At the present time, and since the project is still in the read-only phase, the best type of contributions we can get are cases that we do not handle. Every case should be documented by a test to make sure that we cover it.
Send me an email (at [email protected]) with a sample MSG file that contains the test case and answers to the following questions:
- What property the library fails to read (i.e. property ID and type)?
- Where to find the property, which object has the property?
- What is the execpted value of the property?
Fork the repository, add your tests cases and send me a pull request.
When you generate a message for a test case, the message subject should be the description of the case that we are testing. For example, if i'm writing a test to read 2 KB body, then the message subject will be TestRead2KSubject so that inside the test we can locate the message and attempt to read the subject property from it.
The tests are written in an end-to-end fashion so that we have the maximum flexibility to refactor the code inside. Every test should follow the following steps:
- Open the PST file under test.
- Navigate to the object that contains the property we want to read.
- Read the property.
- Assert that the property value is correct.