diff --git a/mirror-godot-app/scripts/autoload/zone/client.gd b/mirror-godot-app/scripts/autoload/zone/client.gd index 85a6adb7..c0948b93 100644 --- a/mirror-godot-app/scripts/autoload/zone/client.gd +++ b/mirror-godot-app/scripts/autoload/zone/client.gd @@ -544,7 +544,9 @@ func _join_new_server_locally(space_id: String) -> bool: OS.kill(pid) var firebase_auth = str(Firebase.Auth.auth.refreshtoken) print(firebase_auth) - var arguments = ["--server", "--space", space_id, "--mode", "edit", "--uuid", "localhost", "--server_login", firebase_auth, "--headless", "--remote-debug", "tcp://"] + # For debugging this allows you to grab breakpoints from the server "--remote-debug", "tcp://"] + # If enabled it could cause join time to be much longer when booting server + var arguments = ["--server", "--space", space_id, "--mode", "edit", "--uuid", "localhost", "--server_login", firebase_auth, "--headless"] print("SERVER ARGS: ", arguments) pid = OS.create_process(OS.get_executable_path(), arguments, true) start_join_localhost()