- Visit here and create a pull request to list the devices on our server.
- Once the pull request is approved either of our team members should try to contact you or you can visit our telegram portal and ask about it.
- But before proceeding to start of with making Pull request besure to go though the following terms lisited below.
- You should be sound enough with git basics and its usage.
- You must own the device or atleast have relieble testers to test each all the builds that will reach to users.
- Device must be stable enough to be applied for official. (stability context vary to each device, You may contact the team before you apply, To know about your device specifc stability expectations.)
- You must build PixysOS with all the newest and major changes before you apply. E.g - New security patch merges.
- Your device related trees must be open atleast to one of our team member for general sanity checks.
- We are still finishing some of our works related to OTA. We will notfiy shortly with detailed information about our OTA formats.
- He should be independent to work on his device related things, rather than depending on other avaiable sources.
- Must show a postive beheviour across all our portals.
- Maintainer must simplify all the communication with there users so that they provide better feedback.
- We provide weekly builds on made on our build server. So maintainers must test and release builds every week.
We are working on some more things, So as this page may get some new stuffs to read, So if you wish to apply then stay updated here