A bunch of lists and descriptions for good controls / libraries / etc. for XR development
HoloLens, VR
- Good extensibility - terrain layers and elevation
- Free license is wonderful for PoCs and dev - it's something like 500 app launches a month
Any platform
Reasonably good out-of-the-box experiences
Mapbox services can be consumed for custom data
(eg. add a custom tileset with building outlines of your client)
Supports automatic texture generation to make buildings look more like buildings
Open source
Unfortunately, the control itself is clearly for immersive scale or static view, not interactive room scale - so it's not too polished for the usual map use case on AR
iOS, Android
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/image-tracking.html
- Very fast, stable and accurate across devices
- Can add images at run time (often sub-frame speed)
- Vuforia is really bad and annoying. But sometimes the only option (until MS put decent image tracking on the HoloLens)
See: None
iOS, Android, HoloLens
- Uses point cloud and colours to correlate the location
- Even works well for anchoring labels to an object, if it's visually distinctive enough
iOS, Android
- ARCore supporting ARKit means this is cross platform, even if google only
- Didn't seem as accurate as azure spatial anchors, but alternatives are good, right?
- Serialize the anchors using this batch
Any Platform
- There is a Photon Server option if cloud-hosting isn't suitable for your client
- This stuff is way easier than you might expect. Join a room, and sync variables or send RPCs. Worth trying out
- Photon Server is great for low connectivity or data sovereignity circumstances
- Licensing is wonderful for dev and pocs (free, basically)
- Supports voice as well (it's designed for games)
Android / iOS
- Gotta understand the platform and native tools pretty well - e.g. uses activities for message passing between browser and app
- Never done it
- Documentation is scarce
- Theoretically easy though
- Best example - azure spatial anchor documentation. Strange.
- TBD - confirm this stuff
Any Platform
- Basic demo is easy to get going and works well
- Anything real and you have to build or buy a signalling server - suddenly not easy!
Any non-UWP platform
- Easy to set up
- Fast
- Integrates with source control for CI / CD
- Can sign the outputs
- Provides link to download (except iOS)
- Yeaaah
Any platform
- Nice to have a single deployable for sharing and data
- It's .NET!
- API is similar to client->client comms within Unity
Any platform
Any platform
Up for grabs - I believe SignalR support works everywhere now, but I haven't tried it recently
- Raster and vector tooling for GIS
- https://gdal.org
- Point cloud library
- https://pdal.io/pipeline.html
- More point cloud tools (beware of licensing)
- Best thing is the lasview tool - fast view of lidar files
- https://www.cs.unc.edu/~isenburg/lastools/
If you can get your GIS into GeoJSON format, this is a powerful spatial processing library
Example - you can convert GeoJSON points into a TIN or convex / concave hull, which you can then load into MapBox and visualise. Handy for building layers!
Consider pairing with an exporter (https://threejs.org/docs/#examples/en/exporters/GLTFExporter) or extruder (https://github.com/pissang/geometry-extrude) for mesh processing
- If you need to manually tweak
- https://blender.org
- Free GIS viewer (everything but point clouds)
- https://qgis.org/
- GDAL and PDAL are both available as docker images
- Mostly scriptable end-to-end, maybe some final tweaking in Blender
- Pretty steep learning curve
- Eg. for buildings from LiDAR -
- PDAL: extract building points, cluster by distance, triangulate
- Blender: Decimate, extrude down to ground
- Unity: Import, add a clipping volume for the ground level
- It's GIS - so it's very complicated
Because sometimes you just need to automate some mesh operations (eg. decimation)
- If you need to automate script stuff, this is a powerful and fast mesh library in a familiar language.
- But you gotta learn some mesh theory
See: DNRME engagements
Several tools are available in nodejs for this
- https://github.com/pissang/geometry-extrude - extrude geometry (good for buildings)
- https://threejs.org/ - it's a 3d engine, sure, but it has mesh tools and reader/writers (eg. GLTF) as well
All platforms
- It's in a usable state for PoCs right now (Dec 2019), but not for production
- Specifically, the signaling server uses node-dss, which is very 1-to-1, so you can't have a team. Just a pair.
All platforms
A great choice, especially if you already use Photon for multiplayer