- None
- New validation added, whether the product of the website is assigned to the current shop view line
- Bugfix of remove service
- refactoring clean-up-links and clean-up-variants to remove old data from relation table
- Update dependencies
- Add PHP ">=8.1" support
- Remove PHP 7.3 support
- remove from the validation for catalog_product entity the callback
- None
- None
- Add #PAC-354 new feature:
- extend the validation for catalog_product entity
- extend the validation for catalog_product entity
- Optimize the code logic to get PrimarySku with PkMapping
- Fix issue: Remove the tier price for all products that are available through the fired listner
- Define a new method
to map the SKU with the primary SKU of the row - Define a new method
to map the SKU with the primary SKU of the row for enterprise edition
- Define a new method
- none
- Remove product entity from cache to update the product_custom_option correctly
- Compatibility stock information on produkt import and stock import
- Get delimiter value from configuration
- Add a generic method
for loading categories based on different values.
- Allow to import stock quantity to calculate relative. Column in csv:
with value1
- Start fix php8.2 deprecated warnings
- Don't reset Inventory Stock quantity and status if csv column are empty
- ProductInventory Mapping: fix header mapping for change set detection in cataloginventory_stock_item
- ProductInventory Mapping: extend header-mapping.json with cataloginventory_stock_item
- UrlKeyObserver: Optimize url_key function to extend in own calculation
- Prepare legacy stock status import with change-set-detection
- None
- PAC-309: unset update_at from attribute by update statement to avoid old data
- Fix stock status in legacy mode since Magento 2.4.4
- Extend Interface
with methodpersistStockItemStatus()
- Extend Interface
- none
- Fix #PAC-684: set \Exception() parameter Compatible with php8.1
- none
- Fix has_options and required_options cleanup on product update
- None
- Fix header-mapping.json
"allow_backorders": "backorders"
- None
- Fix crash on Strict Mode definition in FileUploadObserver
- None
- Implement Strict Mode in FileUploadObserver on missing file
- None
- Fixed techdivision/import-product in
- Product import can have a tax_class_name
- Product import can have a tax_class_name
- None
- Fixed techdivision/import-product
- Fix error url-rewrite-import for an existing article on another store.
- None
- Fix category assignments, if column categories does not exit:
- If categories column not exit and clean-up-category-product-relations is true, the assignment is not deleted.
- None
- Fixed #PAC-206: Prevent finder mappings of different libraries to be overwritten
- Fix website relation clean up on Magento Commerce
- Refactoring deprecated classes. see https://github.com/techdivision/import-cli-simple/blob/master/UPGRADE-4.0.0.md
- Add techdivision/import-product-variant#22
- Add default configuration for tier price import
- Remove stack trace of exception for missing media directories > log a simple debug message instead
- Add missing operation
shortcut to also process the MSI artefact - PAC-96: Use new constands for FileUploadConfiguration
- PAC-361: Don't check file system if copy-images defined as false
- Add missing validation for min_qty, min_sale_qty, max_sale_qty, notify_stock_qty, qty_increments, weight fields
- Add PAC-299: create validation callback for sku relations for grouped, configurables and bundles
- Add new Observer for Multiple Store View with comma separated.
- Integration strict mode
- Extensions of
false - Update composer with php Version >=^7.3
- Optimize ProductValueLoader with bunches of import files
- Fixed invalid member name
- None
- Fixed #156
- None
- None
- Add techdivision/import#184
- Add #155
- None
- Add #PAC-72: Extend dedicated CLI command to delete existing videos (professional + enterprise edition)
- Add #PAC-75: Extend dedicated CLI command to replace existing videos (professional + enterprise edition)
- None
- Add #PAC-102: Dedicated CLI command to import videos (professional + enterprise edition)
- Fixed techdivision/import#178
- Fixed techdivision/import#182
- None
- None
- Add #PAC-46
- Add #PAC-47
- Add #PAC-96
- Fixed invalid JSON configuration file
- None
- None
- Add functionality write a log warning instead throwing an exception if the configured media + images file dirctory are not available
- None
- Add #PAC-48
- None
- Add #PAC-73
- Add #PAC-52
- Add #PAC-85
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 16.* version as dependency
- Replace old default observer configuration for MSI sources, if inventory_source_items column is missing
- Fixed invald invokation of operation general/catalog_categor/children-count
- None
- Fixed import-product#149
- Fixed invalid observer names for validate operations
- None
- Fixed issue with delta import when SKUs of simples, that are related with grouped, are in database but will not be loaded
- None
- Fix associated_skus without qty
- Remove functionality to make given URL keys unique (we assume, that given URL keys HAVE to be provided in a unique manner)
- Fix associated_skus without qty
- Allow import of product relations in debug mode whether or not the related simple product exists
- None
- Activate URL rewrite clean-up functionality by default
- Refactor URL key handling
- Remove deprecated classes and methods
- Add techdivision/import#162
- Add #146
- Add techdivision/import-cli-simple#216
- Add techdivision/import-configuration-jms#25
- Remove unnecessary identifiers from configuration
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 15.* version as dependency
- None
- Make SQL to load product entity varchar values case sensitive
- None
- Add cache warmer for product varchar values to improve performance on CSV files with missing url_key value
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 14.* version as dependency
- Fixed invalid PHPUnit test for ProductInventoryObserver
- None
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 13.* version as dependency
- Remove unnecessary dedicated default product import configuration file for Magento 2.3.2
- Add missing alias for composite link observer
- None
- None
- Update default configuration for usage of new library specific DI identifiers
- Move library specific DI identifiers to the corresponding library, add aliases therefore
- Refactor AbstractProductSubject, add getStoreByStoreCode() + mapSkuToEntityId() methods to improve generics
- None
- Extend addSkuEntityIdMapping with a new optional entityId param
- None
- Extend clean-up-empty-columns configuration by price specifc columns
- Remove unnecessary pre-import observer from default configuration files
- None
- None
- Add new version specific configuration and Syfmony DI configuration files for Magento 2.3.2
- None
- Remove unnecessary attribute set observer from price and inventory import Symfony DI configuration
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 12.* version as dependency
- None
- Refactoring Cache Integration
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 11.* version as dependency
- Fixed issue in DI configuration leading to invalid cache configuration
- None
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 10.0.* version as dependency
- Fixed invalid persistProduct() method for replace operation
- None
- None
- Add SkuToPkMappingUtil implementation
- Add Listeners to add SKU => PK mapping to registry
- Refactor Cache Integration for PSR-6 compliance
- Fixed invalid product bundle composite observer DI configuration
- None
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 7.0.* version as dependency
- Update default configuration files with listeners
- None
- None
- Add composite observers to minimize configuration complexity
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 7.0.* version as dependency
- Make Actions and ActionInterfaces deprecated, replace DI configuration with GenericAction + GenericIdentifierAction
- None
- Update default configuration for grouped product import
- None
- Refactor default configuration, replace the import_product_link.observer.link.update with import_product_link.observer.link for update operation
- None
- Fixed issue in AbstractProductImportObserver::hasBeenProcessedRelation() + AbstractProductImportObserver::addProcessedRelation() methods
- None
- None
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 6.0.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 5.0.* version as dependency
- None
- Compatibility for Magento 2.3.x
- None
- Compatibility for Magento 2.2.x
- None
- Also allow techdivision/import ~2.0 versions as dependency
- Inject NULL instead of dummy delete action when creating ProductWebsiteAction instance
- None
- Switch to phpdocumentor v2.9.* to avoid Travis-CI build errors
- None
- None
- Move PHPUnit test from tests to tests/unit folder for integration test compatibility reasons
- None
- Add missing interfaces for actions and repositories
- Replace class type hints for ProductBunchProcessor with interfaces
- Fixed invalid order of method invocation in tearDown() method
- None
- Remove stock status create/update functionality because Magento 2 indexer takes care about that
- Replace type hints for actions in product bunch processor with interfaces
- None
- Use interfaces instead of classes to inject product attribute actions in bunch processor
- None
- Refactored DI + switch to new SqlStatementRepositories instead of SqlStatements
- None
- Add product cache warmer functionality for optimized performance
- Update category path handling in order to use store view specific slugs
- None
- None
- Remove update of processed file status, because of moving it to AbstractSubject
- Fixed exception when querying if clean-up-empty-image-columns is NOT set
- None
- None
- Make image types dynamic and extensible
- None
- Remove unnecessary configuration key from utility class CoreConfigDataKeys
- Fixed error in SQL statement preparation for stock status updates
- None
- None
- Remove unnecessary error_log statements
- Columns with empty values, related to the inventory, doesn't overwrite already existing values
- None
- Skip row instead of continue processing (in debug mode) when product with SKU can not be loaded in LastEntityIdObserver
- None
- None
- Minor refactoring
- None
- Append filename + linenumber for log message when categories that are not longer available in the CSV file
- None
- Switch log level for removing categories that are not longer available in the CSV file from notice to warning
- None
- Refactor file upload functionality
- None
- Refactor attribute import functionality
- Add configurable functionality to remove category product relations that not longer exists in the CSV file
- None
- None
- Removed invalid clear URL rewrite observer from default configuration file
- Completely remove URL rewrite handling
- None
- Move functionality to make URL unique from UrlRewriteObserver to UrlKeyObserver
- None
- Add functionality to load URL rewrites and their relations (for integration testing purposes)
- None
- None
- Fixed invalid URL rewrite creation
- None
- Fixed issue when invoking AbstractProductSubject::storeViewHasBeenProcessed($pk, $storeViewCode) method always returns false
- None
- Fixed issue with product import
operation that toggles between none and-1
.html suffix for URL rewrites
- None
- Fixed issue with missing URL rewrites for additional store views in a multi website setup
- Fixed invalid URL rewrite handling in replace operation
- None
- None
- Remove unnecessary error_log() statement
- None
- Refactoring for better URL rewrite + attribute handling
- Fixed exception when creating URL rewrites if history flag in Magento 2 configuration is set to No
- None
- Fixed invalid URL rewrite handling in multi store environments
- None
- Make available image types configurable
- Add generic configurations for product price + inventory import
- Add generic LastEntityIdObserver that loads the product by the SKU found in the CSV file and set the entity ID as lastEntityId
- None
- Allow missing products when SKU can't be pre-loaded in debug-mode, else throw an exception
- Add PHPUnit tests for PreLoadEntityIdObserver class
- None
- Add custom system logger to default configuration
- None
- Replace array with system loggers with a collection
- None
- Use EntitySubjectInterface for entity related subjects
- Remove unnecessary admin store code
- None
- None
- Add self explaining exception message for missing category attribute "url_path" when creating product URL rewrites
- None
- Refactor to optimize DI integration
- None
- Switch to new plugin + subject factory implementations
- None
- Add fallback for url paths in case categories are not indexed
- None
- Use Robo for Travis-CI build process
- Refactoring for new ConnectionInterface + SqlStatementsInterface
- None
- Remove archive directory from default configuration file
- None
- Refactoring Symfony DI integration
- Add missing loadEavAttributeOptionValueByAttributeCodeAndStoreIdAndValue() method to AbstracProductSubject + ProductBunchProcessor
- None
- None
- Update README.md
- Bugfix for invalid PK loading
- None
- Bugfix invalid URL rewrite creation if the CSV file has NO url_key specified
- None
- None
- Update default configuration file
- None
- Integrate Symfony DI functionality
- Make select, multiselect + boolean callbacks abstract
- Refactoring for DI integrations
- None
- Switch to latest callback interface and optimise error messages
- None
- Extend method getSystemLogger() with parameter name to load a specific logger
- None
- Add PreLoadEntityIdObserver to temporary store the entity IDs of deleted products
- Removed unnecessary array merging into registry in AbstractProductSubject::tearDown() method
- Move UrlRewriteRepository to techdivision/import library
- None
- None
- Use Magento configuration for product URL suffix and category path in product URLs
- None
- Set URL redirects is_autogenerated flag to 0
- None
- Fixed issue when updating URL rewrites
- Add link type handling to AbstractProductSubject
- None
- Refactoring to make existing functionality more generic
- None
- Extract URL key parsing to separate observer
- None
- Move generic UrlRewrite actions/processor to this techdivision/import library
- None
- Refactoring to optimise for new category import functionality
- None
- Refactoring for new plugin functionality
- None
- Fixed invalid mapping for tax class
- None
- Add method ProductBunchProcessor::getEavAttributeByIsUserDefined() to load the user defined attributes
- Initialize the callbacks and observers in the BunchSubject::setUp() method instead of Simple class
- Fixed invald method call to ProductAttributeObserver::getBackendType()
- None
- Fixed invald method call to ProductAttributeObserver::getBackendType()
- None
- Add missing update functionality for URL rewrite product category relations
#Version 1.0.0-alpha26
- None
- Add URL rewrite product category relations to table catalog_url_rewrite_product_category
- None
- Refactoring attribute observer to iterate over not empty columns in CSV files instead over all available attributes
- None
- Separating artefact export functionality into an interface/trait
- None
- Fixed PHPMD errors
- Add mapping for SKU => store view code to improve multilange imports
- Query whether or not a row has already been imported, independent on the previous row's position
- Ignore missing categories on category product relation in debug mode
- Add CSV filename/line number to exceptions to improve error handling/debugging
- None
- None
- Fixed PHPMD recommendations
- Refactoring artefact export to reduce number of exported files
- None
- Call parent::tearDown() method in AbstractProductSubject
- Change target-dir for artefact export in BunchSubject::exportArtefacts() method to next source dir
- None
- Refactoring to use multiple field delimiter instead of hard coded (,)
- None
- None
- Fixed not returned default value 0 for AbstractProductImportObserver::getValue()
- Fixed error that AbstractProductImportObserver::hasValue() returns TRUE for empty column
- Fixed error that AbstractProductImportObserver::getValue() returns an empty string for an empty column
- Fixed exception when empty website ID found in ProductInventoryObserver
- None
- Fixed exception when CSV file contains empty website and/or category columns
- None
- None
- Add mapping for bundle_shipment_type => shipment_type attribute
- None
- Update scope to protected for methods in ProductWebsiteObserver
- None
- Refactor + generalize observers
- None
- Add explode() callback to AbstractProductImportObserver
- Invoke callback only, if value to invoke callback on, is NOT empty
- None
- Implement add-update operation
- Refactoring URL rewrite functionality to support add-update operation
- Rename ProductCategory functionality to CategoryProduct to follow Magento 2 naming
- None
- Switch to new create/delete naming convention
- Add basic product update functionality for add-update operation
- Fixed some Scrutinizer CI mess detection errors
- Add methods to handle store view code to AbstractProductImportObserver
- Add AbstractProductSubject for product import specific subject implementations
- Add ProductProcessorInterface and rename ProductProcessor => ProductBunchProcessor/Interface
- Fixed invalid handling on empty product website + category relations
- Add Robo.li composer dependeny + task configuration
- None
- Implement Operation functionality
- None
- Implement Clean-Up for products and relations
- None
- Implement Replace import mode für URL rewrites
- Refactoring to allow multiple prepared statements per CRUD processor instance
- None
- Let AbstractProductImportCallback extend AbstractCallback + Typo fixes
- None
- Refactoring + Documentation to prepare for Github release