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User & Programmers Manual

API Overview

The JSON protocol uses plain JSON objects to send information formatted as key-value maps over any of the accepted transports (HTTP, MQTT or AMQP).

Along this document we will refer some times to "plain JSON objects" or "single-level JSON objects". With that, we mean:

  • valid JSON objects serialized as unescaped strings.
  • JSON objects with a single level, i.e.: all the first level attributes of the JSON object are Strings or Numbers (not arrays or other objects). Eg:
    "h": "45%",
    "t": "23",
    "l": "1570"
  • JSON arrays which elements are objects with a single level (not arrays or other objects). This corresponds to multimeasures or group of measures. Each group in the JSON array is processed independently, i.e. a different NGSI request will be generated for each group of measures. Eg:
        "h": "45%",
        "t": "23",
        "l": "1570"
        "h": "47%",
        "t": "21",
        "l": "1321"

IMPORTANT NOTE: current version of the agent only supports active attributes, i.e. those attributes actively reported by the device to the agent. Passive or lazy attributes, i.e. those attributes whose value is only given upon explicit request from the agent, are not implemented. Please check the issue #89 for more details and updates regarding its implementation.

HTTP binding

HTTP binding is based on directly interfacing the agent from a HTTP client in the device. Json payloads are, therefore, directly put into Http messages.

Measure reporting

The payload consists of a simple plain JSON object, where each attribute of the object will be mapped to an attribute in the NGSI entity. E.g.:

    "h": "45%",
    "t": "23",
    "l": { "a": 2, "b": "up", "c": ["1", "3"] }

The attribute names in the payload can be mapped to different attribute names in the entity, by using alias in the device provisioning (see the Provisioning API for details).

A device can report new measures to the IoT Platform using an HTTP POST request to the /iot/json path with the following query parameters:

  • i (device ID): Device ID (unique for the API Key).
  • k (API Key): API Key for the service the device is registered on.
  • t (timestamp): Timestamp of the measure. Will override the automatic IoTAgent timestamp (optional)
Single Attribute Measure reporting

It is possible to send a single measure to IoT Platform using an HTTP POST request to the /iot/json/attrs/<attributeName> and the previously explained query parameters.

In this case, sending a single measure, there is possible to send other kinds of payloads like text/plain, application/octet-stream and application/soap+xml, not just application/json. In case of using application/octet-stream, data will be treated as binary data, saved in the attribute maped as hex string. I.E:

For a measure sent to POST /iot/json/attrs/attrHex with content-type: application/octet-stream and binary value


then the resulting attribute sent to ContextBroker:

   "attrHex": {
     "value": "68656c6c6f",
     "type": "<the one used at provisiong time for attrHex attribute>"

Note that every group of 2 character (I.E, the first group, 68) corresponds to a single ASCII character or byte received in the payload (in this case, the value 0x68 corresponds to h in ASCII). You can use one of the multiple tools available online like this one

NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD Measure reporting

It is possible to report as a measure a NGSI-v2 or NGSI-LD payload when related device/group is configured with payloadType ngsiv2 or ngsild. In these cases payload is ingested as measure where entity attributes are measure attributes.

Note that the entity ID and type in the measure are also include as attributes measure_id and measure_type as described here (both using attribute type Text). The ID and type of the entity updated at Context Broker is taken from device/group configuration or provision,

However, it is possible to use the same entity ID that the original one by using entityNameExp at device group provision, this way:

"entityNameExp": "measure_id"

The actionType used in the update sent to Context Broker is taken from the measure in the case that measure corresponds to a NGSI-v2 batch update. In other cases (i.e. NGSI-LD or NGSI-v2 non-batch update), the actionType is the default one (append).

For instance, given an incoming measure as the follwing one:

    "id": "MyEntityId1",
    "type": "MyEntityType1",
    "attr1": { "type": "Text", "value": "MyAttr1Value" }

It would persist an entity into the Context Broker like the following one:

    "id": "MyProvisionID",
    "type": "MyProvisionType",
    "attr1": { "type": "Text", "value": "MyAttr1Value" },
    "measure_id": { "type": "Text", "value": "MyEntityId1" },
    "measure_type": { "type": "Text", "value": "MyEntityType1" }

The IoTA is able to ingest different types of NGSI-V2 and NGSI-LD payloads like the following ones:


(1) NGSI-v2 batch update format:

     "actionType": "append",
     "entities": [
          "id": "MyEntityId1",
          "type": "MyEntityType1",
          "attr1": { "type": "Text", "value": "MyAttr1Value"},
          "attr2": { "type": "Text", "value": "MyAttr1Value"
                     "metadata": {
                                "TimeInstant": {
                                    "type": "DateTime",
                                    "value": "2023-11-17T11:59:22.661Z"

(2) NGSI-v2 plain entities array format:

          "id": "MyEntityId1",
          "type": "MyEntityType1",
          "attr1": { "type": "Text", "value": "MyAttr1Value"},

(3) NGSI-v2 plain single entity format:

    "id": "MyEntityId1",
    "type": "MyEntityType1",
    "attr1": { "type": "Text", "value": "MyAttr1Value"},


(1) NGSI-LD entities array format:

                "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:ParkingSpot:santander:daoiz_velarde_1_5:3",
                "type": "ParkingSpot",
                "status": {
                    "type": "Property",
                    "value": "free",
                    "observedAt": "2018-09-21T12:00:00Z"
                "category": {
                    "type": "Property",
                    "value": [ "onstreet" ]
                "refParkingSite": {
                    "type": "Relationship",
                    "object": "urn:ngsi-ld:ParkingSite:santander:daoiz_velarde_1_5"
                "name": {
                    "type": "Property",
                    "value": "A-13"
                "location": {
                    "type": "GeoProperty",
                    "value": {
                        "type": "Point",
                        "coordinates": [ -3.80356167695194, 43.46296641666926 ]
                "@context": [

(2) NGSI-LD single entity format:

    "id": "urn:ngsi-ld:ParkingSpot:santander:daoiz_velarde_1_5:3",
    "type": "ParkingSpot",
    "status": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": "free",
        "observedAt": "2018-09-21T12:00:00Z"
    "category": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": [ "onstreet" ]
    "refParkingSite": {
        "type": "Relationship",
        "object": "urn:ngsi-ld:ParkingSite:santander:daoiz_velarde_1_5"
    "name": {
        "type": "Property",
        "value": "A-13"
    "location": {
        "type": "GeoProperty",
        "value": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [ -3.80356167695194, 43.46296641666926 ]
    "@context": [

Some additional considerations to take into account:

  • In the case of array of entities, they are handled as a multiple measure, i.e. each entity is a measure.
  • The type of the attribute is the one used in the provision of the attribute, not the one in the measure. The exception is the autoprovisioned devices case, in which case the type of the attribute is taken from the measure (given the attribute lacks proviosioned type). In this latter case, if the attribute type is not included in the measure the explicit type omission rules for Context Broker are also taken into account in this case.
  • In the case of NGSI-LD, fields different from type, value or object (e.g. observedAt in the examples above) are include as NGSI-v2 metadata in the entity corresponding to the measure at Context Broker. Note IOTA doesn't provide the type for that metadata, so the Context Broker applies a default type based in the metadata value JSON type.
SOAP-XML Measure reporting

In case of POST /iot/json/attrs/myAttr with content-type application/soap+xml a measure like:

   <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <soapenv:Header xmlns:soapenv=""/>
        <soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="">
            <ns21:notificationEventRequest  xmlns:ns21="">
                <ns21:Date>28/09/2023 11:48:15 +0000</ns21:Date>
                    <ns21:SubAttr>This is a description</ns21:SubAttr>

then the resulting attribute myAttr sent to context borker:

"myAttr": {
            "type": "None",
            "value": {
                "Envelope": {
                    "$": {
                        "xmlns:soap": ""
                    "Header": [
                            "$": {
                                "xmlns:soapenv": ""
                    "Body": [
                            "$": {
                                "xmlns:soapenv": ""
                            "notificationEventRequest": [
                                    "$": {
                                        "xmlns:ns21": ""
                                    "Param1": [
                                    "Param2": [
                                    "Date": [
                                        "28/09/2023 11:48:15 +0000"
                                    "NestedAttr": [
                                            "SubAttr": [
                                                "This is a description"
                                    "Status": [
                                    "OriginSystem": [

Note that XML namespaces might change from one request to the next. It is useful to remove them from the document, to be able to refer to tags later in JEXL transformations. See this issue

Configuration retrieval

The protocol offers a mechanism for the devices to retrieve its configuration (or any other value it needs from those stored in the Context Broker). This mechanism combines calls to the IoTA HTTP endpoint with direct calls to the provided device endpoint.

Configuration commands

The IoT Agent listens in this path for configuration requests coming from the device:


The messages must contain a JSON document with the following attributes:

  • type: indicates the type of command the device is sending. See below for accepted values.
  • fields: array with the names of the values to be retrieved from the Context Broker entity representing the device.

This command will trigger a query to the CB that will, as a result, end up with a new request to the device endpoint, with the configuration/values path (described bellow).


    "type": "configuration",
    "fields": ["sleepTime", "warningLevel"]

There are two accepted values for the configuration command types:

  • subscription: this command will generate a subscription in the Context Broker that will be triggered whenever any of the selected values change. In case the value has changed, all the attributes will be retrieved.
  • configuration: this commands will generate a single request to the Context Broker from the IoTAgent, that will trigger a single request to the device endpoint.
Configuration information retrieval

Every device should listen in the following path, so it can receive configuration information:


Whenever the device requests any information from the IoTA, the information will be posted in this path. The information is sent in the same format used in multiple measure reporting: a plain JSON with an attribute per value requested. An additional parameter called dt is added with the system current time.


    "sleepTime": "200",
    "warningLevel": "80",
    "dt": "20160125T092703Z"


All the interations between IotAgent and ContextBroker related to comamnds are described in Theory: Scenario 3: commands and Practice: Scenario 3: commands - happy path and Practice: Scenario 3: commands - error.

MQTT devices commands are always push. For HTTP Devices commands to be push they must be provisioned with the endpoint attribute, from device or group device, that will contain the URL where the IoT Agent will send the received commands. Otherwise the command will be poll. When using the HTTP transport, the command handling have two flavours:

  • Push commands: The request payload format will be a plain JSON, as described in the "Payload" section. The device will reply with a 200OK response containing the result of the command in the JSON result format. Example of the HTTP request sent by IOTA in the case of push command:

       POST http://[DEVICE_IP]:[PORT]
       fiware-service: smart
       fiware-servicepath: /streetligths
       content-type: application/json
          "turn": "left"

    And an example of the response sent by device to IOTA could be:

        "turn": "turn to left was right"
  • Polling commands: These commands are meant to be used on those cases where the device can't be online the whole time waiting for commands. In this case, the IoTAgents must store the received commands, offering a way for the device to retrieve the pending commands upon connection. Whenever the device is ready, it itself retrieves the commands from the IoT agent. While sending a normal measure, the device sends query parameter 'getCmd' with value '1' in order to retrieve the commands from IoT Agent. The IoT Agent responds with a list of commands available for that device which are send in a JSON format. The attributes in the response body represents the commands and the values represents command values. The use of a JSON return object implies that only one value can be returned for each command (last value will be returned for each one). Implementation imposes another limitation in the available values for the commands: a command value can't be an empty string, or a string composed exclusively by whitespaces. The command payload is described in the protocol section. Whenever the device has completed the execution of the command, it will send the response in the same way measurements are reported, but using the command result format as exposed in the commands syntax section (FIXME: this section has to be created, see how it's done in IOTA-UL).

Some additional remarks regarding polling commands:

  • Commands can be also retrieved without needed of sending a mesaure. In other words, the device is not forced to send a measure in order to get the accumulated commands. However, in this case note that GET method is used to carry the getCmd=1 query parameter (as they are no actual payload for measures, POST wouldn't make too much sense).

    Example to retrieve commands from IoT Agent:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:7896/iot/json?i=motion001&k=4jggokgpepnvsb2uv4s40d59ov&getCmd=1' -i
  • Example of the HTTP response sent by IOTA in the case of polling commands (and two commands, turn and move are stored for that device):
200 OK
Content-type: application/json

  "turn": "left",
  "move": 20

Time processing

HTTP bindig is returning in a HTTP header named X-Processing-Time processing time (in milliseconds) expended by current HTTP measure request. For example

X-Processing-Time: 38 

MQTT binding

MQTT binding is based on the existence of a MQTT broker and the usage of different topics to separate the different destinations and types of the messages (the different possible interactions are described in the following sections).

All the topics subscribed by the agent (to send measures, to configuration command retrieval or to get result of a command) are prefixed with the agent procotol, /json in this case, followed by APIKey of the device group and the Device ID of the device involved in the interaction; i.e.: there is a different set of topics for each service (e.g: /json/FF957A98/MyDeviceId/attrs). The API Key is a secret identifier shared among all the devices of a service, and the DeviceID is an ID that uniquely identifies the device in a service. API Keys can be configured with the IoTA Configuration API or the public default API Key of the IoT Agent can be used in its stead. The Device ID must be provisioned in advance in the IoT Agent before information is sent. All topis published by the agent (to send a comamnd or to send configuration information) to a device are not prefixed by the protocol, in this case '/json', just include apikey and deviceid (e.g: /FF957A98/MyDeviceId/cmd and /FF957A98/MyDeviceId/configuration/values ).

Note Measures and commands are sent over different MQTT topics:

  • Measures are sent on the /<protocol>/<api-key>/<device-id>/attrs topic,
  • Commands are sent on the /<api-key>/<device-id>/cmd topic,

The reasoning behind this is that when sending measures northbound from device to IoT Agent, it is necessary to explicitly identify which IoT Agent is needed to parse the data. This is done by prefixing the relevant MQTT topic with a protocol, otherwise there is no way to define which agent is processing the measure. This mechanism allows smart systems to connect different devices to different IoT Agents according to need.

For southbound commands, this distinction is unnecessary since the correct IoT Agent has already registered itself for the command during the device provisioning step and the device will always receive commands in an appropriate format.

Measure reporting

There are two ways of reporting measures:

  • Multiple measures: In order to send multiple measures, a device can publish a JSON payload to an MQTT topic with the following structure:

The message in this case must contain a valid JSON object of a single level; for each key-value pair, the key represents the attribute name and the value the attribute value. Attribute type will be taken from the device provision information.

For instance, if using Mosquitto with a device with ID id_sen1, API Key ABCDEF and attribute IDs h and t, then all measures (humidity and temperature) are reported this way:

$ mosquitto_pub -t /json/ABCDEF/id_sen1/attrs -m '{"h": 70, "t": 15}' -h <mosquitto_broker> -p <mosquitto_port> -u <user> -P <password>
  • Single measures: In order to send single measures, a device can publish the direct value to an MQTT topic with the following structure:

Indicating in the topic the name of the attribute to be modified.

In both cases, the key is the one provisioned in the IoT Agent through the Configuration API, and the Device ID the ID that was provisioned using the Provisioning API. API Key must be present, although can be any string in case the Device was provisioned without a link to any particular configuration.

For instance, if using Mosquitto with a device with ID id_sen1, API Key ABCDEF and attribute IDs h and t, then humidity measures are reported this way:

$ mosquitto_pub -t /json/ABCDEF/id_sen1/attrs/h -m 70 -h <mosquitto_broker> -p <mosquitto_port> -u <user> -P <password>

In the single measure case, when the published data is not a valid JSON, it is interpreted as binary content. For instance, if the following is published to /json/ABCDEF/id_sen1/attrs/attrHex topic:


then the resulting attribute sent to ContextBroker:

   "attrHex": {
     "value": "68656c6c6f",
     "type": "<the one used at provisiong time for attrHex attribute>"

Note that every group of 2 character (I.E, the first group, 68) corresponds to a single ASCII character or byte received in the payload (in this case, the value 0x68 corresponds to h in ASCII). You can use one of the multiple tools available online like this one.

Note this works differently that in HTTP transport. In HTTP the JSON vs. binary decission is based on application/octet-stream content-type header. Given that in MQTT we don't have anything equivalent to HTTP headers, we apply the heuristics of checking for JSON format.

NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD Measure reporting

Using topics for multiple measure reporting its possible also ingest ngsiv2 and ngsild payloads in the same way that was described for http binding.

Configuration retrieval

The protocol offers a mechanism for the devices to retrieve its configuration (or any other value it needs from those stored in the Context Broker). Two topics are created in order to support this feature: a topic for configuration commands and a topic to receive configuration information. This mechanism can be enabled or disabled using a configuration flag, configRetrieval.

In case of MQTT to retrieve configuration parameters from the Context Broker, it is required that the device should be provisioned using "MQTT" as transport key, at device or group level. By default it will be considered "HTTP" as transport if none transport is defined at device or group level.

The parameter will be given as follows:

"transport": "MQTT"

This mechanism and the bidirectionality plugin cannot be simultaneously activated.

Configuration command topic

The IoT Agent listens in this topic for requests coming from the device. The messages must contain a JSON document with the following attributes:

  • type: indicates the type of command the device is sending. See below for accepted values.
  • fields: array with the names of the values to be retrieved from the Context Broker entity representing the device.

This command will trigger a query to the CB that will, as a result, end up with a new message posted to the Configuration information topic (described bellow).


    "type": "configuration",
    "fields": ["sleepTime", "warningLevel"]

There are two accepted values for the configuration command types:

  • subscription: this command will generate a subscription in the Context Broker that will be triggered whenever any of the selected values change. In case the value has changed, all the attributes will be retrieved.
  • configuration: this commands will generate a single request to the Context Broker from the IoTAgent, that will trigger a single publish message in the values topic.
Configuration information topic

Every device must subscribe to this topic, so it can receive configuration information. Whenever the device requests any information from the IoTA, the information will be posted in this topic. The information is published in the same format used in multiple measure reporting: a plain JSON with an attribute per value requested. An aditional parameter called dt is added with the system current time.


    "sleepTime": "200",
    "warningLevel": "80",
    "dt": "20160125T092703Z"


All the interations between IotAgent and ContextBroker related to comamnds are described in Theory: Scenario 3: commands and Practice: Scenario 3: commands - happy path and Practice: Scenario 3: commands - error.

Commands using the MQTT transport protocol binding always work in PUSH mode: the server publishes a message in a topic where the device is subscribed: the commands topic. Once the device has finished with the command, it publishes it result to another topic.

When a command is receivied in the IoT Agent, a message is published in the following topic:


The message payload is a plain JSON object, with an attribute per command, and the parameters of the command as the value of that attribute.

Once the device has executed the command, the device can report the result information publishing a new mesage in the following topic:


This message must contain one attribute per command to be updated; the value of that attribute is considered the result of the command, and will be passed as it is to the corresponding _info attribute (of type commandResult) in the entity.

For instance, if a user wants to send a command ping with parameters data = 22, he will send the following request to the Context Broker regarding an entity called sen1 of type sensor:

    "updateAction": "UPDATE",
    "contextElements": [
            "id": "sen1",
            "type": "sensor",
            "isPattern": "false",
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "ping",
                    "type": "command",
                    "value": {
                        "data": "22"

If the API key associated to de device is ABCDEF, and the device ID related to sen1 entity is id_sen1, this will generate a message in the /ABCDEF/id_sen1/cmd topic with the following payload:

{ "ping": { "data": "22" } }

If using Mosquitto, such a command is received by running the mosquitto_sub script:

$ mosquitto_sub -v -t /# -h <mosquitto_broker> -p <mosquitto_port> -u <user> -P <password> /ABCDEF/id_sen1/cmd {"ping":{"data":"22"}}

At this point, Context Broker will have updated the value of ping_status to PENDING for sen1 entity. Neither ping_info nor ping are updated.

Once the device has executed the command, it can publish its results in the /json/ABCDEF/id_sen1/cmdexe topic with a payload with the following format:

{ "ping": "1234567890" }

If using Mosquitto, such command result is sent by running the mosquitto_pub script:

$ mosquitto_pub -t /json/ABCDEF/id_sen1/cmdexe -m '{"ping": "1234567890"}' -h <mosquitto_broker> -p <mosquitto_port> -u <user> -P <password>

In the end, Context Broker will have updated the values of ping_info and ping_status to 1234567890 and OK, respectively. ping attribute is never updated.

Some additional remarks regarding MQTT commands:

  • MQTT devices can configure (at provisioning and updating time) each command with different values of MQTT QoS and MQTT retain values, which will be used only by a command. Moreover, in the same MQTT device different commands can be configured to use different MQTT options related with QoS level and Retain message policy. I.E:
    "commands": [
            "type": "command",
            "name": "a_command_name_A",
            "mqtt": { "qos": 2, "retain": true }
            "type": "command",
            "name": "a_command_name_B",
            "mqtt": { "qos": 1, "retain": false }

Commands transformations

It is possible to use expressions to transform commands, in the same way that other attributes could do it, that is adding expression to command definition. This way a command could be defined like:

    "name": "reset",
    "type": "command",
    "expression": "{ set: 0}"

and when command will be executed the command value will be the result of apply value to defined expression. Following the example case the command will be:

    "set": 0

Additionally a command could define a payloadType in their definition with the aim to transform payload command with the following meanings:

  • binaryfromstring: Payload will transformed into a be Buffer after read it from a string.
  • binaryfromhex: Payload will transformed into a be Buffer after read it from a string hex.
  • binaryfromjson: Payload will transformed into a be Buffer after read it from a JSON string.
  • text: Payload will be read from a string. This differs from the default case in that the payload will not be stringified (avoiding the doble quotes).
  • json: This is the default case. Payload will be stringify from a JSON.

The following table shows some examples of values the payload takes depending on the payloadType:

payloadType cmd value payload represented in hex payload represented in ASCII
binaryfromstring '12345' 0x 31 32 33 34 35 12345
binaryfromstring '484F4C41' 0x 34 38 34 46 34 43 34 31 484F4C41
binaryfromstring ['1', '23', '2', '50'] 0x 31 2c 32 33 2c 32 2c 35 30 1,23,2,50
binaryfromhex '12345' 0x 12 34 ☐4
binaryfromhex '484F4C41' 0x 48 4F 4C 41 HOLA
binaryfromhex ['1', '23', '2', '50'] 0x 01 17 02 32 ☐☐☐2
binaryfromjson '12345' 0x 22 31 32 33 34 35 22 "12345"
binaryfromjson '484F4C41' 0x 22 34 38 34 46 34 43 34 31 22 "484F4C41"
binaryfromjson ['1', '23', '2', '50'] 0x 5b 22 31 22 2c 22 32 33 22 2c 22 32 22 2c 22 35 30 22 5d ["1","23","2","50"]

Note that represents a non-printable character

Moreover a command could define a contentType in their definnition with the aim to set content-type header for http transport in command. Default value will be application/json but other valids content-type could be: text/plain, text/html, etc

AMQP binding

AMQP stands for Advance Message Queuing Protocol, and is one of the most popular protocols for message-queue systems. Although the protocol itself is software independent and allows for a great architectural flexibility, this transport binding has been designed to work with the RabbitMQ broker, in a way that closely resembles the MQTT binding (in the previous section). In fact, for IoT Platform deployments in need of an scalable MQTT Broker, RabbitMQ with the MQTT plugin will be used, connecting the IoT Agent to RabbitMQ through AMQP and the clients to RabbitMQ through MQTT.

The binding connects the IoT Agent to an exchange (usually amq.topic) and creates two queues (to share between all the instances of the IoTAgents in a cluster environment): one for the incoming measures, and another for command result update messages (named as the measure one, adding the _commands sufix).

For both measure reporting and command update status the mechanism is much the same as in the case of the MQTT binding: all the messages must be published to the selected exchange, using the following routing keys:

Key pattern Meaning
...attrs Multiple measure reporting
...attrs. Single measure reporting
...cmd Command reception
...cmdexe Command update message

The payload is the same as for the other bindings.

Value conversion

The IoTA may perform some ad-hoc conversion for specific types of values, in order to minimize the parsing logic in the device. This section lists those conversions.

Development documentation


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npm run

The following sections show the available options in detail.


Runs a local version of the IoT Agent

# Use git-bash on Windows
npm start


Mocha Test Runner + Should.js Assertion Library.

The test environment is preconfigured to run BDD testing style.

Module mocking during testing can be done with proxyquire

To run tests, type

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 mongo:4.2
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3.8.9
docker run -d -p 1883:1883 eclipse-mosquitto:1.6.7

npm test

Coding guidelines


Uses the provided .eslintrc.json flag file. To check source code style, type

npm run lint

Continuous testing

Support for continuous testing by modifying a src file or a test. For continuous testing, type

npm run test:watch

If you want to continuously check also source code style, use instead:

npm run watch

Code Coverage


Analizes the code coverage of your tests.

To generate an HTML coverage report under site/coverage/ and to print out a summary, type

# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run test:coverage

Documentation guidelines


To check consistency of the Markdown markup, type

npm run lint:md


Uses the provided .textlintrc flag file. To check for spelling and grammar errors, dead links and keyword consistency, type

npm run lint:text


Removes node_modules and coverage folders, and package-lock.json file so that a fresh copy of the project is restored.

# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run clean

Prettify Code

Runs the prettier code formatter to ensure consistent code style (whitespacing, parameter placement and breakup of long lines etc.) within the codebase. Uses the prettierrc.json flag file. The codebase also offers an .editorconfig to maintain consistent coding styles across multiple IDEs.

# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run prettier

To ensure consistent Markdown formatting run the following:

# Use git-bash on Windows
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New transport development


This IoT Agent is prepared to serve its protocol (Plain JSON) over multiple transport protocols (MQTT, HTTP...), sharing most of the code betweend the different protocols. To do so, all the transport-specific code is encapsulated in a series of plugins, added to the ./bindings/ folder. Each plugin must consist of a single Node.js module with the API defined in the section below. The IoTA scans this full directory upon start, so there is no need to register new modules (a simple restart should be enough).

In order to distinguish which device uses which attribute, a new field, transport, will be added to the device provisioning. When a command or a notification arrives to the IoTAgent, this field is read to guess what plugin to invoke in order to execute the requested task. If the field is not found, the same field is search in configuration group and then used, but if not the value of the configuration parameter defaultTransport will be used instead. In order to associate a module with a device, the value of the transport attribute of the device provisioning must match the value of the protocol field of the binding.


Every plugin in the plugins/ folder must adhere to the following API (exporting the following functions and attributes).

function start(callback)


Start the binding, doing all the appropriate initializations. The configuration is not passed as a parameter, so it should be retrieved from the configuration service.

All the functions are passed a callback, that must be called once the action has been finished, but the callback itself is not described (in that case, the standard Node.js for callbacks applies).

function stop(callback)


Stops all the resources created in the start() function, releasing the resources when needed.

function sendConfigurationToDevice(apiKey, deviceId, results, callback)


Send to the device the configuration information requested from the Context Broker.

  • apiKey: API Key of the device that is requesting the information.
  • deviceId: Device ID of the device that is requesting the information.
  • results: Array containing the results of the query to the Context Broker.

function executeCommand(apiKey, device, serializedPayload, callback)


Execute a command in a remote device with the specified payload.

  • apiKey: API Key of the device that is requesting the information.
  • device: Object containing all the data of the device that is requesting the information.
  • serializedPayload: String serialization of the command identification and parameters that is going to be send using the transport protocol.


The protocol attribute is a single constant string attribute that will be used to identify the transport for a certain device. This parameter is mainly used when a command or notification comes to the IoT Agent, as the device itself is in charge of selecting its endpoint for incoming active measures or actions. The value of the protocol attribute for a binding must match the transport field in the provisioning of each device that will be using the IoTA.