Teronis.DotNet consists of many projects. These are projects to solve common problems you may appear in daily programming.
📦 NuGet Packages
💼 Project Introductions
- Teronis.Nullable | 📦 NuGet Package
Use .NET Core 3.0's new nullable attributes in older target frameworks. - Teronis.MSBuild.Packaging.ProjectBuildInPackage | 📦 NuGet Package
Allow project reference content to be added to the NuGet-package during pack process. - Teronis.AspNetCore.Components.NUnit | 📦 NuGet Package
Create and execute NUnit test cases in Blazor programmatically and display NUnit XML report. - Teronis.Microsoft.JSInterop | 📦 NuGet Package
Create specialized IJSObjectReference facades - Teronis.Microsoft.JSInterop.Dynamic | 📦 NuGet Package
Create specialized IJSObjectReference dynamic proxy facades - ... (TBD)
📖 Source Documentation
🔢 Repository Structure
The build script ./build.(cmd|ps1|sh)
is a small application to assist in restoring, compiling, testing and packing projects that can be found in this repository.
Feel free to open an issue if you encounter any problems. Pull requests should be only applied if they are well described. I will do my best to answer as fast as I can. 🙂
I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
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