Manages Hetzner Cloud SSH Keys. This module can be used to create, list and delete ssh keys.
- ansible >= 2.2.x (binary module support)
parameter | required | default | choices | comments |
token | no | Hetzner Cloud API Token. Can also be specified with HCLOUD_TOKEN environment variable. |
state | no | present |
list lists all existing ssh keys. |
id | no | ID of the ssh key. (with state: absent ) |
name | no | Name of the ssh key. Required when state is present . |
public_key | no | Required when state is present . |
These values can be used when registering the modules output.
- id: 123
name: mykey@machine
fingerprint: a2:94:75:0d:cf:fd:2c:fc:77:81:0e:c6:7a:8d:a2:21
# create an ssh key
- hcloud_ssh_key:
name: test key
public_key: "{{lookup('file', '~/.ssh/')}}"
# list all ssh keys in the Hetzner Cloud Project and
# create a single server with the fetched ssh keys
- hcloud_ssh_key:
state: list
register: hcloud_ssh_keys
- hcloud_server:
name: example-server
image: debian-9
server_type: cx11
datacenter: nbg1-dc3
ssh_keys: "{{ hcloud_ssh_keys.ssh_keys }}"