Display for counting Table Tennis Matches
esp8266 (Wemos D1 mini)
Send data to LED Driver Shift Register TLC5916IN
queries state of the buttons
controlls the OLED display
Can be controled by mobile phone (mqtt or http)
implements counting behavieour
Runs with 3.3V
Powered by 12V Lead Acid Battery
DC-DC Converter for 3.3V
Seven Segment Displays
4 Big red LED common anode for the points
2 smaller green LED common kathode for the games
LED Driver Shift Register TLC5916IN
Small OLED Display ssd1306 for umpire feedback and guidance
esp8266 (Wemos D1 mini)
Send data to RGB Matrix over i2c to HUB75 Controler
queries state of the buttons
controlls the OLED display
implements counting behavieour
Runs with 3.3V
Powered by Stock 5V USB Powerbank
HUB75 64x32 RGB Matrix
HUB75 Controler: Arduino Mega
Small OLED Display ssd1306 for umpire feedback and guidance
esp8266 (Wemos D1 mini)
Send data to RGB Matrix over i2c to HUB75 Controler
queries state of the buttons
controlls the OLED display
implements counting behavieour
Runs with 3.3V
Powered by Stock 5V USB Powerbank
HUB75 64x32 RGB Matrix
HUB75 Controler: Custom made Atmega128 board
See https://easyeda.com/thomas.gfuellner/TTDisplay64x32-LDrpmkwus
Small OLED Display ssd1306 for umpire feedback and guidance
- Game is won with 2 points difference and with more than 10 points
- Indicate who has to serve - changes every 2 points or every 1 point if a player has more than 10 points
- Recognise game won
- write message on OLED
- increase game count
- after Button press: reset points and swap game display digits
- In the last game: swap side if one player reaches 5 points
- write message to OLED
- do swaping after pressing of a button
- Hold back button on Power on: Join a existing Wifi or make a own AP
- Which side serves first
- Number of games to play:
- default: 3 games of 5
- 2 of 3
- 4 of 7
- 5 of 9
- LED Brightness
- Press an hold right back button an power the Display on
- Choose own Network not connected to internet
- Join the Wifi Network created by the Display
- The Name is e.g. TTDisplay3
- Ip of Display is
- There are following actions:
- Arduino
- https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino with Boardmanager
- Boards manager link: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json