- Update dependencies
- Add PHP ">=8.1" support
- Remove PHP 7.3 support
- Fix code styles
- Skip artefact generation for empty images
- Start fix php8.2 deprecated warnings
- None
- Refactoring deprecated classes. see https://github.com/techdivision/import-cli-simple/blob/master/UPGRADE-4.0.0.md
- Remove stack trace of exception for missing media directories > log a simple debug message instead
- PAC-96: Use new constands for FileUploadConfiguration
- FIX: Clean up gallery images on multi store import
- Prepare optimze performance cache
- PAC-294: Integration strict mode
- PAC-541: Update composer with php Version ">=^7.3"
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 24.* version as dependency
- None
- Add #PAC-72: Extend dedicated CLI command to delete existing videos (professional + enterprise edition)
- Add #PAC-75: Extend dedicated CLI command to replace existing videos (professional + enterprise edition)
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 23.* version as dependency
- Add #PAC-102: Dedicated CLI command to import videos (professional + enterpries edition)
- None
- Add #PAC-47
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 22.* version as dependency
- None
- Add #PAC-73
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 21.* version as dependency
- None
- Add dynamic attribute loader functionality for #PAC-34
- None
- Configure insert and update statement bindings to be dynamic
- None
- Add #PAC-34
- Extract dev autoloading
- None
- Remove deprecated classes and methods
- Add techdivision/import-cli-simple#216
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 19.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 18.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 17.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 16.* version as dependency
- None
- Extract media subject functionality to a trait to allow usage in EE library also
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 15.* version as dependency
- Move library specific DI identifiers from techdivision/import-product to thhis library
- Remove MediaSubject::mapSkuToEntityId() + MediaSubject::getStoreByStoreCode() methods because they have been moved to AbstractProductSubject
- None
- Added #35
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 13.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 12.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 11.0.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 10.0.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 9.0.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 8.0.* version as dependency
- Make Actions and ActionInterfaces deprecated, replace DI configuration with GenericAction + GenericIdentifierAction
- None
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 6.0.* version as dependency
- Fixed issue that image labels from CSV file will not be used to update database
- None
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import-product 5.0.* version as dependency
- None
- Switch to latest techdivision/import 5.0.* version as dependency
- None
- Compatibility for Magento 2.3.x
- None
- Compatibility for Magento 2.2.x
- None
- Move PHPUnit test from tests to tests/unit folder for integration test compatibility reasons
- None
- Add missing interfaces for actions and repositories
- Replace class type hints for ProductMediaProcessor with interfaces
- None
- Configure DI to pass event emitter to subjects constructor
- None
- Refactored DI + switch to new SqlStatementRepositories instead of SqlStatements
- None
- Switch log level from debug to warning when images are removed from media gallery
- Append filename + linenumber for log message when a image will be remove from the media gallery
- None
- Refactor check if the flag to clean-up the media gallery has been set
- None
- Make functionality to clean-up media gallery when images has been removed configurable
- None
- Add functionality to clean-up media gallery when images has been removed
- Remove observer with file upload functionality (now in techdivision/import-product) library
- None
- Make image types configurable
- None
- Refactor filesystem handling
- None
- Refactor to optimize DI integration
- None
- Switch to new plugin + subject factory implementations
- None
- Use Robo for Travis-CI build process
- Refactoring for new ConnectionInterface + SqlStatementsInterface
- None
- Dynamically load media image EAV attribute instead of using hardcoded ID
- None
- Integrate Symfony DI functionality
- Remove FilesytemTrait use statement from MediaSubject to avoid PHP 5.6 PHPUnit error
- None
- Remove FilesytemTrait use statement from FileUploadTrait to avoid PHP 5.6 PHPUnit error
- None
- None
- Refactoring for DI integration
- None
- Optimise error messages
- None
- Switch to AbstractFileUploadObserver class to make component more generic
- Fixed invald access on not configured params
- None
- None
- Initialize media-directory and images-file-directory only if set to avoid unnecessary exceptions
- None
- Make file upload functionality configurable
- Fixed concatenation of image filenames to also support relative paths
- None
- None
- ConfigurationKeys now extends from techdivision/import ConfigurationKeys
- None
- Implement add/update operation
- None
- Switch to new create/delete naming convention
- None
- MediaSubject now extends AbstractProductSubject
- Add Robo.li composer dependeny + task configuration
- ProductMediaProcessorInterface now extends ProductProcessorInterface
- None
- Fixed typos + move FileUploadObserver to Observers directory
- None
- Refactoring to allow multiple prepared statements per CRUD processor instance
- None
- Refactoring + Documentation to prepare for Github release