integrated with OpenSSL 3
- Resources, backups and storage properties from local configuration
0.0.6 - 2022-09-08
- InfluxDB version detection for backup and restore is done through REST API
- Removed creation of TMPDIR for influxdb2 restore as it is no longer neccesary
- Improved log output using spdlog library
- When exec command fails internally function will return false
- Restore on influxdb2 was not restarting container
- Memory swap was not being correctly monitored
- Resources were being duplicated with default and own name
- Endpoint calling in restore not sending payload
0.0.5 - 2022-04-25
- Backup and restore available for influxdb 2.1
- Tag configurable in backup resource
- Backup, Restore and Cmd resources may call endpoint on finished
- Added default tag and endpoint for backup and restore resources
- Added platform version as resource
- Backup and restore return json as payload with details when calling endpoint
- Segmentation fault when checking internal interface IP
- Backup and restore resources accessible once backups property is set without restarting
- Backup and restore are now asyncronous and blocking between each other
- System update is asyncronous and blocking against backup and restore
0.0.4 - 2022-03-14
- New configuration options for backup and restore operations
- Added S3 upload and retrieval capabilities for backups
- Installer now allows installation of a specific version
- New distro release upgrade resource
- Check on token if device exists and change credentials of the device
- Moved backup and restore scritps to thinger resource
- Superseded base64 class with new one
- Update and reboot resources only available when executed with root
- Service restarts by its own if it crashes
- Upload to S3 of backups is done by multipart upload instead of loading full file in memory
0.0.3 - 2022-01-03
- Backups and restore scripts with S3 as storage backend
- Device name in configuration file
- Kernel version as metric
- Device name is set to hostname by default
0.0.2 - 2021-11-30
- Uptime as system information metric
- Installer takes into account remote updates
- System updates not showing
- Command execution input resource request body as JSON
- Declared input and output for update and restart resources
0.0.1 - 2021-11-25
- System information metrics
- CPU usage and load metrics
- RAM and swap capacity metrics
- Network public and private IPs, speeds and total transfer
- Mount points capacity metrics
- I/O drives speed and usage metrics
- Module configuration
- Execution of commands