Archived For up to date changelogs that are automatically generated by changesets, see files in respective workspaces. For example, the
changelog is located at packages/graphiql/, and the language server changelog is located at packages/graphql-language-service-server/
- Fix SSR & use of window when introducing new
capability (#942)
- Add defaultVariableEditorOpen prop (#744) - @acao
- Fix formatting of subscription errors - #636, #722 - @benjie
- preserve ctrl-f key for macOS - #759 - @pd4d10
- Fix earlier 'Mode graphql failed to advance stream' on Linux by eating an exotic whitespace character - #735 closed by #932 - @benjie
- Fix: check
in QueryEditor
- BREAKING: Update to gls-interface and gls-parser ^2.1
- BREAKING: Deprecate support for GraphQL 0.11 and below
- BREAKING: introduce MIT license
- BREAKING: Support GraphQL 14
- Replace babylon with @babel/parser (#879) @ganemone
- Add support for gql template tags (#883) @ganemone @Neitsch
- BREAKING: remove incompatible dependencies on graphql 0.11 and below
- BREAKING: add peer support for graphql 14.x
- BREAKING: change copyright to MIT
- update formatting for monorepo eslint/prettier rules
- update readme, badges
- Fix 'mode graphql failed to advance stream' error from shift-alt-space, etc - #932 - @benjie
- add __typename field suggestion against object type - (#903) @yoshiakis
- Update sortText logic, so that field sort is schema driven rather than alphabetically sorted - (#884) @ganenome
- BREAKING: add peer support for graphql 14.x
- add test case for language service hover - @divyenduz @AGS-
- BREAKING: add peer support for graphql 14.x
- BREAKING: remove incompatible dependencies on graphql 0.11 and below (b/c of gls-utils 2.x)
- BREAKING: change copyright to MIT
- update formatting for monorepo eslint/prettier rules
- update readme, badges
- BREAKING: change copyright to MIT
- BREAKING: add peer support for graphql 14.x
- update formatting for monorepo eslint/prettier rules
- update readme, badges
- Hint/popup/etc DOM nodes use container rather than creating children of - #791 - @codestryke
- Add readOnly prop and pass to
- #718 - @TheSharpieOne - Add operationName to introspection query - #664 - @jbblanchet
- Image Preview Functionality - #789 - @dunnbobcat @asiandrummer
- Destroy image hover tooltip when it isn't needed - #874 - @acao
- Copy non-formatted query to avoid stripping out comments - #832 - @jaebradley
- Normalizes no-break spaces - #781 - @zouxuoz
- Prevents crashing on Shift-Alt-Space - #781 - @zouxuoz
- Fix UI state change after favoriting a query - #747 - @benjie
- BREAKING: Upgrade to
0.8.3 - #773 - @jonaskello - BREAKING: Change copyright to GraphQL Contributors, License to MIT
- Netlify deployments per PR - @orta
- Add unit test coverage
- Switch to Jest
You will now be importing async methods from gls-interface 2.0.0, thus your bundler will require regenerator runtime
- BREAKING - Use GLS interface/parser 2.1.0 for graphql 14
- BREAKING - This introduces async/await
- BREAKING: upgrade internal dependencies - gls-parser, gls-types, and gls-utils to 2.0.0 - @lostplan
- BREAKING: remove incompatible dependencies on graphql 0.11 and below - @lostplan
- BREAKING: deprecate support for graphql-js 0.11.x and below - @lostplan graphql/graphql-language-service#256 new ref because of this change
- BREAKING: GraphQL 14.x support, peer dependency resolutions - #244 - @AGS-
- add graphql-js 0.13 to peer deps of types package (graphql/graphql-language-service#241)
- add graphql-js 0.13 to peer dependencies (graphql/graphql-language-service#241)
- BREAKING: ugrade internal dependencies - gls-interface, gls-server and gls-utils to 2.0.0 @lostplan
- BREAKING: ugrade internal dependencies - gls-interface, gls-server and gls-utils to 2.0.0 @Sol