--pendingtx : wait | reset | false | interactive
execute conditionals : if/unless
pause option on unknown signer : check once done and repeat if needed
support generator from (like templates for --export ?)
library name vs : and error out if ambiguity (when using only name)
libraries : address should not need to be address, they could be names of deployments or {address}
fix error with proxy constructor, the check use the number of argument given instead of the abi
fix issue with fixture reading deployments in hardhat folder: fixture should not read
add configuration field for network based configuration ? or at least expose the chainIfNetworkConfig expansion function
add ability to specify metadata in
artifacts -
) // getByAddressOrNull() -
hard fail when no metadata : as this indicate the contract is actually no more part of the compilation unit, and should be discarded
exclude tag options
hre.run("deploy:before-deploy") in the runDeploy for deploymentManager
SPDX license detection regex more flexible ?
accept "auto" as allowed argument for
to make it compatible withhre.network.config.gasPrice
error on Library missing in bytecode
error when not finding --no-scripts as folder
continue even if evm_snapshot not present on fixture call