- Storybook.js (storybook.js.org)
- StoryShots (github.com)
- React Hooks (reactjs.org)
- The Lord of the Rings API (the-one-api.herokuapp.com)
- useCustomHook (github.com)
- How to Create a Custom React Hook and Publish it to npm (freecodecamp.org)
- Destructuring the Fundamentals of React Hooks (colbyfayock.com)
- Gatsby Themes (gatsbyjs.org)
- Tailwind (tailwindcss.com)
- Building a Theme (gatsbyjs.org)
- What is Tailwind CSS and How Can I Add it to my Website or React App? (freecodecamp.org)
- Gatsby Tailwind Theme (github.com)
- Sass (sass-lang.com)
- How to Use Pure CSS to Create a Beautiful Loading Animation for your App (freecodecamp.org)
- Animate.css (animate.style)
- Pure CSS Loaders (loading.io)
- What are Github Actions and How Can You Automate Tests and Slack Notifications? (freecodecamp.org)
- Create a New Github Action to Automate Code Tasks with Javascript (egghead.io)
Know of any good examples? Submit a Pull Request!
- Building a Blog with Next.js (css-tricks.com)
- MDX: Next.js (mdxjs.com)
- Next + MDX Digital Garden Starter (github.com)
If you know of a great tutorial or another tool that can help others, open a pull request with a link!