This project contains 3 parts
K-means clustering on MNIST and experimenting on confusion matrix, misclassifications based on number of clusters
Principal Component Analysis to reduce the dimensionality of the digit images and effect for reconstruction error based on number of princiapl components chosen.
K-means clustering on the data projected onto lower dimensions
- Please refer to Report.pdf for detailed analysis.
- Please refer to lab.pdf for details about the project.
- The code was developed and tested in Matlab 2017a; where in-built K-means clustering was used. If possible, use the same version.
---README ---lab.pdf ---Report.pdf ---code | |---data.txt |---label.txt |---disptable.m |---readdata.m |---runclustering.m |---runpca.m |---Q1.m |---Q2.m |---Q3.m ---Graphs
Change directory to 'code' folder. In Matlab run scripts for corresponding parts
Graphs generated saved in Graphs
[ predict] = runclustering( rawX, label ,k) [ rawprojX, U, transX ] = runpca( rawX , elim)
Naman Goyal 2015CSB1021