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Kubernetes Engine blue/green Rolling Update

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This code repository demonstrates a Kubernetes Engine cluster upgrade using the blue/green, or 'lift and shift', upgrade strategy. This upgrade strategy is a great choice for clusters containing mission-critical stateful apps that require extra care and attention during upgrades and migrations.

Some workloads may have specific concerns that can not be accounted for with readinessProbes and PodDisruptionBudgets alone. In these cases, the blue/green approach will give you the necessary control to upgrade the cluster with minimal disruption to the applications running in the cluster.


In a blue/green upgrade, a duplicate node pool of equal size is created with the new Kubernetes Engine version. The node pools with old and new Kubernetes Engine versions are run simultaneously. This allows individual pods or entire nodes to be migrated to the new Kubernetes Engine version one at a time as the operator sees fit.

This example will walk through creating a Kubernetes Engine cluster, deploying an Elasticsearch cluster, loading an index containing the works of Shakespeare, upgrading the Kubernetes Engine Control Plane, creating the new node pool, migrating the application to the new node pool, and terminating the old node pool.

To complete this example, you will run contained in this directory. It uses the gcloud and kubectl commands to interact with the Google Cloud Platform and the Kubernetes Engine cluster.

It has been noted by many in the Kubernetes community that running stateful applications on Kubernetes is not for beginners. A familiarity with both the application and Kubernetes are a must to do so successfully.

There are two possibilities when you run a stateful datastore on Kubernetes:

  1. You are a very experienced K8s user and know exactly what is around the corner.
  2. You have no idea what is around the corner, and you are going to learn very fast.



Make sure you have installed and access to the following:

  1. gcloud (Google Cloud SDK version >= 200.0.0)
  2. kubectl >= 1.10.4
  3. bash or bash compatible shell
  4. [watch](
  5. jq
  6. A Google Cloud Platform project with the Kubernetes Engine API enabled.
    gcloud services enable


.env Properties

A number of environment variables must be set to run the script. The required variables are provided and explained in the env file found in the root of this repository. Make a copy in the root of this repository:

cp env .env

Update the .env file with appropriate values for your use. It will be sourced by the script each time it is run.

Selecting your versions

In the .env file, you must select two Kubernetes versions, K8S_VER and NEW_K8S_VER, supply only the open source Kubernetes semver version number and Kubernetes Engine will select the appropriate Kubernetes Engine patch version when creating and upgrading the cluster. This example was tested using the following versions:



Manual Deployment

You can run from anywhere in your file system but if you copy paste these commands exactly, you should first cd into the directory containing the script. The validation section describes commands to monitor the status of the cluster and application during the upgrade procedure.

  1. Create the Kubernetes Engine cluster: The create action will create a regional Kubernetes Engine Cluster and deploy the example application.

    ./ create

    You will be prompted to continue, input Y. After a few minutes the Kubernetes Engine cluster will be created, the Elasticearch cluster will be installed, and an index containing the works of Shakespeare will loaded. The last several lines of output will look like this:

    Creating the Shakespeare index
    Loading Shakespeare sample data into Elasticsearch
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100 62.6M  100 38.5M  100 24.1M  1642k  1029k  0:00:24  0:00:24 --:--:-- 3719k
    Sample data successfully loaded!
  2. Upgrade the control plane:

    ./ upgrade-control

    You will be prompted to proceed, enter Y. After several minutes, the upgrade will be complete and the output should look similar to this:

    Upgrading control plane to version 1.10.2
    Master of cluster [blue-green-test] will be upgraded from version
    [1.9.7-gke.3] to version [1.10.2]. This operation is long-running and
    will block other operations on the cluster (including delete) until it
     has run to completion.
    Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y
    Upgrading blue-green-test...done.
    Updated [].
  3. Create the new node pool: Now that the control plane is upgraded to the new version, we can create a node pool running the new Kubernetes version.

    ./ new-node-pool

    This command will also cordon the nodes in the default node pool. Once a node is cordoned, the Kubernetes scheduler will no longer schedule new pods on that node. Existing pods on a cordoned node are not automatically moved.

    Creating node pool new-pool...done.
    Created [].
    new-pool  n1-standard-4  100           1.10.2-gke.3
    Cordoning nodes in old node pool
    node "gke-blue-green-test-default-pool-1265945e-6bl1" cordoned
    node "gke-blue-green-test-default-pool-509edc38-vll6" cordoned
    node "gke-blue-green-test-default-pool-bbe63a14-wq08" cordoned
  4. Migrate the workloads: You can now migrate your applications as slow or fast as you would like. For stateful applications that have consensus requirements, sharded data, or replication concerns, you may want to migrate a single pod at a time and monitor the application's health before introducing more disruptions. Once all stateful applications have been migrated, you can migrate the remaining workloads one node at a time with the drain command.

    • Migrate a single pod
      kubectl delete pod <pod-name>
    • Migrate an entire node:
      kubectl drain <node-name> --delete-local-data --ignore-daemonsets [--force]
    Migrating Elasticsearch Master Nodes

    The Elasticsearch cluster has one Master node and two "Master Eligible" nodes. When the Master is deleted, the remaining nodes will re-elect a new master. The new master will then update the cluster state and publish the new state to all members of the cluster. During this time period (40-60s) all cluster level API calls and many index metadata API calls like the ones below will fail with a timeout:


    Search API queries should continue without interruption:


    To minimize the number of Master re-elections, determine the current master and migrate the 2 Master Eligible nodes first:

    First, set up a port-forward between the Elasticsearch client service and your workstation's localhost:

    kubectl port-forward svc/elasticsearch 9200

    This API call will display the current master:

    curl localhost:9200/_cat/master

    The current Master pod name is the 4th column.

    gxcdTgBpRoejJGZSZYI7kA es-master-5bf75c4d7b-rd67l

    Find the other two Master Eligible nodes:

    kubectl get pods -l component=elasticsearch,role=master

    The Master and Master Eligible nodes are displayed:

    NAME                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    es-master-5bf75c4d7b-2pnlh   1/1       Running   0          10m
    es-master-5bf75c4d7b-7mkcf   1/1       Running   0          10m
    es-master-5bf75c4d7b-rd67l   1/1       Running   0          10m

    Delete one of the Master Eligible nodes

    kubectl delete pod es-master-5bf75c4d7b-2pnlh

    Watch the cluster health in a loop (see the Application Health heading in the Troubleshooting section below) and wait for the new Master Eligible node to join the cluster. Once the cluster state has returned to normal, delete the other Master Eligible Node pod. Again, wait for the new Master Eligible Node to join the cluster. Finally, delete the Master. Confirm that search queries continue to work while the Master re-election occurs.

    Migrating Elasticsearch Data nodes

    The data nodes can be migrated in any order but care must be taken to ensure that the data is available throughout the migration process. The Shakespeare index is split into 5 primary shards, and 1 replica shard per primary shard. This gives a total of 5 x 2 = 10 shards that are spread out among the data nodes. Elasticsearch ensures that a primary shard's corresponding replica shard will not be located on the same data node whenever possible.

    Delete the data nodes one at a time while watching the cluster health in a loop. After deleting a data node, the cluster status will change to yellow. This means that all primary shards are active but not all replica shards are available. After the new data node is created, it will take some time further for the cluster to ensure all shards are properly allocated across the data nodes and return to the green status.

    Migrating the rest of the pods

    Now that the Elasticsearch Master and Data nodes have been migrated to the new node pool, the rest of the workloads are stateless and can be quickly migrated one node-pool node at a time. Migrate the rest of the nodes in the default pool:

    ./ drain-default-pool
  5. Delete the old node pool: Now that all workloads have been migrated to the new node pool, it is time to delete the old node pool. Perform one final check to ensure all the necessary pods have been migrated:

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide

    With the -o wide flag you can see on which node each pod is scheduled. The only pods left on the default node pool should be kube-proxy, fluentd, and other daemonset pods. Once you have confirmed that all nodes are drained, proceed with deleting the default node pool:

    ./ delete-default-pool

    You will be prompted to enter Y to proceed. The output will be similar to this:

    Deleting the default node pool
    The following node pool will be deleted.
    [default-pool] in cluster [blue-green-test] in [us-east1]
    Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y
    Deleting node pool default-pool...done.
    Deleted [].

    If you receive an error because the cluster is currently upgrading, check the Troubleshooting section below.

Automated Deployment

The cluster creation, upgrade, and validation can be run with one command:

./ auto


  • Control Plane Upgrade: While the control plane is upgrading, you can verify that Regional Kubernetes Engine clusters have an HA control plane by querying the API server in a loop:

    watch kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

    As each control plane node is replaced, other running control plane nodes will serve requests to the kubectl commands providing a zero-downtime upgrade. When the control plane upgrade is complete, you can see the new Server Version with

    kubectl version --short
  • gcloud monitoring: You can monitor the progress of cluster upgrades with the glcoud command. Version upgrades, node pool additions and removals are referred to as "Cluster Operations". Both completed and in-progress operations are logged by Kubernetes Engine and can be inspected. Find the appropriate OPERATION_ID in the NAME column by listing all cluster operations in the region where the cluster was created.

    gcloud container operations list --region <GLCOUD_REGION>

    Copy the appropriate OPERATION_ID and use it to query Kubernetes Engine for details about the current cluster operation.

    gcloud container operations describe <OPERATION_ID> \
      --region <GCLOUD_REGION>

    ** Cloud console monitoring:** You can monitor the progress of cluster upgrades using GCP console under Kubernetes Engine, select your cluster and monitor the process/progress in %.

  • Default node pool cordon: After the control plane is upgraded, you can verify that the default node pool has been cordoned:

    kubectl get nodes

    For each node in the default pool, the node status has changed from Ready to Ready,SchedulingDisabled:

    NAME                                             STATUS                     ROLES     AGE       VERSION
    gke-blue-green-test-default-pool-6fab6061-6zk5   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>    40m       v1.9.6-gke.1
    gke-blue-green-test-default-pool-cab59d39-0c3k   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>    40m       v1.9.6-gke.1
    gke-blue-green-test-default-pool-ded2c6b1-1qwr   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>    40m       v1.9.6-gke.1
    gke-blue-green-test-new-pool-3d0a2cb6-629s       Ready                      <none>    3m        v1.10.2-gke.3
    gke-blue-green-test-new-pool-4ea2cc03-tvcx       Ready                      <none>    3m        v1.10.2-gke.3
    gke-blue-green-test-new-pool-cf15ea8e-8457       Ready                      <none>    3m        v1.10.2-gke.3
  • Rescheduling: As pods are deleted and nodes are drained, you can view the progress of rescheduling:

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  • Application Health: Throughout all upgrade steps, an HA application with appropriate number of pods should continue running uninterrupted. The Elasticsearch cluster in this example will continue serving search queries as long as the cluster health is green or yellow. It has 3 Data Nodes, 3 Client Nodes, and 3 Master Eligible Nodes with one elected Master.

    If you have not already, set up a port-forward to the Elasticsearch client service to your workstation's localhost:

    kubectl port-forward svc/elasticsearch 9200

    Then in another terminal check the cluster health in a loop:

    while true; do \
        date "+%H:%M:%S,%3N" \
        curl --max-time 1 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health' | jq .
        echo "" \
        sleep 1 \

    A healthy cluster with all nodes available will look like this:

      "cluster_name": "myesdb",
      "status": "green",
      "timed_out": false,
      "number_of_nodes": 9,
      "number_of_data_nodes": 3,
      "active_primary_shards": 5,
      "active_shards": 10,
      "relocating_shards": 0,
      "initializing_shards": 0,
      "unassigned_shards": 0,
      "delayed_unassigned_shards": 0,
      "number_of_pending_tasks": 0,
      "number_of_in_flight_fetch": 0,
      "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis": 0,
      "active_shards_percent_as_number": 100

    In yet another terminal window, you can run a loop to test the availability of the search API which should continue working during a Master re-election:

    while true; do \
        date "+%H:%M:%S,%3N" \
        curl --max-time 1 'http://localhost:9200/shakespeare/_search?q=happy%20dagger'
        echo "" \
        sleep 1 \
  • Completed Upgrade: After the upgrade steps have been completed, the script will check the control plane version and each node's version. Execute it from within this directory:


    Successful output will look like this:

    Validating the control plane version...
    Control plane is upgraded to 1.10.4-gke.2!
    Validating the Nodes...
    All nodes upgraded to 1.10.4-gke.2!
    Validating the number of hello-server pods running...
    All hello-server pods have been running.

Tear Down

To delete the Kubernetes Engine cluster and all other resources generated during this example run the following command:

./ delete


  • E0717 09:45:59.417020 1245 portforward.go:178] lost connection to pod The port-forward command will occasionally fail, especially as the cluster is being manipulated. Execute the command to reconnect.

  • Currently upgrading cluster Error:

    ERROR: (gcloud.container.node-pools.delete) ResponseError: code=400, message=Operation operation-1529415957904-496c7278 is currently upgrading cluster blue-green-test. Please wait and try again once it is done.

    Because the Kubernetes Engine control plane is a managed service, there are times when it will be upgraded for you. During these times, many cluster operations like upgrading versions, adding or removing node pools, are temporarily blocked. These automatic upgrades do not change the version of the control plane. They can be triggered by:

    • An increase in the number of nodes - the control plane will be vertically scaled to handle the increased API server load.
    • When a node pool is added or removed - the control plane will be upgraded to account for the new configuration.

    You can monitor the progress of any cluster operation:

    gcloud container operations list [--region <GCLOUD_REGION>]
    gcloud container operations describe <operation-id> [--region <GCLOUD_REGION>]
  • IN_USE_ADDRESSES Quota Error:

    ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=403, message=Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request for resource: "IN_USE_ADDRESSES". The request requires '9.0' and is short '1.0'. The regional quota is '8.0' with '8.0' available.
    1. Open the GCP Console and navigate to IAM & admin -> Quotas.
    2. Filter the quotas by selecting your region under Location.
    3. Check the box next to Compute Engine API In-use IP addresses global, then click EDIT QUOTAS.
    4. Follow the steps to increase the quota. Quotas are not immediately increased.
  • CPUS Quota Error:

    ERROR: (gcloud.container.node-pools.create) ResponseError: code=403, message=Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request for resource: "CPUS". The request requires '12.0' and is short '3.0'. The regional quota is '24.0' with '9.0' available.
    1. Open the GCP Console and navigate to IAM & admin -> Quotas.
    2. Filter the quotas by selecting your region under Location.
    3. Check the box next to Compute Engine API CPUs, then click EDIT QUOTAS.
    4. Follow the steps to increase the quota. Quotas are not immediately increased.

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