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Vietnam's Economic Indicators |
/macroeconomicmonitor/ |
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Vietnam's main economic indicators.
- World Bank's Microdata Library [link]
- NTA Accounts (life cycle analysis) [link (2008)], [link (2023)]
- VHLSS (Household Living Standards) [link]
- LFS (Labor Force) [link]
- VES (Enterprise Survey) [link1], [link2], [SME]
- Vietnam consolidated macroeconomic data: DSBB Standard
** Notes:
- [Notes on Vietnamese data], [Notes on VES]
- You can download the latest dataset here
- Git repo
GDP in current prices
GDP's components by sector
Real GDP - Agriculture (constant 2010 prices)
Real GDP - Construction and Industrial Production (constant 2010 prices)
Real GDP - Services (constant 2010 prices)
Government Accounts
Overall CPI and core CPI trends
CPI components
Trade Balances
Balance of Payments
Investment into Vietnam
Stock market indices (top 30)
Average monthly earnings (in VND)
Total Population by Gender